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MSCI 2150

Introduction to Management
Science 164.215
Course Outline
University of Manitoba
I.H. Asper School of Business
Faculty of Management
Department of Supply Chain Management
Term 2 L05-Slot 7
Spring 2005 TTh 10.00 am-11.15 am 107 Drake Centre
Term 2 L06-Slot 10 Spring 2005 TTh 1.00 pm-2.15 pm
115 Drake Centre
Dr S. K. Bhatt
Room 456 Drake Building, Phone: 474-9231
Bernard W. Taylor, Introduction to Management Science,
Pearson Custom Pub., 8th Edition 2004. ISBN 0-13-142439-4.
Please make sure that the book includes a CD.
An introduction to management science techniques and models. Topics include linear programming, distribution problems, deicison theory and queuing models. Prerequisites: 136.131 or 136.130 or equivalent and 136.152 or 136.150 or equivalent.
Corequisites: 005.100 or equivalent and 074.126 or former 074.101. May not hold
with former 027.215.
(a) To introduce students to the subject of Management Science, and a variety of
management science models, methods and computational procedures that are
helpful in solving management problems in Finance, P.O.M., Accounting, M.I.S.,
Marketing, Operational Research, Actuarial Science, etc..Emphasis is placed on
models and their solutions.
(b) To give students a good foundation in basic problem solving as a preparation for
upper level quantitative courses (Finance, Production/ Operations Management,
Accounting, M.I.S., Marketing, Operational Research, Actuarial Science, etc.).
(c) To develop in students an appreciation of the management science approach to
problem formulation and solution, so important in the modern business and industrial world with the increased use of computers.
Midterm Test 1
Friday February 3, 2006, 6:00-7:30 P.M. 20%
Midterm Test 2
Friday March 10, 2006, 6:00-7:30 P.M. 30%
Voluntary Withdrawal
Friday March 17, 2006
Schedule by Student Records
(a) January 16: Last date for second term fee payment.
(b) February 13 - 17: Mid-Term break: No classes or examinations.
(c) March 17: Last day for voluntary withdrawal from second term half courses. The
UMREG system closes at 8:00 p.m, see your faculty general office for information.
(d) April 7: Classes end in most faculties and schools.
(e) April 10 - 27: Final examination period. Students must remain available until
all examination obligations have been fulfilled.
(f) April 14: Good Friday Holiday: No classes or examinations.
Disability Policy Statement:
Any Student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required
to register with Disability Services each semester. Any student with a disability requiring accomodations in this class is encouraged to contact me after class or during
office hours. All discussions will remain confidential. Additionally, students should
contact Disability Services. Disability Services is located at 155 University Centre
University of Manitoba. Students are encouraged to visit or call Disability Services,
155 University Centre, in order to make an appointment with DS staff. Phone Number: 204 474-6213 and Fax: 204 261-7732.
Week 1:
Jan. 2-6
Chapter 1, Management Science, pp.1-26. The management science approach.
Chapter 2, Linear Programming and graphical solution, pp 28-67.
Week 2:
Jan. 9-14
Chapter 2, Linear Programming, Graphical Solution, standard form, pp. 28-67.
Week 3:
Jan. 16-20
Chapter 3, Linear Programming, Computer output, Duality (class notes) and
Sensitivity Analysis from Computer Output, pp. 68-102.
Week 4:
Jan. 23-27
Chapter 4, Linear Programming Modeling Examples,
Interpreting Computer Output, Sensitivity Analysis, pp 104-116.
Week 5:
Jan. 31-Feb. 3
Chapter 4, Linear Programming Applications
Test 1 on Friday February 3, 6.00pm- 7.30 pm
Week 6:
Feb. 6-10
Chapter 4, Linear Programming Applications.
Chapter 6, Formulation of Transportation, Problems. pp.171-206,
Week 7:
Feb. 20-24
Chapter 6 Formulation of Transportation, Transshipment and
Assignment problems as L.P.P. Excel solution and interpretation.
Week 8:
Feb. 27-Mar. 3
Chapter 7, Network Flow Models.
Week 9:
Mar. 6-10
Chapter 7- 7.1, 7.2. Chapter 7, Network Flow Models.
Chapter 12, Decision Analysis.
Test 2 on Friday March 10, 6:00-7:30 P.M.
Voluntary Withdrawal Date is Friday, March. 17, 2006
Week 10:
Mar. 13-17
Chapter 12, Decision Analysis.
Week 11:
Mar. 20-24
Chapter 12, Decision Analysis.
Chapter 13, Queuing Analysis
Week 12:
Mar. 27-31
Chapter 13, Queuing Analysis.
Week 13:
Apr. 3-6
Chapter 13, Queuing Analysis.
Final Examination will be of Two Hours.
Students are strongly advised to go through solved examples, Problems and Case
Problems in the textbook. Always adopt pen and paper for doing Management Science
problems. You will be deceiving yourself if you simply read the text. In order to draw
the maximum benefit out of this course, you should always, before going to the next
lecture, go through the reading assignment. This will create greater interest in the
• Responsibility: You are responsible for obtaining notes and handouts
from any classes you miss.
• Attendance: It has been observed that your attendance in class has
a direct correlation with your final grade. Do make an attempt to
attend all classes.
• Exams: The Tests and Final will be closed book, no notes allowed.
It is critical to the reputation of the Asper School of Business and of our degrees,
that everyone associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity.
As the faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special
obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty
in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of Manitoba General
Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading Plagiarism
and Cheating. We expect you to familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity
guidelines. Students who violate University standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the
University. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students, and
the University, policies on academic integrity will be strictly enforced.
I expect you to exhibit integrity in all of your actions related to this course.
What does integrity mean? On exams, the meaning is clear: dont cheat,
and we all know what that means.