DESALINATION Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 ELSEVIER Silica removal using ion-exchange resins "a* M. Ben Sik Ali a, B. Hamrounl , S. Bouguecha b, M. Dhahbi b °Laboratoire Eau et Technologies Membranaires, FacultO des Sciences de Tunis, Campus Universitaire, 1060 Tunis, Tunisia Tel. +216 (71) 872600; Fax: +216 (71) 885008; email: bLaboratoire Eau et Technologies Membranaires, Institut National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-Lif Tunisia Received 17 February 2004; accepted 27 February 2004 Abstract In water treatment, silica is a problem because of its tendency to form deposits. It is often necessary to include reducing silica concentration to permit increased cycles of concentration without scale. The behavior of aqueous silica and the various water treatment processes used for its removal were reviewed. Silica that exists in water in equilibrium with ion silicate can be removed by strong base anion-exchange resins operated in the hydroxide cycle. With the aim of silica removal by ion exchange, some thermodynamic and kinetic aspects were studied at different temperatures. Selectivity coefficients were determined and activity coefficients were calculated from an appropriate model. Silica concentrations were obtained by the measure of the absorbance of yellow or blue-colored silicomolybdic acid. Anion species concentrations were determined by ionic chromatography. Keywords: Silica removal; Ion-exchange; Selectivity coefficient; Thermodynamic equilibrium constant; Ion kinetic exchange 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n Scale formation in industrial and domestic installations is still an important economic problem. In water treatment, silica scaling is a real and constant concern for plant operations. It *Corresponding author. is often necessary to include reducing silica concentration to permit increased cycles of concentration without scale. Because the nature of silica in solution has a significant influence on its removal mechanism, the essentials of silica chemistry are first reported. The need to remove or to reduce the quantity of silica and the various water treatment pro- Presented at the EuroMed 2004 conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries: Cooperation between Mediterranean Countries of Europe and the Southern Rim of the Mediterranean. Sponsored by the European Desalination Society and Office National de l'Eau Potable, Marrakech, Morocco, 30 May-2 June, 2004. 0011-9164/04/$- See front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved doi;10.1016/j.desal.2004.06.136 274 M. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 cesses used for its removal were reviewed [1,2]. Recent papers on silica removal have been based on chemical processes such as precipitation and coagulation [3,4]. Ion-exchange technology encompasses the sciences of thermodynamics, kinetics, ion chemistry, fluid mechanics, and economics. Understanding the finer points of ion exchange helps to determine whether or not ion exchange will be useful for a particular application. Thus, for a better understanding of silica removal by ion exchange, the aim of this work was to study some thermodynamic and kinetic aspects at different temperatures. Selectivity coefficients were determined and activity coefficients were calculated by an appropriate model. 1.1. General chemistry o f silica The silica in water exists in an amorphous form whose solubility, at 25°C, lies in the range of 100 to 140 mg/L as SiO 2 [5,6]. Dissolved silica exists as ortho-silicic acid H4SiO4 or Si(OH)4. Sillrn [7] has pointed out that it is a very weak acid so that in marine water the pH range, only about 5%, would be in the form H3SiO4. It can be found in soluble, colloidal and suspended forms [ 1,6]. However, in natural waters monositicic acid may be stable for a long time if its concentration is less than 100 mg/L at 25°C [6,7]. For higher concentrations silica polymerization may occur and leads to polymers, colloids and suspended particles. Iler [6] found that, in the absence of salts and at a 7-10 pH range, spherical colloids grow without aggregation. When salts are present and for pH less than 3 or in the range 7-10, colloids associate to form aggregates and possibly gels. Monosilicic and disilicic acids characterized by their rapid