Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Thermal Engineering journal homepage: Research Paper Design and optical analysis of the band-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator Gang Wang a,⇑, Zeshao Chen b, Peng Hu b, Xiaofang Cheng b a b School of Energy and Power Engineering, Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, Jilin 132012, China University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China h i g h l i g h t s A new kind of band-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator was proposed. The design principle of band-focus Fresnel lens concentrator was given. Optical analysis of this Fresnel lens concentrator showed a good concentrating uniformity. a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 November 2015 Revised 5 April 2016 Accepted 8 April 2016 Available online 8 April 2016 Keywords: Solar energy Fresnel lens Band-focus CPV Renewable energy a b s t r a c t Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energies and meaningful for the sustainable development of energy source. In this paper, a new kind of band-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator was proposed. The design principle of this solar concentrator was given and the spectral concentrating performance was simulated by the means of Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Method (MCRT), which was compared with the linear Fresnel lens. The results show that both the spectral concentrating uniformity and optical efficiency of the band-focus Fresnel lens were better than those of the linear one. Meanwhile several characteristic parameters of the band-focus Fresnel lens concentrator were analyzed under different conditions and it can be drawn from the results that a high-ratio band-focus Fresnel lens concentrator could increase the optical efficiency of a concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system. Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energies and meaningful for the sustainable development of energy source. As the solar radiation energy flux density is low on the surface of the earth, the spectral concentrating can be used in the solar energy photovoltaic utilization process to reduce costs. Fresnel lens is a common kind of spectral concentrator, which is used not only in PV systems [1–3] but also in solar thermal systems [4–6]. Traditional Fresnel lenses make lights focus to a point or a line with wedges which are distributed on a plane or a curved surface [7,8]. When they are used in PV systems, the energy flux densities on solar cells are very non-uniform and that reduces the efficiency of solar modules [9,10]. For this problem, Ryu et al. improved the point-focus Fresnel lens and made rays through the new lens focus to a square which had the same size as a solar cell [11]. That improves the spectral ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (G. Wang). 1359-4311/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. uniformity, but because of the design limitations, this new lens must face the incident rays strictly when it is used in PV systems. Otherwise, even a very small deviation could make the concentrating light deviate from solar cells and decrease the total efficiency greatly. So a precise two-axis sun-tracker is necessary for this kind of Fresnel lens. This paper proposes a new kind of Fresnel lens concentrator, based on the linear Fresnel lens, which could focus incident rays to a uniform solar flux band. The optical simulation and analysis of the band-focus Fresnel lens were carried out by the means of Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Method, aiming at the investigation of the spectral concentrating performance of this new concentrator. 2. Concentrator design In order to make incident rays focus to a band which is presented in Figs. 1 and 2, the design principle was given as follows: (1) The horizontal length of the Fresnel lens d was set to be odd times of the width of a solar cell w, and the ratio N was equal to d/w. The horizontal length was divided to N units. (2) In these N 696 G. Wang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 where sj and lj were the energy flux transmission efficiency and tooth width of Wedge j, respectively. The ideal optical efficiency of the lens was expressed as following: g ¼ s1 s2 ð4Þ The optical efficiency of lens under the condition which the rays were not normal incident was analyzed later in this paper. 