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Hair методическая разработка Бичегкуевой Р.В.

Конспект занятия по теме:
« Hair and Hairstyles »
Цели урока:
- изучение профессиональной лексики по теме « Hair and Hairstyles »,
совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков и аудирования.
-формирование у студентов, в результате изучения курса, навыков
свободного владения иностранной речью в рамках определённой
профессиональной тематики для обслуживания иностранных граждан.
-повысить у студентов интерес к изучаемому предмету;
-воспитание интернационализму.
-развивать мыслительную и творческую деятельность;
-умение излагать четко и правильно свои мысли;
-умение слушать иностранную речь и понимать её;
-умение применять полученные знания в жизни;
-стремиться к достижению поставленной цели.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Межпредметные связи: межкультурные взаимоотношения, сфера
обслуживания , индустрия красоты.
Оснащение урока: ноутбук, проектор, интерактивная доска, видео - фильм,
дидактический материал, иллюстрационный материал
Практикум к уроку:
1. Демонстрация: видеофильма;
2. Выполнение заданий по дидактическому материалу.
Преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ Иркутский техникум
машиностроения Н.П. Трапезникова Бичегкуева Регина Владимировна
Ход урока
1) Организационный этап.
Приветствие группы, проверка посещаемости обучающихся, дата, день
T.: Good afternoon my dear students. I’m glad to see you again. Let’s begin our
lesson. What day of the week is it today? – It is …. What date is it today? – It is …
. Who is absent today? – … is (are) absent today.
2) Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности
T.: The topic of our today’s lesson is « « Hair and Hairstyles ». The motto of our
lesson is “Invest in your hair .You wear it everyday”
You will learn useful words, practice reading and listening for detail; develop your
speaking skills; revise some grammar material.
3) Фонетическая и речевая разминка.
They say that you hairstyle reflects your personality. Now , look at the blackboard
and read hair quotations of some famous people. Do you understand them?
“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life”
Coco Chanel
“Hair Stylist is a wonderful person who touches more hearts than hair.”
“Hair is my passion”
“My mood depends on how my hair looks”
“Life isn't perfect but your hair can be”
4) Первичное усвоение новых знаний.
Ex.1 T.: Look at the pictures with different types of hair, haircuts and hairstyles, read and
translate them into Russian.
Hair, Haircuts and Hairstyles
short hair
curly hair
long hair
wavy hair
straight hair
side parting
plaits / braid
grey hair
red hair
blond hair
marcel wave
dark hair
brown hair
long hair
long hair undercut
crew cut
shaved head
cropped hair
taper fade
caesar cut
5.Первичное закрепление материала.
Look at the pictures and say True or False.
a) He’s got long, straight, blond hair.
b) She’s got dark hair.
c) His hair is curly and short.
d) Her hair is short and straight.
e) They’ve got wavy fair hair.
g) Her hair is wavy and long.
f) He is bald.
f) You have got short red hair.
5.1 )Первичная проверка понимания
Ex.2 T.: Complete each definition with the correct words
1) ……………….is a short- to medium-length haircut for women in which the hair is
typically cut straight around the head at about jaw-level.
2)……………….is short hairs that covers your forehead.
3)……………… is hair tied into a round knot.
4)…………….....is commonly used in the military.
5)……………….are multiple braids that stay close to the head.
6)……………… is a hairstyle of many long, ropelike locks.
7)……………….is hair with layers is shorter in some places and longer in others.
8)……………….is a hairstyle in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair, running
centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the neck.
9)………………..is hair with a “part” is divided in the middle or on one side.
10)………………is hair with a perm has been chemically treated to change its shape.
11) Many women put their hair in a ponytail when playing sports. It is a ………………
12)……………… is a bunch of hair or one of two bunches on either side of the face.
13)……………….is “sharp” hair.
14)……………….is any style in which the hair is pulled up and back. Often used for formal
15)………………a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face.
16)………………a man's style of hairdressing in which the hair is combed into a high
mound in front.
17)……………….is a type of short haircut where the hair on the top of the head is usually
standing upright and cut to form a flat-appearing deck.
18)………………..a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip.
19)……………….is a trendy haircut in which the sides and back are disconnected from
the hair on top.
20)To weave together three or more strips or strands of hair…….
21) This is a style of hair that is extremely short………………..
22) The word to describe light-coloured hair…………………….
23) Somebody who has no hair at all is this……………………..
24) The opposite of straight hair…………………………………
T.: Good job! Well done!
T.: Ex.3 .It’s very important for a hairdresser to have good Hairdresser’s tools .Here
you can see a list of them.
Hairdresser’s tools and supplies
6.1 Write the words under the pictures.
thinning scissors, conditioner, shampoo, chignon, hair rollers, hairdresser’s dummy,
plastic jar, combs, hair washing sink, flat hair iron, salon hair dryer, styling gel, hair
clipper, wig, combing cape, styling brush , styling gel, hairdressing chair, mixing bowl,
Hair-cutting shears, combing cape, pins, band, brush, curling iron , hair crimping
machine, hair dryer, curling iron
6.2.Match the pictures and their definitions.
1. You fix your hairstyle with it.
2. A device consisting of bristles fastened
into a handle used for combing one's hair
3. A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber,
or other material around which a strand of
hair is wound to produce a soft curl or
4. A thin cylindrical strip of metal or
other material bent in the shape of a long
U, used to secure a hairdo or headdress.
5. An appliance that removes moisture by
heating or fast air moving.
6. A thin toothed strip, usually consisting
of a piece of plastic, metal, bone, used to
smooth, arrange, or fasten the hair.
7. A roll or knot of hair worn at the back
of the head or especially at the nape of
the neck.
8. You wash hair with it.
9. A basin for washing hair.
10.Scissors that are specifically designed
for cutting hair.
a) hair washing sink
b) shampoo
c) brush
d)hair-cutting shears
e) hair pin
f) hair dryer
g) hair roller
h) chignon
j) hairspray
7.1.Совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования и говорения
T.: Imagine that you are working at the hairdresser’s. Read and listen to the dialogues.
Act it out.
At the hairdresser’s – Let’s do our hair
A hairdresser is a person whose
occupation is to cut or style hair in order to
change or maintain a person's image. This
is achieved using a combination of hair
coloring, haircutting, and hair texturing
Customer Good afternoon! I want to cut my hair. Are you free now?
Hairdresser: Good afternoon. Of course, take a seat. I will comb your hair first because you
have a long hair and it gets tangled easily. How would you like me to cut your hair?
Customer Just a few centimeters, not much. I want to let it grow.
Hairdresser: Very well.
Customer And I also want you to cut my hair in a fringe.
Hairdresser: Sure. As you wish.
20 minutes later.
Hairdresser: You are ready. Look in the mirror.
Customer I like it very much. Thank you. How much do I have to pay you?
Hairdresser:10 euros.
Customer Good bye!
Hairdresser:I will wait for you some other time as well.
Ссылка на аудио-файл - http://english-audio-conversations.blogspot.com/2013/07/at-hairdressers-listen-mp3audio.html#.XEFVp1wzbIU
At the barbershop
A barber is a person whose occupation
is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and
shave men's and boys' hair. A barber's
place of work is known as a "barbershop"
or a "barber's".
A: Hi.
B: Hello.
A: I’d like to get my hair cut. Can I get it cut now?
B: Yes, just sit down, I’ll be ready in 10 minutes.
Okay, ready now, sit here please.
A: Okay, thank you.
B: Now, how would you like your hair cut?
A: The same style as it is now, just a little trim to tidy it up.
B: So, clippers on the side, blade 2 or 3?
A: Three.
B: And about this much off the top?
A: Not that much, a centimetre longer thanks.
B: How about this length?
A: Yes, that’s great thanks.
B: Okay, take a look. What do you think?
