Uploaded by Ahmed Hassaan

MBA Senior-Junior Interaction Project Proposal

OBL Project
Submitted By
Farhaj Ahmed ERP: 18485
Ahmed Ali ERP: 18492
Mobin Ahmed ERP: 18549
Ahmed Abdur Rahman ERP: 18519
Problem Statement:
Lack of Senior Junior Interaction. As a MBA student of 1st year at IBA, we still have witness very
little interaction with our seniors.
As a fresh Student in any institute, the best way to learn about the institute is by your seniors.
Every institute has major orientations at bachelor levels, but for masters they are more focused
on studies and professional life ahead. But knowing your university, the norms, and the culture
is equally important for a Master’s student. And the students who have gone through it are the
best people to tell what to do and how to do it.
In the first 5 week we have been here we have noticed these problems and we plan to solve
them with an extended plan of action we can at the end of our semester set a tradition that
would not only help us but also the batches that would be coming after us.
Action Plan:
This Plan consists of multiple portions, which will help to break the ice between seniors and
a. The program is called: “Know Your Senior- A Platform For IBA MBA Freshman”
b. Meet Your Senior: This would be a counseling session, where a couple of seniors
would be invited to tell their experiences of IBA, the faculty, the studies, the do and
don’ts of IBA.
c. IBA JUSE: A Social Media platform on Facebook where Seniors and Juniors can
interact and benefit each other.
d. Sport Championship: In every university there is a tradition of senior and junior
football and cricket matches. We will be conducting one football and one cricket