3. Method and calculation model Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Method (MCRT) was employed for the spectral concentrating simulation of the band-focus solar concentrator. It was a statistical method of tracking the random process of a large number of beams. The calculation process of MCRT was: Assuming that solar radiation energy was carried by a lot of beams evenly, every beam would experience many optical processes including reflection, refraction, absorption and scattering. Whether these optical processes occurred or not were controlled by random numbers. By tracking the propagation processes of these beams, the energy flux density distribution on the radiation absorbing surface could be obtained [13]. Assuming that incident rays distributed evenly on the incident plane of the band-focus Fresnel lens and this plane was considered as the emitting surface of sampling beams, the probability model of the emitting point (x0, y0, z0) was: Fig. 1. Spectral concentration effect of band-focus Fresnel lens. 8 > < x0 ¼ xL RX xL =2 y0 ¼ f > : z0 ¼ zL RZ Fig. 2. Design of the horizontal orientation of band-focus Fresnel lens. units, the center one was made as a plane without wedges. Other units all have the same number of wedges and the angles u of every wedge which were in the same unit should be the same. If the index of refraction of the lens material was n, the angle u of a wedge could be calculated as following: sin c u ¼ arctan n cos c ð1Þ where c was the light deviation angle of this wedge, which can be seen in Fig. 2. When the wedge angles of the Fresnel lens were given, the overall size of the lens would be obtained according to the size of solar cells and the focal length f. In this paper, the size of solar cells was assumed to be 25 mm 125 mm, f would be changed according to different conditions. The ideal optical efficiency was an important characteristics parameter of the band-focus Fresnel lens. When the light was normal incident, the energy flux transmission efficiency should be [12]: s1 ¼ 4n ð2Þ ðn þ 1Þ2 As shown in Eq. (2), the energy flux transmission efficiency was only related to the index of refraction of lens material when the light was normal incident. The energy flux transmission efficiency of the light output surface of the band-focus Fresnel lens was equal to the weighted average of the energy flux transmission efficiencies of all wedges and the center plane [12]: s2 ¼ M X sj lj þ ws1 1 !, d ð3Þ ð5Þ where RX ; RZ 2 ð0; 1Þ were the random numbers of x axis and y axis respectively, and xL, zL and f were the x axis length, y axis length and focal length of the band-focus Fresnel lens respectively. The nonparallel angle of solar radiation was 320 , so the incident rays was considered as a light cone with ha = 160 . In this cone, the solar energy distribution followed the Lambert law which was that the directional radiation intensities were the same. So we could obtain the zenith angle and circumferential angle perpendicular to the incident light direction as follows [14]: h ¼ arcsin qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Rh sinðh2a Þ u ¼ 2pRu ð6Þ ð7Þ where Rh ; Ru 2 ð0; 1Þ were the random numbers of cone angle and circumference along the emitting direction. The direction vector of the normal incident light P was: P ¼ ðsin h sin u; cos h; sin h cos uÞ ð8Þ and the direction vector of the refraction light A was: A ¼ P þ CN ð9Þ where N was the normal direction vector on the incident point of the refraction surface, and C was a constant. If the incident angle was a, the refraction angle was b, C would be: C ¼ n cos b cos a ð10Þ When the rays were not normal incident, the direction vector P⁄ could be obtained by using a transformation matrix U: P ¼ UP ð11Þ where transformation matrix was: 2 u11 6 U ¼ 4 u21 u31 u12 u13 3 u22 7 u23 5 u32 u33 ð12Þ 697 G. Wang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 8 u11 > > > > > u12 > > > > > u13 > > > > > > < u21 u22 > > > > u23 > > > > > u31 > > > > > u32 > > : u33 ¼ cos hy cos hz ¼ sin hx sin hy cos hy þ cos hx sin hz focus Fresnel lens were both better than those of the linear one under the same condition. ¼ sin hx sin hz cos hx sin hy cos hz 4.2. Research on the relationship of CR, CR0 , f and g ¼ cos hy sin hz ¼ cos hx cos hz sin hx sin hy sin hz ð13Þ ¼ cos hx sin hy sin hz þ sin hx cos hz ¼ sin hy ¼ sin hx cos hy ¼ cos hx cos hy hx, hy and hz were the three angles between the incident light and three axes, respectively. By this way, incident rays, refraction rays and output rays could be all ascertained, and the energy flux density distribution on the absorbing surface could be also calculated. 4. Spectral concentrating simulation and analysis 4.1. Concentrating performance simulation It is assumed that the base thickness of the band-focus Fresnel lens was 2 mm, the horizontal length of the lens d was 225 mm, the vertical length was 125 mm, the tooth width of every wedge was 1 mm, f was 100 mm, theoretical spectral concentrating ratio CR was 9, the lens material was PMMA, n was 1.4935; Meanwhile, a linear Fresnel lens model, which had the same material and parameters except the wedge angles, was established to compare with the band-focus lens. The energy flux density of incident rays was assumed to be 1000 W/m2 and the number of the incident rays was 106. The width and length of the receiving surface were 25 mm and 125 mm, which was the same as the size of solar cells. The absorbility of the incident surface was assumed to be 100%. The light density distribution performance contrast of the two kinds of Fresnel lenses is presented in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) is the concentrating performance of the linear Fresnel lens and Fig. 3(b) is the one of the band-focus lens. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that both the vertical light flux density distributions of the two lenses were uniform, but the horizontal light flux density distribution of the band-focus lens was much more uniform than the linear one. The horizontal light flux density distribution contrast of the two lenses is presented in Fig. 4, in which red1 dotted lines represent the linear Fresnel lens and black solid lines represent the band-focus one. The natural logarithm of horizontal light flux density distributions on the receiving surface under different focal lengths and light deviation angles is presented in Fig. 5. It can be seen that different spectral concentrating ratios for the same light deviation angle c had close spectral concentrating uniformities. When f was fixed, the uniformity under a small CR was better than the one under a big CR. Therefore, the band-focus Fresnel lens concentrator could obtain a better spectral concentrating uniformity by increasing the focal length and spectral concentrating ratio properly. In this paper, when the focal length was 100 mm, the actual concentrating parameters of the linear and band-focus Fresnel lens under different theoretical spectral concentrating ratios were calculated, and the results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Here, Imax, Imin and Ia were the maximal, minimal and average light flux density on the receiving surface respectively, CR0 was the actual spectral concentrating ratio, and g0 was the actual optical efficiency. Results in Tables 1 and 2 show that with CR increasing, g0 decreased. And the optical efficiency and uniformity of the band1 For interpretation of color in Fig. 4, the reader is referred to the web version of this article. For band-focus Fresnel lens with different focal lengths, the relationships of theoretical spectral concentrating ratios, actual spectral concentrating ratios and ideal optical efficiencies were calculated, and results are presented in Figs. 6 and 7. As shown in Fig. 6, the maximal theoretical spectral concentrating ratio increased with the focal length increasing. Thus a highratio Fresnel lens should have a big focal length. According to Fig. 7, when f was fixed, g decreased as the spectral concentrating ratio increased. And the decreasing rate decreased if f was increased. So it can be drawn from Fig. 7 that a high-ratio Fresnel lens could make better use of solar energy and increase the optical efficiency of the PV system. 4.3. Effect on the optical efficiency under different incident angles The analysis of the ideal optical efficiency of band-focus Fresnel lens above was under the condition which the rays were normal incident, and that needed a precise two-axis sun-tracking. For the one-axis sun-tracking (The horizontal direction of the lens was along the north–south and the vertical direction was along the east–west.), assuming that the north–south tracking was precise, there was an incident angle, which was not equal to 0°, in the surface perpendicular to the top surface of the Fresnel lens. The incident angle was b1 and the refraction angle under the top surface was b2, then the incident angle on the wedge surface could be expressed as: b3 ¼ arccosðcos u cos b2 Þ ð14Þ and the final exit angle of output ray was: b4 ¼ arcsinðn sin b3 Þ ð15Þ Assuming as follows: 8 bþ > > > < b > b0þ > > : 0 b ¼ b1 þ b2 ¼ b1 b2 ¼ b3 þ b4 ð16Þ ¼ b3 b4 the light flux transmission efficiency of the top surface of the lens was: " #, 2 tan2 ðb Þ sin ðb Þ 2 T1 ¼ 1 þ tan2 ðbþ Þ sin2 ðbþ Þ ð17Þ and the light flux transmission efficiency of every wedge bottom surface was: " #, 2 tan2 ðb0 Þ sin ðb0 Þ T2 ¼ 1 þ 2 tan2 ðb0þ Þ sin2 ðb0þ Þ ð18Þ Using Eqs. (17) and (18), the theoretical optical efficiencies of the lens under different incident angles could be calculated. For a band-focus Fresnel lens whose f was equal to 100 mm and CR was equal to 9, the calculation result of the relationship between b1 and g is presented in Fig. 8. According to Fig. 8, when b1 was between 0° and 26.5°, the optical efficiency of the lens was high (bigger than 90%) and had small changes with b1 increasing. When b1 was just past 26.5°, the optical efficiency decreased sharply, which was caused by the total reflection of the light in the Fresnel lens. Different lens materials had different critical incident angles, past which the optical effi- 698 G. Wang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 Fig. 3. The concentrating performance contrast: (a) linear Fresnel lens; (b) band-focus Fresnel lens. Table 1 Results of the concentrating simulation of the linear Fresnel lens. CR Imax (W m2) Ia (W m2) Imin (W m2) CR0 g0 (%) 3 5 7 9 5955.06 7454.72 9860.23 9959.88 2574.5 4276.7 5585.2 5956.4 676.78 745.39 833.20 840.15 2.627 4.364 5.699 6.078 87.57 87.28 81.41 67.53 Table 2 Results of the concentrating simulation of the band-focus Fresnel lens. CR Imax (W m2) Ia (W m2) Imax (W m2) CR0 g0 (%) 3 5 7 9 2735.45 4389.91 5766.12 6410.23 2663.6 4321.8 5688.9 6095.6 1498.34 2273.08 2917.80 3150.14 2.72 4.41 5.81 6.22 90.67 88.20 83.00 69.11 Fig. 4. Light flux density distribution contrast. Fig. 6. The relationship of CR, CR0 and f. Fig. 5. Horizontal light flux density distributions on the receiving surface under different f and c. ciency decreased sharply. In Fig. 8, when b1 increased to 60°, the optical efficiency decreased to about 43%. For another case of the one-axis sun-tracking, which was the east–west tracking was precise and the incident angle b1 in the north–south direction increased from 0°, the concentrating light on the focal plane would deviate slowly. When b1 increased to a certain value, the output rays of different units of the lens were already not able to coincide completely, which made the concentrating light turn wider and non-uniform, and the output rays of some units (for example the outermost units) even separate from G. Wang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 Fig. 7. The relationship of CR, g and f. 699 Fig. 10. Horizontal light flux density distributions under different incident angles. significance of this concentrator. Assuming the base thickness of the lens was 2 mm, the relationship between b1 and concentrating light deviation quantity (Dd) on solar cells under different focal lengths was calculated and the result is presented in Fig. 9. For the band-focus Fresnel lens whose focal length was 500 mm and CR was 35, the horizontal light flux density distributions of the receiving surface under different incident angles are shown in Fig. 10. According to Figs. 9 and 10, the concentrating light deviation quantity increased with f increasing. Though the concentrating light on solar cells would deviate and turn non-uniform, if the incident angle was controlled to be very small (for instance, b1 was smaller than 0.5°), the deviation quantity and concentrating light uniformity changes caused by the north–south tracking error would be ignored and the normal use of the CPV system would also be not influenced. That means this band-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator had a more simple sun-tracking requirement than the Fresnel lens concentrator proposed by Ryu [11]. Fig. 8. The relationship between the incident angle and optical efficiency. 5. Conclusions In this paper, for the solar energy application, the band-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator was proposed. The design principle was given and the concentrating performance investigation was carried out by MCRT simulation and theoretical analysis. The spectral concentrating simulation results show that both the spectral concentrating uniformity and optical efficiency of the band-focus Fresnel lens were better than those of the linear lens. Meanwhile, the relationships of several key parameters of the band-focus Fresnel lens were analyzed and the results indicate that a high-ratio band-focus Fresnel lens could make use of solar energy more effectively and increase the optical efficiency of the CPV system. The effect on the optical efficiency under different incident angles was also studied. The analysis results show that even a precise one-axis would meet the application requirement of the solar concentrator and very a tiny north–south tracking error would not influence the concentrating performance of this CPV system. Acknowledgement Fig. 9. The relationship between the incident angle and concentrating light deviation quantity. The authors appreciate the support of the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51376167). the concentrating light. As b1 increased even bigger, the output rays of the outermost units would disappear because of the total reflection and the concentrating light also turn more non-uniform, which the band-focus Fresnel lens lost the original References [1] D. Chemisana, M. Ibanez, J. Barrau, Comparison of Fresnel concentrators for building integrated photovoltaics, Energy Convers. Manage. 50 (2009) 1079– 1084. 700 G. Wang et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 102 (2016) 695–700 [2] D. Chemisana, M. Ibanez, Linear Fresnel concentrators for building integrated applications, Energy Convers. Manage. 51 (2010) 1476–1480. [3] C. Sierra, A.J.V. Zquez, High solar energy concentration with a Fresnel lens, J. Mater. Sci. 40 (2005) 1339–1343. [4] K.E.J. Al-Jumaily, M.K.A. 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