reaction with molybdic acid are called "reactive silica" [5]. More polymeric forms and colloids are "non reactive silica". Thus, the term "soluble silica" includes the reactive forms and dissolved polymers [1,2]. Silica solubility depends on many factors such as temperature, pressure, pH and ionic strength. No significant variation is noted for pH values below 9. At higher pH there is an apparent increase in the solubility due to the formation of silicates ions in addition to the monomer, which is in equilibrium with the solid phase. Generally, the presence of salts has significant influence on silica solubility, which decreases when ionic strength increases [2,8]. Many technologies have been developed for the removal of silica. An increase of silica solubility at high pH and/or temperature may avoid its scaling [9,10]. Chemical processes were used such as precipitation and coagulation [3,4]. Polymeric dispersant as inhibitors on silica polymerization were also applied in desalination plants [11,12]. In particular applications, strong base anion exchange can remove virtually all reactive silica. 1.2. Thermodynamic aspects o f the ion-exchange process Synthetic ion-exchange resins are widely used in water treatment to remove many undesirable dissolved species, most commonly hardness, from water. These resins are based on a cross-linked polymer skeleton called the "matrix". Most commonly, this matrix is composed of polystyrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene. Functional groups are attached to the matrix through covalent bonding. There are strong or weak acid cation exchangers and strong or weak base anion exchangers [13]. Silica removal is a specific case of anion exchange and is typically accomplished with a strong base resin in the hydroxide form. Since silica acts as a very weak acid, the exchange reaction for silica removal is as follows: H3SiO4 s + OH-R ~" H3SiO4 g + OH-s (1) HaSiO4 s + C1-R '~ H3SiOj R + Cl-s (2) M. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 Anion-exchange resins are commonly regenerated with caustic soda, in accordance with the following reaction: H3SiO4 R + OH-s '=" HsSiO4 s + OH-R oHsSiO4- (HsSiO;) R (OH-)s K OH- = (H3SiO4-)s(OH -)R (4) H3SiO4- .,S,O; KOH- = [HsSiO;]s [OH _]R .,s,o: /~Cl- = (7) (3) In the above equations subscript "R" refers to the ion exchanger (resin) and "S" to the mobile phase (solution). Concentrations in the resin and in the solution are, respectively, expressed in mmole/g of resin and mmole/mL of solution. The law of mass action to ion exchange is applicable, and the ability of an ion exchanger to select one of two ions present in the same solution can be characterized quantitatively. For ion-exchange equilibrium a thermodynamic equilibrium constant K ° (expressed in terms of ion activities) or a selectivity coefficient K (expressed in terms of ion concentrations) and a distribution coefficient D are defined. They are calculated for the ion exchange between silica and resin in the hydroxide or chloride form, as follows: (YH,S<)s (':O"-)R 275 Kon- (5) [n4siO4]R HsSiO4- [OH-]R D- [H4SiO4]s- KOH- [OH_]s (8) 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials and chemical products Analytical-grade shipped chemicals and reagents were used. Silica solutions were prepared using a soluble salt of metasilicate (Na2SiO3, 9HzO) and stored in polyethylene bottles. Distilled water and all solutions were microfiltred before use. Experiments were made on the strong anion-exchange resin (Dowex 1X8-100 mesh) presented as a spherical particle of about 150 #m diameter. De-ionized water with a resistance greater than 18 M ~ was used for ion chromatography. Laboratory ion-exchange processing was accomplished by batch and column methods. In the first method, the resin and solution are mixed in a batch tank, the exchange is allowed to come to equilibrium, then the resin is separated from solution. The resin columns used were 170 × 10 mm in size and made of glass. Each column was slurry packed with about 10 g of the prepared resin. The column was sealed with two plastic caps at the top and bottom. 2.2. Analytical procedure oHsSiO4- (H3Si04) R (C1-)s K el= (HsSiO4)s(C1-)R (6) Silica was determined by measuring the absorbance of the yellow-colored silicomolybdic acid at 380 nm or the blue-colored silicomolybdic obtained by reduction with the 1 amino-2 naphtol-4 sulfonic acid at 810 nm. Addition of tartaric acid removes interference from 276 M. