Pre-Marital Sex CASUAL SEX OR PRE-MARITAL SEX? Pre-Marital Sex Sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Pre-marital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures. Increased Incidences Unwanted Pregnancy Single Parenthood Hedonism Moral Assessment IN THE MIND OF THE CHURCH Moral Assessment Pre-Marital Sex Mainly Affects The Youth Today Pre-Marital Sex Violates The Sanctity Of Marriage Moral Assessment Love Is The Underlying Reason Of Any Sexual Intercourse Firmly Emphasize That It Must Be Done Within The Context Of Marriage Moral Assessment Hebrews 13:4 Chapter Parallel Compare “4 Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” Pastoral Approach CHASTITY & FIDELITY Pastoral Approach Every person especially those who are involved in a typical relationship must continue to strive for chastity and fidelity. Create healthy boundaries and cultivate non-sexual expressions of love. Consequences Life-Changing Decision Lifetime Responsibility Talk to a mature adult who can give you enlightenment and guidance towards a chaste and God-centered relationship. “ Life Is What You Make It. -PREETI SHENOY The life you have is the life you create. ”