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Library Research & Citations Worksheet

Library Research and Citations Assignment
Informative Speech #2 Topic
Class Time
1. Watch the Library Introductory Public Speaking Fundamentals Research Guide Video.
Begin by signing into the library home page. Then you will be ready to use this assignment to help you find
sources for your speech topic(s). Some resources give the full text; others will provide information to find a
source in the library. All of these resources can be accessed from Canvas.
2. Watch the “Book Search” Video to find books in the library.
Complete a search for a book based on your speech topic.
• Title: _
• Author:
• Call Number:
_ Copyright/Published Year:
Status—Available (yes or no)? _
• Location: _
3. Watch the “Academic Search Complete” Video to find a journal or magazine article.
Complete a search based on your speech topic.
• Write your search term:
• Click on the PDF to download the article and/or email the article to yourself.. Then attach it to this
assignment. (Note: You may have to click the yellow “get item” button and link to another database to
download the article. If you are unable to get the full text you might have to pick another source.)
• Title of Article: _
4. Watch the “Newpsper Source Plus” Video to find newspaper articles.
Complete a search based on your speech topic.
• Write your search term:
• Source: _
• Headline:
Date: _
• Select a relevant article, e-mail it to yourself, and attach it to this assignment.
5. Watch the “CREDO Reference” Video to find Quotations & Encyclopedia Facts.
Complete a search based on your speech topic.
• Write your Quotation search term:
• Search for a relevant quotation about your topic. Write your Quotation & Author/Speaker:
• Write your Encyclopedia Facts search term:
• Search for a relevant fact about your topic. Write your Fact & Author/Speaker:
6. Watch the “Opposing ViewPoints” Video to find a topic and argument for a persusive speech.
• Write your topic and position here: _
• Write sources for the pro and con positions for your topic that will help you plan your speech:
7. Prepare your Source Citations.
Read Public Speaking Workbook p. 66-67 to understand the requirements for citing sources.
Using the sheet on the next page, please write out your citation paragraph for each source found in this
worksheet AND the APA citation for each source. You may not use all of these specific sources in your
speech, but you may if you found relevant information.
For additional help formatting your citations in APA style try:
Library Assignment Source Citations
Source #1(Book)
Citation Paragraph:
APA Citation:
Source #2 (Newspaper Article)
Citation Paragraph:
APA Citation:
Source #3 (Journal/Magazine Article)
Citation Paragraph:
APA Citation:
Source #4 (Quotation)
Citation Paragraph:
APA Citation:
Source #5 (Encyclopedia)
Citation Paragraph:
APA Citation: