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K-2 Guided Reading Lesson Plan: Why We Sleep

K-2 Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Book Title: Why We Sleep
Text Reading Level:
Instructional Focus: main idea, inferencing, reading strategies, comprehension
Introduction (activate prior knowledge/review a skill/Strategy-How will you hook students?):
Have students identify title and author.
Tell students that when a book has a question for a title, it answers the question with details inside.
What is one fact/detail that you think the author included in this text? Why? (turn and talk)
Concepts/Vocabulary (How will the students engage with vocabulary?): (day 1 will read up to page 7)
Day 1: function (pg 4); naturally (pg 5); brain waves (pg 7); substance (pg 7)
Day 2: restore (pg 9); schedule (pg 15)
Purpose for reading (Today we are going to be reading…)- use reading strategies on unknown words, support
main idea, comprehension strategy- stop after reading to self and make sure you understanding what you have
Discussing and Revisiting the text (list at least 5 preplanned questions to ask students after reading):
1. How much of a person’s life is spent sleeping? (day 1; oral)
2. When doctors start to learn more about how our brains work. (day 1; oral)
3. Would you want to be a subject in a sleep experiment? Why or why not? (day 1; oral)
3. What foods may cause people to feel more awake after eating them? (day 1; written)
4. Look at the graph on page 7. When is our brain the most active? (day 1; written)
5. Who needs the most sleep? Why (day 2; oral)
6. What are the stages in a sleep cycle? (day 2; oral)
7. What do you think is the most important reason for sleeping? Why do you think that? (day 2; written)
8. How does your bedtime routine compare to the good sleeping habits in the book? (day 2; written)
Text Features (What text features will you address with this book?):
Have students identify text features and how they help us understand what they are reading- title, photographs,
Anecdotal Notes of Students’ Reading Behaviors
STUDENT 1 initials: _________________
Pages read: ________________
Word (from book)
What student said
Did Self
If so, what Check if
strategy you had to
After reading, ask the student to retell what was read. Was retell in order? Detailed? Put notes here:
STUDENT 2 initials: _________________
Pages read: ________________
Word (from book)
What student said
Did Self
If so, what Check if
strategy you had to
After reading, ask the student to retell what was read. Was retell in order? Detailed? Put notes here:
STUDENT 3 initials: _________________
Pages read: ________________
Word (from book)
What student said
Did Self
If so, what Check if
strategy you had to
After reading, ask the student to retell what was read. Was retell in order? Detailed? Put notes here: