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Earthquake Drill Narrative Report

The normal scenario inside the campus of DCBESMNHS predominantly lingered on
the customary greetings of students from long vacation due to holiday of November.
Teachers and students welcomed the new day with good vibes and new insights from the
seminar workshop of semestral activities - only to be rattled by simultaneous ringing of the
bell which is not usually happening in the morning session. Individual instinct and survival
skills came at once from the students and their learning skills from previous exercises of
NDRRMC inside the campus popped in mind. They came out in unison in their best form of
DUCK, COVER, and HOLD going into their designated area preferred by school NDRRC
Calamities might happen all the time, it is like a thief coming at night unexpectedly
nor lightning which strikes due to its phenomenal behavior! It is the scenic view in haste
occurred at Dr. Crisogono B. Ermita Sr. Memorial National High School when the bell rang
on its unusual simulation of ringing, Monday morning of November 5, 2018. Panic were all
over the campus but most of the students are determined to came out from their respective
classroom and bringing with them the DUCK, COVER, HOLD gestures to protect
themselves from any mishaps that might happen.
Teacher Leaders Shiela Marie E. Mercado and Mhelissa M. Martinez lead the way to
the success story of DCBESMNHS’ third Earthquake drill inside the school, facilitated by
the NDRRMC Coordinator DEXON D. MARAVILLA, followed by Head Teachers Marcela
C. Cabingan and Eugenio U. Sarabia. The presence of the Principal, SHIRLEY G. DAVID
made the whole scenario on its smoothest flow, because the Principal herself manage to
engage in the activity actively together with school Guidance counselor, Judith F. Sevilla.
Luisito V. Uriarte, a member of NDRRMC school-based volunteered himself as aid
while leading the students to their respected area outside the campus, and that according to
the plan designed by the team from NDRRMC DCBES Base created even before starts for
the school year 2018 – 2019, it would be the safest place when a sudden calamity occurrence.
There are no cases of casualties from the said activities despite the fact that it is really
an unexpected event in the lives of morning session from DCBESMNHS. One thing is for
sure about the results of the preliminary activity – it means that DCBESTians are all ready to
combat any occurrences that might happen and most of the practitioners are able to protect
themselves and may proceed to the safest places designed for evacuation.