A: Just a little bit shorter at the front please.
B: Okay.
How’s that.
A: Perfect, thank you very much. It looks great.
B: Okay, that’ll be $15. Come this way. Follow me.
A: Here you go.
B: Thank you. Have a nice day. See you again.
A: Thank you, you too. See you next time.
Ссылка на аудио-файл
- https://learningenglishessentials.com/english-conversation-topics-hairdresser
At the hairdresser's
7.2 T.: Listen to the dialogue and complete it using the words, then check your
hair, drugs, thick, care, shampoo, blond locks, braids, gray, colour, shorten, sleek, a
ponytail, curled, egg shampoo, to brush, dandruf, wash
-My hair is quite …..
I would like to have it ……
-All right, and would you like to dye your
-Actually, I would like to keep my
Yet I would like some…..…..
-I see that you have ……….
Would you like a special………..
to make them disappear?
-I have tried ………….
-You should use a special………….
my hair regularly
once a week. Your hair will soon
and I use some ……………………… become………….
but my hair is still………
-I have tried to …………………….
it, to wear a ……......,
it with beer, eggs and all kind of
miracle ……………………
but it didn’t help, so I entirely trust
you !
Аудио-файл прилагается *
7.3. A telephone conversation- making an appointment. Read the dialogue and answer
True of False.
Customer: Hallo. It is Peter speaking. Is it the hairdresser’s?
Hairdresser: Hallo. Yes, this is the hairdresser’s. How can I help you?
Customer: I would like to make an appointment for today.
Hairdresser: Ok, what time would you like to make the appointment for?
Customer: Half past three.
Hairdresser: Hm… I’m sorry, sir but I have another appointment for half past three. What
about 4 o’clock… Can you come at 4 o’clock?
Customer: Yes, no problem.
Hairdresser: Very well then. I am looking forward to welcoming you. Bye bye.
Customer: Goodbye.
The customer is a woman…………….
The customer wants to make an appointment. …………….
The customer wants to come at 4 oclock. …………….
The hairdresser is not available at 4 o’clock. …………….
They make the appointment for half past three. ………
8.Совершенствование грамматических навыков
Match the sentences to the pictures, using Present
Continuous Tense.
1. The young man / comb his hair.
2. The woman / get her hair styled.
3. The woman / dry her hair.
4. The student / sit underneath a hair dryer.
5. The barber / cut the man’s hair.
6. The woman / straighten her hair.
7. The woman / spray her hair.
8. The hair dresser/ cut the woman’s hair.
9. The hairdresser / dry the woman’s hair.
10. The hairdresser / curl the woman’s hair.
11. The hairdresser / wash the woman’s hair.
A. Read the instructions and put the pictures in the correct order by writing the number before the picture.
B. Vocabulary: Write the highlighted words after the definitions.
C. Write instructions next to the pictures and then tell them to your classmate.
1. Begin by taking one small section of hair from each side of your head. The bigger the sections, the bigger the
2. Tie the two sections together to create a half ponytail. Don't pull the ends through, create a loop.
3. Split the loop in half to create two smaller loops and clip one loop aside for later. Use your finger to push the
loop flat against your head into a bow shape.
4. Repeat on the opposite side to finish the bow shape.
5. Pick up the remaining ends of the ponytail and wrap them up and around the hair band to hide it. Secure it
with bobby pins underneath.
6. and around the hair band to hide it. Secure it with bobby pins underneath.
10.Этап релаксации : What did you learn today ? How did you like the lesson? Please fill
in the table. Tick you answer.
1) How do
you feel
Very good!
Ok !
I can use the
I can listen and
English speech
Need more
I can use
I am bad!
I can make
11.Выставление оценок: You worked hard and your marks are…
12.Домашнее задание: Homework for the next lesson is:
a) to earn these hairstyle names and hair tools to improve and increase your vocabulary.
b) to write the instructions next to the pictures.
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
Our lesson is over! I wish good luck! See you!!!