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Geography Syllabus Form 1 & 2

Ordinary Syllabus; Geography Form 1
1. Concept Of Geography Syllabus
i. Meaning of Geography Phenomena
Define the term geography
Inter-relationship between different geographical phenomena
Name the Components of the Solar System
Describe the importance of the components of solar system
The Sun
State the dimension of the sun in relation to other space bodies
Describe the characteristics of the sun
Solar Energy
Define the term solar energy
Suggest different uses of solar energy
Explain how the use of solar energy promotes environmental conservation
Explain how solar energy may contribute to emancipation of women
The Planets
Locate the planets in the solar system
Show relative distance of planets from the earth
Other bodies in the Solar System
Describe the characteristics of comets, asteroids, meteors and satellites
Narrate local incidents linked to meteorites
The Earth
Describe the shape of the earth and its evidence
Earth's Movements
Describe the types of earth's movements
Describe the term rotation
Give evidence to prove that the earth rotates
Explain the significances of earth's rotation
Define the term revolution
Explain the process of revolution
Describe the result of the earth's revolution around the sun
The Importance of the Parallels and Meridians
Define the parallels and meridians
Describe how latitudes and longitudes are determined
Explain the importance of a great circle
Discuss the importance of parallels and meridians
Calculate local time
Define time and time zone
Explain the essence of time and time zone
Explain variation of standard time in a single country
Define International Date Line
Locate International Date Line
2. Major Features Of The Earth's Surface
i. Continents
Explain the meaning of a continent
Identify the major features of the continent
Water Bodies
Define a water body
Identify the oceans and other water bodies
Describe the features of the ocean floor
Draw the map to show the distribution of continents and water bodies
3. Weather
i. Concept of Weather
Define weather
Describe the importance of weather
Show the relationship between weather and humans occupations
Elements of Weather
Name elements of weather
Explain the importance of each element
Weather Station
Define weather station
Explain how to establish elements of weather
Describe characteristics of a Stevenson screen
Describe the characteristics and functions of instruments used to measure the elements of
Measure and record elements of weather
Describe the meaning of weather forecasting and how it is done
4. Climate
i. Concept of Climate
Define the concept of climate
Weather and Climate
Differentiate between weather and climate
Impact of Climate
Relate climate to human activities
5. Map Work
i. The Concept of a Map
Define the concept of a map
Components of a Map
List all the components of a map
Define scale and identify different ways used in representing a scale
Distinguish and explain signs from symbols
Quantitative Information on Maps
Measure the distance on the map and convert to the actual ground by using scale
Calculate areas of regular and irregular figures
Identify location of position
Find direction and bearing of object on maps
Uses of Maps
Describe different uses of maps
ORDINARY Syllabus; Geography Form 2
1. Human Activites Syllabus
i. Concept of Human Activities Syllabus
Give the meaning of human activities Syllabus
Identify major types of human activities Syllabus
2. Agriculture Syllabus
i. Small Scale Agriculture Syllabus
Explain the characteristics of small-scale agriculture at subsistence level Syllabus
Explain the effects of rapid population growth on small scale agriculture Syllabus
Describe advantages and disadvantages of small-scale agriculture Syllabus
Large Scale Agriculture Syllabus
Name types of large-scale agriculture in the world Syllabus
List the major crops grown in each type of large-scale agriculture Syllabus
Describe characteristics of large-scale agriculture Syllabus
Describe the requirements for growth, farm, preparation, planning, care, harvesting,
processing, storage and transport. Syllabus
Identify and locate major producing countries for respective crops in the world Syllabus
Describe contribution of produced crops to the economy of USA and Tanzania Syllabus
Drawing example from Tanzania and USA explain problems facing large scale agriculture
Livestock Keeping Syllabus
Describe how pastoralism, sedentary and commercial livestock keeping are practiced Syllabus
Explain the benefits and constraints of livestock keeping practices Syllabus
Compare livestock keeping between Australia and Tanzania Syllabus
Describe livestock keeping as practiced in different communities in Tanzania Syllabus
3. Water Management For Economic Development Syllabus
i. Importance of Water Syllabus
Explain uses and economic importance of water Syllabus