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 Table 1 Parameters for ion chromatography analysis Eluent, 10 -3 M NaHCO3 2 1.3 Pressure, MPa 4.4 Analysis time, min 24 Loop, #L 20 Temp., °C 20 Suppressor: regenerating agents 20x 10-3 M H2904; ultra pure water auto step with fill Na2CO 3 density and exchange capacity were determined. Experimental results from dried resin at l l0°C indicate that the humidity percentage and the density shipping were, respectively, 37.12% and 0.7 g/L. Ion-exchange capacity calculated was: Ce = 2.74:t:0.09 mmol/g. 3.2. Selectivity coefficients determination The selectivity coefficients between silica and the strong anion resin in hydroxide and in ..... phosphorous by destroying phosphomotybdate within few minutes [5,6]. Anions were determined by ion chromatography using a Metrohm 761 Compact IC with conductivity detection. The anion chromatography measurements with chemical suppression were made with a Metrosep anion dual 2 column (4.6×75 mm) with a particle diameter of 6 #m. The operating parameters for ion chromatography analysis are described in Table 1. The operating conditions for selectivity coefficient determination by batch method were as follows: • To make resin in hydroxide form, 100 mL of 2 M NaOH solution recently prepared with boiled water were passed through the column containing 10 g of resin. Then the resin was rinsed with boiled distilled water till neutrality of effluent solution was reached. • A 0.1 M HCI solution was passed through the column: the first 2 mL corresponding to the interstitial volume were removed and the following 100 mL were collected. • The excess HC1 was neutralized by 0.4 M NaOH and the ion-capacity exchange was deduced. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Preliminary characteristics Characteristics of the resin Dowex 1×8-100 mesh such as humidity percentage, shipping H3SiO4- . .~.H3SiO4- chloride forms, respectlvelY,hon_ ana,,~cl_ were determined. The ability of the ion-exchange resin to select between the two ions, C1- and H3SiO4, given by Eqs. (2) and (7) was determined by batch method. A mass of resin mR was stirred with a volume Vs of a solution of silica. After equilibrium, [Cl-]s is determined by ion chromatography and [CI-]R is deduced from the mass balance in the resin: [C1-]R = Ce - Vs "[C1-]s mR (9) Table 2 summarizes the results obtained for the selectivity coefficient where KCl3_si°4- = 0.76 + 0.04 The selectivity coefficient KoHHS_ i°4- , according to Eqs. (1) and (5), was determined by a graphical method (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 gives the silica concentration in resin (CR) VS. silica concentration in solution (Cs) for a given hydroxide concentration (c0). Because the quantities of silica fixed in the resin were quite small, [OH-]R and [OH-]s were assumed, respectively, to be CE and Co. Eq. (8), where D tends towards D °, becomes: D° [H4SiOa]R H3SiO4-CE - [H4SiO4]s - KOH- Co (10) 277 34. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 Table 2 Selectivity coefficient determined by batch method Sample [C1-]s, retool-L- ~ [Cl-]g,mmot.g I [SiO2]R,mmol.g-1 [SiO2]s,mmoI.L-~ Kc~3-si°; 1 2 30.23 30.41 2.52 2.51 0.11 0.11 1.94 1.75 0.71 0.80 3 30.84 2.51 0.11 1.86 0.76 IT} ] Table 3 Distribution and selectivity coefficient determination y=5x / y+ 2. 80 / ,,"" y=1.1186x ft Y ' / ' . . . . ~.6o- f / II ,; ,," t. i ,./ W' <'.;/ "20 ~/,,,;i./¢.. 0 Co, rnlTlol.L -1 D° KO-H-O'l-l'l''lill Co= 2.5 mmol.L-1 1.25 2.50 5.25 5.00 2.22 1.12 2.28 2.03 2.14 )7'- . . . . ~.. 40 : //;":" /~i/" " Co= 1,25 mmoI.L-t y_o- ,,2_5 __mmol.L-I ......... . _-.e- . . . . . . . . . . . 2~0 4]) 6'1) 80 ll~) 17.0 14(I .,sio: _ (re,)s Fig. 1. Graphical representation of ion equilibrium exchange, CR =f ( Cs). In Fig. 1 D ° was given by the tangent to the curve at axial intercepts. Table 3 gives D° ..d Ko" S values The values /q.f!o; H,sio, (12) Cs ( m g per L of solution) Activity coefficients in solution, at low ionic strength /, were calculated using the DebyeHiJckel model [2] according to Eq. (13) with subsequent parameters A, B and a/° [14]. = 2.15+0.12 and Kcli3_ ~i°2'-'° = 0.764-0.04 show that log Yi - Az? o (13) l + ai B v/I resin in hydroxide form has more affinity for silica than in its chloride form. The thermodynamic equilibrium constants H3SiO4H3SiO4/COOn_ and K°cl_ calculated according, respectively, to Eqs. (4) and (6), require the knowledge of activity coefficients. Because activity coefficients in the resin are inaccessible, they may be assumed to be equal, and the above equations are simplified as follows: I = 0.005 and -.