Uploaded by Sean Sellin

Rooming with Friends: A Personal Reflection

6. Describe any important dialogue.
“Im sorry guys I have to get this off my chest, you are the one friend nobody wants to hang
7. What were your dominant thoughts and feelings during the experience?
It was a great learning experience, but also afterwards we bonded a lot better. I thought it was
very funny a lot because nobody got mad at me but in a way it was also depressing because we
were always fighting a lot.
8. What did you learn from this experience?
That rooming with your friends is a way different experience than hanging around with them all
day because you truly get to know what kind of person that guy is.
9. Does your experience hold any value for the reader? Explain
Yes, because in my story I will explain and show how rooming with your friends is a totally
different experience and afterwards you will truly know who they really are and if yoy still want
to be their friend afterwards.