Design Brief Template: Pull Toy Project with VEX Parts


Design Brief Template

Client: Huntzinger Toy Company

Designer: Josie Keys and Leila Hamilton

Problem Statement:

Design Statement:



The Huntzinger Toy Company needs a new pull toy for children ages 2-4.

Design a model and test a toy for children ages 2-4 that meets the client's needs including the constraints below.

The mechanism is to be built entirely from VEX parts.

The mechanism is to be built on a small, four wheeled chassis capable of being pulled across a smooth and level surface where the toy will move as a result of the movement of the wheels. A gear mechanism attached to the wheels will make another part of the pull toy move. An illustration should be added to the output of the mechanism as to simulate the toy.

Design brief. Design matrix. My design process solution

- describe what steps your group takes to solve the problem.

Thumbnail sketches of each of your team members ideas.

© 2017 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

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A final thumbnail sketch of the deign your group decided to build.

A working prototype

Group presentation

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