Describe the relationship between family size, water supply and quality of life Syllabus
Explain the relationship between vegetation and water supply Syllabus
Explain how distance to water sources from household affects the girl child Syllabus
River Basin Development Syllabus
State the benefits of developing river basins Syllabus
Explain the organization, benefits, problems faces and prospects of Rufiji Basin Development
Authority (RUBADA) and Tennessee River Valley Authority Syllabus
Land Reclamation Syllabus
Explain the major aims for land reclamation Syllabus
Describe the techniques used in land reclamation Syllabus
Explain land reclamation process in Tanzania Syllabus
Sustainable Use of Water Resources Syllabus
Explain the types of underground water and how it can be tapped for use at local and national
levels in Tanzania Syllabus
Differentiate different resources that are obtained from Water Syllabus
Describe methods used for extracting resources from water Syllabus
Explain the problems caused by extraction of water resources Syllabus
Water Pollution Syllabus
Define pollution Syllabus
Differentiate the main sources of water pollution Syllabus
Describe various ways of conserving water resources Syllabus
4. Sustainable Use Of Forest Resources Syllabus
i. Types of Forestry Resources Syllabus
Identify types of forests Syllabus
Locate the distribution of forests by type Syllabus
Explain factors for distribution of forests Syllabus
Importance of Forestry Resources Syllabus
Describe the importance and values of forests in social and economic life Syllabus
Explain the importance of forests in ecological and environmental balance Syllabus
Important Areas of Forest Products, their Transport and Use in the World Syllabus
Identify important countries in timber production Syllabus
Explain the means of transportation and problems of timber transportation in the world
Problems Associated with Forestry Resources Harvesting Syllabus
Describe the problems facing forestry resources harvesting Syllabus
Describe ways to address problems facing forests in the world Syllabus
5. Sustainable Mining Syllabus
i. Types of Mining Industries Syllabus
Name different types of mining industries Syllabus
Types and Distribution of Mining Regions in the World Syllabus
Explain major types of minerals found in the world Syllabus
Locate mining regions in the world map and the type of minerals extracted Syllabus
Methods of Mining Syllabus
Categories of various ways of mining Syllabus
Explain ways of processing different types of minerals Syllabus
Contribution of Mining Industry to the Economy of Tanzania Syllabus
Explain the economic importance of mining to the economy of Tanzania Syllabus
The effects of the Mining Industry in the Environment Syllabus
Describe the effects of mining to the environment Syllabus
Propose ways of minimizing effects of mining to the environment Syllabus
Focal Studies Syllabus
Oil production in the Middle East Syllabus
Natural gas production in Tanzania Syllabus
Describe advantages of oil production in the Middle East and natural gas production in
Tanzania Syllabus
6. Tourism
i. Concept of Tourism Syllabus
Define tourism Syllabus
Factors for the Development and Growth of the Tourism Industry in the World
Describe factors which have contributed to the development and growth of tourism in the
world Syllabus
Importance of Tourism in the World Syllabus
Explain the importance of tourism in the world Syllabus
Identify impact of tourism in the world Syllabus
State ways of addressing the negative impact of tourism Syllabus
Focal Studies on Tourism Industry Syllabus
Describe factors for the development of tourism in Switzerland, Namibia and Tanzania
Explain the importance of tourism in Switzerland, Namibia and Tanzania Syllabus
Identify problems facing tourism industry in Tanzania Syllabus
Explain methods used to increase the income of tourism industry in Tanzania Syllabus
Discuss the lessons that can be drawn to promote tourism industry in Tanzania Syllabus
7. Manufacturing Industry Syllabus
i. Concept and Importance of Manufacturing Industries Syllabus
Define manufacturing industry Syllabus
Explain the importance of manufacturing industry Syllabus
Types of Manufacturing Industries Syllabus
Describe the types of manufacturing industries in East Africa Syllabus
Identify products of each type of manufacturing industry Syllabus
Factors for Location of Industries Syllabus
Name factors necessary for location of industries Syllabus
Explain how each pollutant affects the environment, industrial employees and the
communities around the plant Syllabus
Focal Studies Syllabus
Explain the production of cars in Japan, electronic equipment in South Korea and textiles in
Tanzania Syllabus
Identify lessons from Japan and South Korea industries for Tanzania Syllabus
8. Sustainable Use Of Power And Energy Resources Syllabus
i. Power and Energy Syllabus
