Plate Tectonics Webquest: Earth Science Activity

Oceans 11
Plate Tectonics Webquest
The following assignment will allow you to explore plate tectonics, an integral part of the ocean floor. As
you explore the website, be sure to answer the questions below and submit your assignment on the due
date. Please make sure that all of your answers are clearly written.
Part 1: Earth’s Structure (5)
1. What is the difference between the Earth’s Crust under the continents vs. under the oceans? (2)
2. What is the purpose of the lithosphere? (1)
3. Where is the asthenosphere located? What is it made of? (2)
Part 2: Plate Tectonics (6)
1. What are three similarities Alfred Wegener notice between Africa and South America? (3)
2. What did Alfred Wegener name the original landmass on Earth? (1)
3. In your own words, explain Plate Tectonic Theory. (2)
Part 3: Plates and Boundaries (9)
1. Name, describe, and give an example of each type of plate boundary found on Earth. (9)
Part 4: Slip, Slide, and Collide (12)
1. Where do most major geological events occur? (1)
2. Explain what happens when an oceanic plate and a continental plate collides. Be sure to use the
terms subduction zone, trench, magma, and volcanoes. (2)
3. Explain what happens when two oceanic plates collide. Be sure to use the term subduction and
island arcs. (2)
4. Explain what happens when two continental plates collide. Be sure to use the term mountains. (1)
5. Explain what happens and what is formed when two plates diverge in the middle of the ocean. (2)
6. Explain what happens when two continental plates diverge. Be sure to use the term rift. (2)
7. What is a fault? Explain the relationship between a fault and an earthquake. (2)