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Catapult/Trebuchet Project: Math & Science Assessment

The Mathematics and Science Behind Catapult/Trebuchet Launching
MYP 4 & 5 Interdisciplinary Unit Assessment
This assessment will be an interdisciplinary unit between mathematics and
science and therefore, you will need to use skills from both subjects to achieve
the most in your investigation.
Introduction: Trebuchets and catapults were critical weapons of war in history
– from launching boulders to crush castle walls, to launching dead, diseased
animals (one of the first methods of biological warfare) or bombs and grenades.
While many might attribute these two weapons to medieval warfare, few are
aware of their significance in war tactics in trench warfare during World War I.
Goal/Objectives: Imagine that you are you are in charge of building a working
trebuchet or catapult that you can use to hit a specific target that is hidden
behind a wall. Your role of the development of the weapon is very important in
defending your country or castle and so accuracy is critical.
Task: Create a catapult and design an scientific and mathematic investigation in
which you will be able to recognize patterns in launching behavior. You will then
analyze data collected, and derive rules from your catapult so that you can make
accurate predictions when aiming for a specific target.
In order to complete this investigation you will have to consider which factors
affect the range of your projectile (horizontal and vertical distances).
Pumpkin Chunkin Using a Trebuchet www.gbtribune.com
Medieval Catapult Model
WWI Trench Catapult
The Mathematics and Science Behind Catapult/Trebuchet Launching
MYP 4 & 5 Interdisciplinary Unit Assessment
Phase 1
- Consider the context, objectives and
research devices
B (i)
B (i), D (i, ii)
B (ii, iii, iv)
B (i, ii), D (i,ii, iii)
C (i)
B (i, ii) , D (i, ii, iii)
C (ii, iii, iv, v)
C, D (all)
- Construct device
Phase 2
- Test structural integrity and safety of
- Make predictions with respect to
- Design experiments to test given
Phase 3
- Carry out experiments (including
preliminary tests)
- Critically evaluate method and
implement improvements
- Collect and record data. Describe the
patterns found as general rules and
verify and justify them.
Phase 4
- Write reports to interpret data, explain
results and evaluate your findings
The Mathematics and Science Behind Catapult/Trebuchet Launching
MYP 4 & 5 Interdisciplinary Unit Assessment
Mathematics-Specific Information:
Task: Mathematically investigate patterns in the relationships mentioned above.
In warfare, you won’t be able to guess and you will need a mathematical
understanding of your weapon’s behavior so that you will be able to hit your
target from a later-specified distance and later-specified obstacle hiding the
Assessment Setting: This assessment is considered for Mathematics as a RealLife Investigative Task in which you can collaborate with each other to collect
data when launching your catapult or trebuchet. However, any shared data must
be acknowledged in the assessment and you will need to produce your own work
and draw your own conclusions using the collaborative data. Most work will be
done in class and some homework time will be dedicated to the assessment.
Achievment Level
Level Descriptor
The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors given
The student is able to:
i. apply, with teacher support,
mathematical problem-solving
to discover simple patterns
ii. state predictions consistent with
The student is able to:
i. apply mathematical problem-solving
techniques to discover simple
ii. suggest general rules consistent with
The student is able to:
i. select and apply mathematical
problem-solving techniques to discover
complex patterns
ii. describe patterns as general rules
consistent with findings
iii. verify the validity of these general
The student is able to:
i. select and apply mathematical
problem-solving techniques to discover
complex patterns
ii. describe patterns as general rules
consistent with correct findings
iii. prove, or verify and justify, these
general rules.
The Mathematics and Science Behind Catapult/Trebuchet Launching
MYP 4 & 5 Interdisciplinary Unit Assessment
Math Report: After your investigation, you will be given a target in which you
will need to hit with an object launched by your catapult/trebuchet. From the
information you have learned in your investigation you will create a math report
that includes features of the data you collected and the rule derived (Criteria B).
You will need to solve the target scenario prior to launching, and a discussion of
the launched result. Be sure to discuss the mathematics involved in an organized
manner. Review Criteria C and D together to ensure that you have included all
relevant information in your report. Remember the following when justifying
the degree of accuracy, as described by the MYP Mathematics Guide (2011), “The
degree of accuracy of results is directly dependent on the context of the problem. In
real-life contexts, there are certain automatic constraints. For example, there are
conventions relating to currencies, the size of a human being, etc.”
Teacher Assistance: The teacher will facilitate possible materials to use and lab
supplies. Students are encouraged to make use of their TI-84. Other
technological opportunities such as computer apps (Vernier Video Physics) and
data processing programs are also encouraged but not obligatory.
In science, you will be assessed