Lit Circle Overview In our study of Realism, Naturalism, and Regionalism, students will choose a historical topic of interest pertaining to this time period. Students will then locate literary texts that relate to their topic of interest and form a Lit Circle group of individuals who are also interested in learning about that topic. Each person needs to prepare three observations and three questions before the Lit Circle Discussion, but will only have to bring up one question and one response to another group member. Students should practice incorporating textual evidence in their Lit Circle Discussions. Lit Circle Groups will assign roles to group members, plan their reading selection, and create their group norms. The Lit Circle schedule will be as follows: Day 1: Text #1 Reading Day Day 2: Text #1 Discussion Day 3: Text #2 Reading Day Day 4: Text #2 Discussion Day 5: Research/Prep Day Day 6: Socratic Seminar Day Roles (Roles will switch to extra students in the group on the second Lit Circle Discussion) ● Scribe- Records all discussion points ● Discussion Leader/Moderator- Makes sure that only one person is speaking at a time; selects students to speak or facilitates discussion (also participates in discussion) ● Recorder- Captures a video recording to submit to Mrs. Moore after the end of the Lit Circle meeting. ● Timekeeper- Keeps track of the time and keeps the group on track ● Reader Leader- Instructs group members who is reading next Types of Questions to Ask ● ● ● ● WORLD CONNECTION QUESTION (text to world): Write a question connecting one of the texts to the real world. TEXT TO TEXT CONNECTION QUESTION: Write a question connecting one of the texts to another text the class has read. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION: Write an insightful question about a text that will require proof and group discussion and to discover or explore the answer to the question. THEME/MOTIF: Write a question dealing with a theme or motif of the text that will encourage group discussion about the universality of the text. Group Partner’s Name: ______________________________________________ Total Score: ____________________ Outstanding (4) Approaching (3) Beginning (2) Insufficient (0) Discussion Participates enthusiastically in group discussions. Offers insightful and thoughtful opinions and makes a pertinent connection to the text. Asks pertinent, thoughtful questions that extend beyond the text. Participates competently in group discussions. Offers some insightful opinions and makes a connection to the text. Will occasionally ask thoughtful questions Participates reluctantly in group discussions. Offers few opinions and makes limited connections to the text. Asks few questions. Does not participate in group discussions. Offers few opinions and makes no personal connections to the text. Doesn't ask questions. Role Fulfillment Completes role tasks independently and on time. Tasks are thoughtfully done demonstrating extension of the activity. Completes role tasks independently and on time. Tasks are thoughtfully done with genuine effort. Sometimes completes role tasks properly but not always on time. Tasks are done with minimal effort. Rarely completes role tasks properly and not always on time. Tasks are done with little or no genuine effort. Reading Has assigned reading completed on schedule. Almost always has assigned reading completed on schedule. Sometimes has assigned reading completed on schedule. Rarely completes assigned reading on schedule. Following Directions Follows the discussion director's steps consistently. Follows direction and is only off-task occasionally Sometimes follows the director's steps but is off-task some of the time. Off task the majority of the time and disruptive to the group. Listening Has difficulty paying attention to the speaker. Listens occasionally but doesn't interact with the information Listens carefully for information and comments occasionally. Listens to other people's ideas. "Piggy-backs" or builds off others' ideas. Persuading Is always prepared to exchange, defend and rethink ideas. Will usually exchange, defend and rethink ideas Will, on occasion, exchange, defend and rethink ideas. Will rarely exchange, defend, or rethink ideas. Respecting Respects the opinions of others. Encourages and supports the ideas and efforts of others in a cooperative manner. Usually respects the opinions of others and demonstrates a willingness to participate cooperatively Interrupts when others are contributing in an attempt to share his/her ideas. Usually chooses to argue or ignore the group in an uncooperative manner. Sharing Offers ideas and reports findings enthusiastically. Will offer ideas when asked. Will share only occasionally or only with selected group members. Usually refuses to contribute to the group. Literature Circle- Group Self-Assessment Form Text: ________________________________________________________Names: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________ YES Everyone participates and shares in the discussion process. Communication between group members are interactive. The group is supportive of its individual members. The group promotes friendliness, inclusion, and mutual respect. The group discussion stays focused and on topic. It discusses issues directly related to the subject at hand. The group is energetic, enthusiastic, and positive. The group members take ownership of their individual roles and come to the discussion properly prepared. NO SOMETIMES Explanation/Evidence What is something that went well in the Lit Circle discussion? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is something that did not go well? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would your rate yourself on the Lit Circle Discussion based on the rubric you edited your peer with? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Your Recorded Comments and Questions Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question/Comment #1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________