Chapter 10 - Waves 1. What is a wave? a. A disturbance traveling through a medium b. Carries eergy away from a source c. Disturbance moves along, not the actual material 2. Similarities and differences between transverse and longitudinal waves a. Compression/longitudinal i. travel through solid/liquid/gas ii. the compression travels through the material iii. same direction iv. sound = compression wave in the air 1. long WL low pitch 2. short WL high pitch 3. large amp loud 4. small amp soft b. Transverse/shear i. transverse just through solids ii. Requires rigid bonds (so it can come back down) iii. perpendicular iv. Light = transverse wave, red to blue – frequency increases and WL decreases and speed the same 1. long WL red light 2. short WL blue light 3. large amp bright 4. small amp dim c. surface waves (like an earthquake) are both 3. 4 properties of waes a. Wavelength – dist b/t crests (lambda), inversely related to frequency b. Frequency - # of creast to pass point per sec, inversely related to WL, i. Sound – pitch ii. Light - color c. Speed – rate that a disturbance travels, v=WL*f i. Unique for wave type in the medium wave travels through ii. If speed constant, can’t vary WL without also changing frequency (inversely related) – reason why red to blue f increases and WL descreases d. Amplitude – how big wave is, amt of displacement from rest position, i. For given WL, increase amplitude increases wave ENERGY 4. 4 types of wave behavior and example a. Reflection – bounce off surfaces (image on h2o) b. Refraction – waves change angle when enter material of different density i. Move slower in more dense material ii. Part of wave that 1st enters material moves slower 1st so makes angle change iii. Amount of refraction depends on WL, that’s why visible light rainbows fall one on top on another c. Diffraction – fan out/disperse when encounter obstacle/opening i. Amount of dispersion depends on size of WL and opening 1. Large dispersion when WL similar to opening 2. Small dispersion when WL smaller than opening d. Interference – addition/cancelation of disturbance when multiple waves pass through a medium i. Constructive – addition ii. Destructive - cancelatio 5. What is a standing wave? How created? a. When a wave combines on itself by reflecting/wrapping around (interfearence) b. Waves wrap around and come back to where they started from c. Waves reflect and bound cack to where they started from 6. Explain Doppler effect? How does it change wavelength and frequency? a. F and WL change when wave emitter/receiver is moving b. Emitter and receiver moving closer f goes up c. Emitter and receiver moving apart f goes down Chapter 11 – Light 1. How is the speed of light measured? 2. What are the different types of electromagnetic radiation? a. Reggae Music Is Very Unsatisfactory for Xylophones and Glockenspiels b. Infrared (heat radiation) c. Speed constant (given medium) for all d. Energy of individual photons for each is determined by frequency e. F and amp diff for kind of radiaiton 3. Why do we believe light is a wave? a. Light diffracts – small WL, diffracts w/ small opening (soft edges of shadow) b. Light interferes – laser pointer through 2 slits, bright lines=constructive, dark lines=destructive c. Particles don’t diffract or interfere 4. Why do we believe light is also a stream of particles? a. Photoelectric effect – EJECTION OF ELECTRONS FROM METALS WHEN LIGHT SHINED ON METAL’S SURFACE i. Waves are always proportional to amplitude, but frequency (bright red light vs dim ultraviolet) proportional to light energy too! Plastic beachball vs metal beachball, ii. Each phonton specific smount of genergy, greater strength per photon, E=hf iii. Light energy BOTH frequency and amplitude (# of photons present) 5. What is the evidence for and ideas behind the theory of wave-particle duality? a. Interference pattern = probability of where photons will land, PROBABILITIES CAN INTERFERE MODELS OF MATTER 1. Continuous (CH 12) 2. Molecular (CH 13) a. Explains i. Temperature ii. Phase change iii. Desnity of different phases iv. Air pressure v. Thermal conductivity 3. Atomic (CH 14) a. Matter mixutres of indivisible atoms b. Each kind of atom (element) has unique properties c. Atoms conserved in chemical reactions d. No explain i. HOW different atoms have different properties 4. Nuclear (CH 14) a. Solar system b. Bohr 5. Quantum (CH 16) a. Electrons described by standing waves centered on the nucleus b. Mathematical descriptions for different standing wabes correspond to different energy orbitals c. Orbitals correspond to probability densities for the distribution of electons d. The electron is effectively everywhere in the orbital at the same time Chapter 12 – Physical Properties of Matter 1. How 4 states of matter defined? How density changes from state to state? a. Solids – support all forces b. Liquids – support compression and tension forces (too free for shear force) c. Gases – compression forces (because free, just move around otherwise or aren’t held back by anything) d. Plasma i. Ionized (high temp) gas ii. Electrons detached from atoms, disconnected nuclei floating in sea of loose electrons—no molecules iii. 99% of visible universe e. Density unique to each material, change instate involve abrupt change in density 2. How states of matter of certain materials depend on temperature? a. State depend on temp and pressure b. Different materials change at diff temps 3. What are the 3 types of forces? How thes forces differ with states of matter? a. States of matter respond differently to different types of forces b. Compression – squish c. Tension – pull apart d. Shear - twist 4. What are the different types of spectra? Why do objects have different colors? a. Different kinds of matter have different spectra b. Continuous – contains all colors i. Absorption line spectrum - If missing some portions of light called c. Discrete/emission-line – only some portion of light present 5. Difference between conductors, ionic conductors, and non-conductors? 