Uploaded by Kelly Haisfield

Biome Project Choice Board: Student Options & Requirements

Name(s) ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________ PD ______
Biome Project Choice Board
Directions: Once you have been assigned a biome (________________________________), you will choose one project from
each column and one project from each row to complete (3 total projects). Be sure to include all of the requirements for each
project you choose to complete. All projects need to be colored and neatly completed.
A -Research
2 Column Chart with at least 1
1 – Basic
Size – 8.5” x 11”
You may create in Google Docs
and print.
Be sure to leave space for
2- Medium
T-shirt Design
Size – 8.5” x 11”
Obtain template from teacher
Be sure to include design on
front and back of t-shirt
3 – Advanced
News Article with at least 1
Size – 8.5” x 11”
You may type in Google Docs
and print.
Be sure to leave space for
B- Map and Food Web
Size – 8.5” x 11”
You may hand draw all items or print,
glue and color by hand
Printed pictures must be as clear as possible
(not gray) to color
Use poster board
 You may hand draw all items or print,
glue and color by hand
 Printed pictures must be as clear as
possible (not gray) to color
Bulletin Board
C – Presentation/Creation
Size – Close to poster board size
o Ask teacher if unsure
Use cardboard or some other sturdy
You may hand draw all items or print,
glue and color by hand
Printed pictures must be as clear as
possible (not gray) to color
Size – 8.5” x 11”
You may create in Google Docs and
You may hand draw all items or print,
glue and color by hand
o Printed pictures must be as clear
as possible (not gray) to color
Size – Not a shoe box
Must include biotic and abiotic factors
of the Biome
 Commercial length – at least
2minutes, 30 seconds, no longer
than 5
 Website – cannot simply link to
other sites
Research Requirements: Your research should include a brief overview of the characteristics of your assigned biome. You
must then choose a real life example of the biome and include the following (at a minimum): 5 plants native to the area,
animals native to the area ( 2 primary consumers, 2 secondary consumers and 1 top predator – and you need to label them
as herbivore, carnivore and/or omnivore), weather (to include temperature and precipitation amounts), and geography
(i.e, landmarks, major cities)
Map and Food Web Requirements: You need to include a world map that indicates (by color) all the places where your
biome exists. Your map needs to be labeled by continent. Your food web should be representative of an actual food web
that exists in the real life example you chose in your research. You may print pictures from the internet but you will need
to hand color them. Be sure to label each organism’s niche as a decomposer, producer, or consumer [herbivore, carnivore
and/or omnivore]. You will also need to include a short paragraph that describes how the organisms interact with one
another and how the energy is transferred.
Presentation/Creation –The following questions need to be able to be answered after viewing your creation:
 What kinds of activities could people do in this location?
 What kinds of plants and animals live there?
 What type of clothes should they bring?
 How is the weather throughout the year?
 What is the best time of year to travel there?
 What part of the world will they be travelling to?
 What are some dangerous elements to traveling there?
If all 3 projects are at the medium level, or 1 basic 2 medium (no advanced level) maximum grade possible is 95 points.
If 2 of the three projects are at the basic level (only one medium or advanced option) maximum grade possible is 90 points.
If all 3 projects are at the basic level (no medium or advanced options) maximum grade possible is 80 points.
All other combinations have a maximum grade possible of 100 points.
Points will be deducted for lateness. Projects completed more than one week after the due date will not be graded and
receive no credit.