Define power and energy Syllabus
Major Sources of Power Syllabus
Identify the major sources of power and energy Syllabus
Describe the origin of different types of energy and power sources Syllabus
Methods of Acquiring or Extracting Power and Energy Syllabus
Explain methods of acquiring/extracting power and energy Syllabus
Importance and Use of Power and Energy Resources Syllabus
Explain the use and importance of these types of power resources Syllabus
Problems Facing Power and Energy Production Syllabus
Discuss the problems facing the process of power and energy harnessing Syllabus
Suggest ways of addressing power and energy harnessing Syllabus
Focal Studies; Solar and Wind Power in U.S.A Hydroelectric Power and Biogas in
Tanzania Syllabus
Evaluate the importance of power and energy resources in the focal countries Syllabus
Summarize problems facing power and energy harnessing in focal countries Syllabus
Propose solutions to problems facing power and energy harnessing in focal countries Syllabus
Draw successful lessons from countries for better harnessing of power and energy resources
in Tanzania Syllabus
9. Transport Syllabus
i. Main Types of Transport Syllabus
Describe the main types of transport system at global and East African level Syllabus
Importance of Transport Syllabus
Explain the importance of transport in Tanzania and East Africa Syllabus
Problems Facing Transport Industry Syllabus
Identify problems facing transportation in East Africa Syllabus
Explain the measures to address transportation problems in Tanzania Syllabus
ORDINARY Syllabus; Geography Form 3
1. Structure Of The Earth Syllabus
i. The Earth's Crust, The Mantle, The Core and their Respective Characteristics
Identify concentric zones of the earth Syllabus
Account for the variation in density and thickness of the concentric zones of the earth's crust
Describe the characteristics of the earth's crust, the mantle and the core Syllabus
Types of Rocks of the Earth's Crust Syllabus
Identify types of rocks of the earth's crust Syllabus
Explain the mode of formation for each type of rocks and their economic importance Syllabus
Simplified Geological Time Scale Syllabus
Describe the geological time sale Syllabus
2. Forces That Affect The Earth Syllabus
i. Forces Causing Earth Movements Syllabus
Explain the forces which cause earth movement and their origin Syllabus
Radial/Vertical Movement Syllabus
Describe the vertical/radical movement Syllabus
Identify the resulting features from the vertical movement Syllabus
Lateral or Horizontal Movement Syllabus
Explain how horizontal movements take place Syllabus
Identify different features produced by horizontal forces Syllabus
Vulcanicity Syllabus
Differentiate vulcanicity from volcanicity Syllabus
Explain causes of volcanicity and resulting features Syllabus
Classify features resulting from the processes of volcanicity Syllabus
Locate the distribution of major volcanic zones in the world Syllabus
Assess the economic importance of volcanoes Syllabus
Earth-quakes Syllabus
Define earthquake, epicenter and focus Syllabus
Describe how earthquake can be detected Syllabus
Explain the causes and effects of earthquake Syllabus
Locate the possible areas where earthquake is likely to occur on the world map Syllabus
External Forces Syllabus
Define mass wasting Syllabus
Identify types of mass wasting Syllabus
Describe the factors which cause mass wasting Syllabus
Assess the effects of mass wasting to the environment Syllabus
Weathering Syllabus
Define the term weathering Syllabus
Identify types of weathering Syllabus
Differentiate weathering processes Syllabus
Assess the significance of weathering Syllabus
Erosion and Deposition by Running Water, Ice, Wind and Wave Action Syllabus
Define the concept of erosion and deposition Syllabus
Examine how agents of erosion and deposition operate on the landscape Syllabus
Examine erosional and Depositional Features for each Agent Syllabus
Assess the importance of erosional and depositional features to human beings Syllabus
Artificial Forces Syllabus
Explain the meaning of artificial forces that cause earth movements Syllabus
Describe causes and effects of artificial forces Syllabus
3. Soil Syllabus
i. Soil Formation Syllabus
Define soil Syllabus
Describe factors for soil formation Syllabus
Assess the importance of Soil Syllabus
Soil Composition and Properties Syllabus
Illustrate soil composition and properties Syllabus
Soil Profile and Characteristics Syllabus
Define soil profile Syllabus
Illustrate soil profile and its characteristics Syllabus
Simple Soil Classification Syllabus
Classify soil according to textural groups Syllabus
Soil Erosion Syllabus
Define soil erosion Syllabus
Examine how agents of soil erosion work Syllabus
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Describe types and effects of erosion to social and economic activities Syllabus
Relate population growth and rate of soil erosion on the quality of life Syllabus
