Name:_____________________________ Children at Play Portfolio Assignment 1: 6 Months Old

Children at Play Portfolio Assignment 1:
6 Months Old
Assignment: Create an ORIGINAL toy for a child 6
months old or younger. You may adapt a toy that has
already been created but you may not strictly copy an
existing toy. Your design will be graded on
aesthetics/appearance, developmental
appropriateness, cost, impact on learning, and fun
factor. Your toy should be eye catching, appropriate
for the age level of the child it is being designed for,
low to moderate in cost, should have some impact on
learning whether it is teaching the child colors,
numbers, letters, etc.., and it should have some kind
of fun factor that makes it an appealing choice to the
child. You will need a color drawing and a brief
description of your toy. You should approach this
assignment as if you are a toy designer, pitching an
idea to a large corporation in order to get a contract to
develop the toy. Good luck!!