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LVMH Company Analysis: Brands, Finance, and FX Challenges

LVMH’s full name is Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, which is the abbreviation of three old European
luxury brands. LV is Louis Vuitton, M stands for Moet & Chandon, and H is the Hennessy.
LVMH mainly manufactures and sells high-end luxury products. LVMH-Moet Hennessy
headquarters in Paris. LVMH has 75 brands of the top-end luxury products; It is the only group
that covered in all five major parts of the luxury markets. In LVHM, they have Wines and Spirits,
Fashion and Leather Goods, Perfumes and Cosmetics, Watches and Jewelry, and Selective
Retailing. There are more than 156000 employs in LVMH.
LVHM cash flow: the cash flow of LVMH Moet Hennessy came from the daily business. They got
profit from the day-to-day operating then invest in new business.
The exposure of LVHM includes RTH-US, FTXD- US, PMR-US, IYC-US, XLY-US, LVMH-US. The
primary exposure of LVHM is Euro-US, IYC-US, LVMH-US. Those three parts were mainly
In 2013 the company had a significant issue, that is currency and foreign exchange losses, in the
Q1 of 2014, the Euro was $103million in the negative foreign exchange. For the hedging, LVHM
used 75% cover for the end yen about 120-129, LVMH used this way to help them get margin
competitive presence space. The Euro 1.31 to USD, by using this way to help LVMH to leave
room for the exchange rate adjustment. But we have to say in both ways they also can not make
up for the loss of negative foreign exchange. So the foreign exchange is the essential thing that
LVMH needs to fix up.
The model of the LVMH is based on their vision, relies on the history of the brand as the
foundation, at the same time inspiring creativity and striving for excellence.
In 2016, LVMH got 5% growth in wines and spirits, 6% growth in the perfumes and cosmetics,
and 3% growth in fashion and leather goods, 5% growth in watches and jewelry and 7% growth
in select retailing, at last, the total revenues increased 5% to 37.6 billion Eurodollars, but one
problem is that the Euro exchange rate goes down. With the Euro exchange rate goes up, US
dollar go down. LVMH needs to remove FX losses, The Euro is the biggest problem, but I think
ECB can figure out this problem, Euro exchange rate will goes down because of the different
policies of the ECB and Fed. If the US dollar go down in the future, The LVMH can get more net