Demonstrate ways of controlling soil erosion through the application of various conservation
techniques Syllabus
4. Elementary Survey And Map Making Syllabus
i. Meaning and Types of Survey Syllabus
Explain the meaning of simple land survey Syllabus
Explain the types of simple land survey Syllabus
Chain Survey Syllabus
Describe chain/tape survey Syllabus
Explain different types of equipment used in chain/tape surveying Syllabus
Practice chain/tape surveying activities at school level Syllabus
Explain the importance of survey Syllabus
5. Map Reading And Map Interpretation Syllabus
i. Concept of Map Reading Syllabus
Explain the concept of map and its importance to social economic activities Syllabus
Identify essentials of a map Syllabus
Reading and Interpreting Topographical Maps Syllabus
Recognize features on a map Syllabus
Generate information from maps Syllabus
Interpret information in relation to daily activities Syllabus
6. Photograph Reading And Interpretation Syllabus
i. Types of Photographs Syllabus
Identify types of photographs Syllabus
Differentiate between ground, vertical and oblique photographs Syllabus
Reading and Interpreting Photographs Syllabus
Read features presented on photographs Syllabus
Identify natural and manmade features in the fore, middle and background of the photograph
Interpret features presented on the photograph Syllabus
7. Application Of Statistics
i. Concept of Statistics
Explain the concept of statistics
Differentiate types of statistical data
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Present data graphically
Explain the importance of statistics to the user
Describe how massive data can be summarized
Simple Statistical Measures and Interpretation
Describe methods of presenting simple and mixed data
Calculate the mean, mode and median
Explain the significance of mean, mode and median
Interpret data using simple statistical measures Syllabus
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ORDINARY Syllabus; Geography Form 4
1. Introduction To Research
i. Concept of Research
Explain the meaning of research
Assess the importance of research in daily life
States of Research Work
Describe research stages in conducting a research
Conduct research
Explain the use of research output and recommendations
2. Climate And Natural Region
i. World Climatic Types and their Characteristics
Describe major climatic types of the world and their characteristics
Explain how different geographical factors influence climate
Natural Regions of the World
Identify different types of natural regions
Draw a world map showing different natural regions
Explain the relationship between human activities and climate
Propose ways of solving climatic problems
3. Human Population
i. Concept of Population
Describe characteristics of human population
Explain the importance of studying population
Population Distribution
Describe factors governing human population distribution
Population Change
Define Population Change
Explain factors which influence population change
Analyze the effects of population change to an individual and the nation
Population Data
Explain the sources of population data
Interpret population data
Explain the uses of population data
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Population Problems
Analyze population problems
Analyze the effects of the population change on economic growth, labour, human needs and
investment, and suggest possible solutions
Population Policy
Explain the meaning of population policy
Compare the national population policy on family planning strategies in Tanzania to the
population policies of other countries
4. Settlements
i. Concept of Settlement
Define settlement
Explain categories, types and characteristics of settlements
Explain the functions of settlements and their importance
Growth of settlements
Analyze factors which lead to growth of settlements
Assess social and economic problems associated with urban growth
Suggest ways of solving existing problems related to urban growth
5. Environmental Issues And Management
i. The Concept of Environment
Explain the meaning of environment
Importance of Environment
Explain the importance of environment
Environmental Problems
Identify environmental problems
Analyze the causes, extent and effects of the loss of biodiversity
Analyze the causes, extent and effects of pollution and waste mismanagement
Explain the causes, extent, effects of fast rate of population and urban growth on environment
Examine causes, extent and impacts of desertification
Explain the impact of poverty on environment
Analyze causes and consequences of global climatic change on environment
Environmental Conservation
Define Environmental Conservation
Analyze various ways of conserving the environment
Practice environmental conservation and management at school level
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