NANOSENSORS PRESENTED BY:- SAKSHI DAVE PRK18BT3010 PRESENTED TODR.T. JESSE JOEL WHAT ARE SENSORS?? • A sensor is a transducer that converts a measurement (a quantity or parameter) into a signal that carries information. • Nanosensors are tiny Sensors in the size of a few nanometers 10 TO 100 nanometer. • They can detect the presence of nanomaterial or molecules in that size and even smaller. HISTORY OF NANOSENSORS • In 1990 Dr. Wolter founded his own company called NANOPROBE. After further path breaking developments NANOPROBE became the first company worldwide to satisfy the emerging need for high quality AFM sensors. • 1995 "Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle Award", innovation award of the German State of Baden-Wurttemberg (one of the high-tech centres in Germany) for exemplary achievements • 1995 Innovation prize awarded by the Germany Industry • 1999 "Georg Waeber innovation prize" awarded by the society for the promotion of microelectronics • October 2002 NANOSENSORS integrated into the Swiss-based NanoWorld AG. • 2003 NANOSENSORS™ introduces the AdvancedTEC™, a revolutionary new AFM probe type that allows precise positioning • 2007 NANOSENSORS™ launches new Silicon MFM Probe Serie NanoSensor s Optical Nanosensor s Proximity Nanosensor s Ambient Light Nanosensor s Biological Nanosensor s Chemical Nanosensor s Antibody/A ntigen Interaction Chemical Compositio n DNA Interaction Molecular Concentrati on Enzymatic Interaction Physical Nanosensor Pressure Force Mass Displaceme nt BIONANOSENSORS WORKING OF BIOSENSOR • A biosensor is a measurement system for the detection of an analyte that combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector and a nanobiosensor is a biosensor that measures the signal on the nanoscale size. • The interaction of the analyte with the bioreceptor is designed to produce an effect measured by the transducer, which converts the information into a measurable effect, such as an electrical / electronic signal. (e) (d) (a) (b (c) ( f) APPLICATIONS OF NANOBIOSENSORS • Medicinal uses of nanosensors mainly revolve around the potential of nanosensors to accurately identify particular cells or places in the body in need. By measuring changes in volume, concentration, displacement, velocity, gravitational, electrical and magnetic forces, pressure or temperature of cells in a body, nanosensors may be able to distinguish between and recognize certain cells, most notably those of cancer, at the molecular level in order to deliver medicine or monitor development to specific places in the body. In addition, they may be able to detect macroscopic variations from outside the body and communicate these changes to other nanoproducts working within the body. APPLICATIONS OF NANOSENSORS bGLI APPLICATIONS • To detect various chemicals in gases for pollution monitoring • For medical diagnostic purposes either as bloodborne sensors or in lab-on-achip type devices • To monitor physical parameters such as temperature, displacement and flow • To monitor plant signaling and metabolism to understand plant biology • To study neurotransmitters in brain for understanding neurophysiology. Nanowire Nanosensor Future Nanosensors 15 Applications of Nanosensors Porous silicon gas sensor. Novel Gas Sensors Based on Porous Silicon Offer Potential for LowVoltage, Low-Cost Sensor Arrays Integrated with Electronics Developed by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology 16 Conclusions Existing nanosensors have realistic applications Current envisioned nanosensors are still based on macrosensing techniques that are enhanced or miniaturized Enabling nanotechnology and future nanosensors will be possible with the development of nanoelectronics, and integratable nanodevices Nanosensors will ultimately have an enormous impact on our ability to enhance energy conversion, control pollution, produce food, and improve human health and longevity. 17 Read the sensor • Consumers increasingly need to know what ingredients or components are in the product and how the product should be stored, used, and discarded after use. Smart tags and stickers, for example, will be able to communicate directly with the customer via thin film devices that provide visual information. Many companies have deployed IP solutions on the market. • RipeSense is the first intelligent sensor label that changes color to indicate the ripeness of the fruit. It works through the reaction of the aromas released by the fruit as it ripens; initially it is red and then graduates to orange and finally yellow, depending on the selection of the desired level of maturity when it comes to eating the fruit. Nanosensors to detect humidity or temperature changes due to moisture ; sensor for detecting Escherichia coli in a food sample; biosensor for instantly detecting Salmonella in foods. The IP incorporating nanosen- sors will have great benefits for the food industry. These NM in the form of tiny chips invisible to the human eye are embedded in food or in containers, for use as electronic bar code, which allows for the monitoring of food in all its phases (production, processing, distribution, and consump- tion). Table 1 e Current status of nanotechnolog y-enabled food products. Sector Application Nanomaterials Food processing Color additives Manufacturer TiO2 Exempt from certification Exempt from certification Synthetic iron oxide Additive or polymer production aid Food contact packaging ZnO Iron oxide Aluminium oxide Silicon dioxide Cobalt oxide Manganese oxide (E530) Titanium nitride Authorized by EC 10/ 2011 Carbon black Authorized by EC 10/ 2011; no longer authorized by the U.S. FDA as additives FCS Inventory a Preservatives Silver-silica Flavor carrier Silicon dioxide (E551d) Marking fruit and vegetables Anticaking agents Nutritional dietary supplement Silicon dioxide (E551) Pesticides detection Pathogens detection Toxins detection Edible film/coating Current status Silicon dioxide (E551) Copper oxide Iron oxide ZnO Zinc Oxide QDs Magnetic nanosensors Plasmonic nanosensors Fluorescent nanosensors Fluorescent nanosensors Plasmonic nanosensors Phosphorescent QDs Chitosan/Nano-Silica Coating Poly-ε-caprolactone Nanoemulsion/Quinoa Protein/ Chitosan Bio-nano-hybrid pectins and LDHsalicylate Nanoemulsion with lemongrass essential oil Nanox Intelligent Materials Authorized by EC 1334/2008 Exempt from certification REGb Note <1% by weight of the food [41] <0.25% (for dogs and cats) and 0.1 (for human) % by weight of the finished food Authorization based on conventional particle size [41,42] [43] No migration reported. Only to be used in PET bottles up to 20 mg/kg <2.5% w/w in the polymer FCN No. 1235. <4 ppm by weight of silver as an antimicrobial agent blended into polymers <10,000 mg/kg, excluding foods for infants and young children <2% of the ink solids [44] <2% by weight of the food Approved for animal feed [46] [47] GRASc R&D R&D R&D Tested on Longan fruit Tested on fresh-cut “Red Delicious” apples Tested on fresh strawberries R&D Reference [45] [41] [33] [34,35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [48] [49] [32] Tested on fresh apricots [30] Tested on fresh-cut Fuji apples [31] • References:- 1. Guillermo Fuertes et. al; Intellligent Packaging System: Sensors and Nanosensors To Monitor Food Quality And Safety; Hindawi Publishing Corporation; Journal Of Sensors; Volume 2016 2. Xiaojia He et al; The Current Application Of Nanotechnology In Food And Agriculture; Sciencedirect; Journal Of Food And Drug Analysis; 3rd December 2018 url:-