Uploaded by Nina Sowhat

Lunch Supervision Plan

Lunch Supervision Plan
Ratio: During lunch the teacher child ratio is always 1:10.
Arrival Procedures: The children and teachers will enter the cafeteria from the south doors.
Teacher A will lead children to serving line 1. Teacher A will assistant children with getting
their trays and lead them towards the direction of Teacher B who is waiting outside the serving
line. Teacher B will guide children to the assigned table and position herself where she can see
the children as they walk towards the table. Teacher A will continue to assist the other children
and join the group when the last child has been served.
Supervision Assignment: Teachers will position themselves at the table facing each other but
sitting at opposite ends from one another. (See blue Xs in diagram). The teacher will engage in
conservation with the children while constantly visual scanning the children during lunch.
Meal time Rules:
1. Always sit on you bottom at the tables.
2. Chew and swallow your food before talking.
3. Voice tone at a level 1.
Serving Line 1
Exit Outside
South Doors
North Windows
Exit Main Office
Departure Procedures: Teacher A will give a signal when it is time to clean-up. The children
will clean their area, stand up from the table and follow Teacher A to the trash can with their
trays. After throwing away trash, the children will follow Teacher B to line up at the south
doors where Teacher B will do a head count. The class will proceed out the cafeteria when
Teacher B has joined the group.
Emergency Plans
Child injured: The teacher will contact the office for someone come assist with the child or the
other children.
Fire Alarm: The teacher will lead children outside through the doors on the westside of the
Toileting and Personal Care: The teacher will contact the office for someone to come and
relieve her or assist the child with toileting.
Communication Links: The teacher will use cell phones to contact the front office if needed.