Uploaded by Liam McGauley

Criminal Justice Review & Critical Thinking Questions

Review Questions
1. Why is the notion of ethics particularly important in the criminal justice system?
The notion of ethics particularly important in the criminal justice system because
the decisions made by the system can have long lasting effects and if they are
not regulated it can cause problems.
2. Why did state and federal governments begin contracting private corporations to
build and run prisons? The state and federal governments began contracting
private corporations to build and run prisons because the cost of running prisons
is extremely high. This was an attempt to cut back on government spending.
3. Describe the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.
Reasonable suspicion is seen as more than a guess or hunch but less than
probable cause. Probable cause is the logical belief, supported by facts and
circumstances, that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed.
4. What are the arguments against mandatory minimum sentencing laws? Name
two. Mandatory minimum sentencing cost the taxpayers lots of money and they
do not achieve their goal of making the streets safer.
5. Explain the low standard of proof required for a stop and frisk procedure. For a
stop and frisk procedure a reasonable police officer must have suspicion of a
person. This was a problem in New York because the police officers were
accused of racial profiling because of the low standards of evidence required to
stop and frisk.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Do you think solitary confinement is ethical? If not, explain what makes the
practice unethical. If so, explain the circumstances in which you believe solitary
confinement should be used. I believe that it is ethical in high security prisons. If
a person is a threat to other prisoners or staff of the facility he or she should not
be aloud to interact with people.
2. Do you think it is possible to run a private prison ethically? Why or why not? No i
do not believe that you can run a privatised prison ethically because of the
overhead. Running a prison very expensive and i think that they would cut
corner to save money and increase profits.
3. Is it ethical for law enforcement officers to lie to suspects during a confession?
Yes, if a police officer has to fabricate a story to make a guilty suspect to
confess he or she should be aloud to do so.
4. Is the death penalty ever an ethical form of punishment? The death penalty is an
ethical form of punishment for severe crimes.
5. Do you think it’s reasonable to hold law enforcement officers to a higher
standard of behavior? Yes, they are the face of the state and federal
government and should be as professional as possible.