(YOH-ts -= x,(Y~si°4-t = 0.96. Thus, in the two studied cases, thermSdynamic equilibrium constants and correspondent selectivity coefficients have the same value. KoHaSiO4- - 3.3. Kinetic aspects (~'OH-)s HsSiO4 F o r gcl~ io4-H.s calculation at 25°C, ionic strength w a s I = 0 . 0 6 and (ycl-)s --- (YH SiO-/ = 0.8. For the HsSiO4~ 3 4 ts . Kon_ calculation at 25°C, ionic strength was The kinetics of exchange of silica and resin in hydroxide form were carried out at different M. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 278 temperatures. Fig. 2 shows that ion-exchange equilibrium was established rapidly at less than 10 mn and no significant effect of temperature. Fig. 3 represents the variations, respectively, of fixed and removed silica concentrations vs. time, according to Eq. (1), for the forward and reverse ion-exchange reactions. We note the reversibility of the ion-exchange reaction and confirm the rapidity for reaching the equilibrium state. The rate of the ion-exchange reaction according to Eq. (1) is proportional to the concentration of the reactants: V =-k. [H38104 ]S [OH -JR2 " - ~1 • (14) where k is the specific rate constant; cq and ct2 are the reaction order with respect to silica and hydroxide reagents. Assuming that hydroxide ions in resin are in excess in respect to silica, the following expressions are obtained: 1,6 I "{,l 0 The third-order reaction and the rate constant were determined at different temperatures: 20°C, 30°C and 40°C. The reaction rate integrated form is: 1 1 [H3SiO4-]~ [H3SiO4-]2o - 2.k,.t 2 2 4 6 8 I0 20 °C • 30 °C • 40 °C 12 14 16 T i m e (ran) Fig. 2. Silica concentration vs. time at different temperatures. 25O. 22q-~ 6 20{) 1 \ i ~ '751 ~ 15ol \ O " -]a,S where, k' =k.[OH-]~, 2 (15) v =-k'. [H 3SLO4 --~- 2 1,4t [ 0 '11 Forward rcaotion, • - ,t- .. Reverse reaction .-................. !--~......................... ~................ . 10 . . 20 . , '~ 30 40 50 N) Time(ran) Fig. 3. Reversibilityof ion-exchangereaction at 25°C. 6T Y R2 5 ~20 oC : 1.1679x 0,9814 '." | 3 0 °C: 1.0266x 0,9996 .-" (16) In Fig. 4 experimental data were fitted for each temperature to Eq. (16). The implication of a given straight line with a very high correlation coefficient is that the studied ion exchange is a third-order reaction. This is especially true for temperatures of 20 and 30°C, for which correlation coefficients were, respectively, 0.9996 and 0.9814. At higher temperatures the correlation coefficients diverge from unity. 11 ~- 30oc:.___ ~ " oc - 40°C: Time • (ran) Fig. 4. E x p e r i m e n t a l data fitted for t h i r d - o r d e r reaction at different temperatures. M. Ben Sik Ali et al. / Desalination 167 (2004) 273-279 4. Conclusions A strong anion-exchange resin is often useful in water treatment, especially for silica removal. Some thermodynamic and kinetic aspects were developed in this work. Thermodynamic equilibrium constants and selectivity selections determined by a graphical method have the same value. They show a better selectivity for silica when the resin is in the hydroxide form. With silica, anion-exchange reactions were rapid and reversible. They were in a third-order reaction at 20°C and 30°C. Rate constants were determined at these temperatures. Applied to geothermal water, silica removal by a strong ion-exchange resin suffers from the competition of other anions present. References [1] B. Hamrouni and M. Dhahbi, J. Soc. Chim. Tunisie, 4(6) (1999) 461. [2] B. Hamrouni and M. Dhahbi, Desalination, 136 (2001) 225. [3] R. Sheikholeslami and S. Zhou, Desalination, 132 (2000) 337. 279 [4] R. Sheikholeslami and J. Bright, Desalination, 143 (2002) 255. [5] G.B. Alexander, W. M. Heston and R. K. Iler, .L Phys. Chem., 58 (1954) 453. [6] R.K. Iler, The Chemistry of Silica, Wiley, New York, 1979. [7] L. G. Sill6n, The physical chemistry of sea water, in M. 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