Uploaded by Brittainy Joins

Transverse Waves Worksheet: Properties & Activity

Transverse Waves: Investigation 1, Part 2, Session 2
Name: ________________ Cohort: _______ 1/10/2019
Do Now
Describe two differences
you see between
longitudinal and
transverse waves.
Learning Target: I can use a wave model to represent the basic properties of transverse
waves by using a wave mode.
Focus Question: What defines a wave?
Launch Video: Longitudinal vs. Transverse Waves
Name one difference between longitudinal and transverse waves:
Transverse wave definition:
A wave in which the motion of the wave is perpendicular to the movement of the wave.
Making a Transverse Wave
Spring with tape “flag”
Anchor - holds one end of the spring in one spot on the table.
Wave-maker - holds the other end of the spring and pushes the spring to make waves.
Flagger(s) - stands on either side of the spring and observes waves.
● The spring is a delicate piece of science lab equipment that you, as
scientists, are entrusted with.
● Keep the spring entirely in contact with the table at all times.
● If a spring becomes tangled, you should call Mrs. Joins over for assistance.
1. Anchor holds one end of the spring on one of the table markings, and wavemaker
holds the other end of the spring and stretches it to the other table marking.
2. Wavemaker creates ONE wave using a side-to-side motion that is exactly
perpendicular to the spring direction.
3. Flagger(s) observe how the wave travels to the anchor and returns.
4. All students record observations on next page.
Transverse Wave Observations
Draw a diagram of your wave.
Include the labels: node, crest, trough.
☆Key Takeaway ☆
Match the pairs!
A low point of a wave.
A length of one wave.
The height of the peaks above the resting line in a wave.
A point where a wave crosses its resting line.
A high point of a wave.
Exit Ticket
Name: ________________ Cohort: _______ 10.14.19
1. Does a transverse wave move in the direction of the spring or perpendicular to the
a. In the direction of the spring.
b. Perpendicular to the spring.
Node: A point where a wave crosses its resting line.
Crest: A high point of a wave.
Trough: A low point of a wave.