6. Continuous model of matter and list of what it fails to explain? a. Matter divided infinitely without changing basic character b. No explain i. Brownian motion ii. Gas properties iii. Temperature iv. Heat flow Chapter 13 – Molecular Model of Matter 1. 4 essential assumptions of Molecular Model of Matter a. All matter made of distinct, tiny, indivisible (NOT TRUE) particles called molecules b. Each different kind of matter consists of a different kind of molecule c. Molecules in matter are in constant motion d. Molecules move and ineract in accord ith laws of motion, laws of force, and laws of conservation 2. How does this model explain Brownian motion? a. Erratic/jittery motion of dust speck in a fluid—being randomly clobbered by unseen molecules 3. How does this model account ofr different states of matter and changes between them? a. Solid – molecules locked but vibrate, cool or heat, electromagnetic forces b/t molecutes (intermolecular forces) b. Liquid – molecules move past each other but still weak attraction, electromagnetic forces b/t molecutes (intermolecular forces) c. Gas – molecules only interact when collide, cool/compress or heat/reduce pressure, move so fast can’t be held by intermolecular forces d. Plasma – molecules collide with enough energy to break into charged pieces e. Temperature constant when 2 states present (one changing into other) f. Phase transitions convert heat into POTENTIAL ENERGY (not KE), KE only increases when heat added AFTER transition is complete i. When temp increase, KE increase ii. If temp constant, KE constant 4. How does this movel explain tmepterature, heat, and internal energy? a. Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy (avg molecular speed) of the molecules i. Clod slow ii. Hot fast iii. Absolute zero no motion iv. KE =1/2 mv^2 b. Same temp = same KE c. Higher temp/avg elocity greater the range of velocities d. Higher molecular mass/velocity lower avg velocity e. b/c temp is avg, some molecules faster/slower, fast ones escape as gas even when avg temp is below boiling—colder when wind blowing, cold when get out of pool 5. How does this model explain heat conduction and gas pressure? a. Gas pressure – molecular collisions with walls of container –wall and ball exert fore on each other i. Increases with temp is gas can’t expand b. Heat conduction – i. ii. Window transfers KE by collision to outside air 6. What are the limitation of this model? a. Where color come from? b. How parts of molecules arranged? c. Why metal conduct heat well nut not wood? d. Why metal conduct electricity but not wood? e. plasmas Chapter 14 – Nuclear Model of Atom 1. Discuss the key experiments (gas discharge tubes, oil-drop experiment, gold-foil experiment, atomic spectra) that led to our understanding of atomic structure a. Cathode Ray Tube i. Atom NOT indivisible ii. Atom positive and negative parts iii. Positive parts different for each element and carry most of atom mass (post part defines the element) iv. Degative parts small mass and same for all elements b. Oil drop i. Measure force on charged oil droplets in a glass chamber ii. Charges factors of a single number iii. Particle like /quantized nature of electrons iv. Establish existance of electron c. Gold foil i. Positive alpha articles ii. Dense positive center d. Atomic spectra 2. Thomson model of atom and limitations a. Thin positive fluid (contains most of mass) with negative points throughout that orbit rapidly inside fluid b. Supported by plasma tube and oil drop exper 3. Rutherford model of atom and limitations a. All positive charge in nucleus, elliptical orbits at any possible energy b. Supporte dby gold foil 4. Bohr model of atom and limitations a. All positive charge in ncleus and quantized energy levels b. Makes break with newton’s los of motion c. Supported by emission and absorbtion sectra (only worked for H) 5. Absorption vs emission Chapter 15 – Duality of Matter 1. Identify and explain experiments that show the particle nature of matter. a. Oil-drop experiment – electrons detected like particles 2. Identify and explain experiments that show the wave nature of matter. a. Germer and Davisson pass electrons through nickel crystal – electron-beam Double slit experiment – electrons diffract and interfere like waves i. electrons detected like particles but places they are detected how interference patterns, JUST LIKE PHOTONS ii. can’t see b/c slits need to be immensely small iii. don’t measue which hole electron goes through wave-like behavior iv. do measure which hold electron goes throughparticle-like behavior b. diffract and interfere c. Schdinger’s wave equation – electron position described by probability wabe 3. Relate the probability of locating a small particle to its wave properties. a. High probability areas of large wave amplitude (anti nodes) b. Low probability of detection areas wave amplitude small (nodes) 4. State the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and apply it to predict the results of experiments where the position or momentum of particles is precisely determined. a. The uncertainity in position times the uncertainity in momentum (massxvelocity) is greater than Planck’s constant b. We can only know the position OR the velocity and direction (momentum) We cannot describe the path of an electron 5. Explain the philosophical difference between the quantum mechanical view of nature and that of Newtonian physic a. Netown – we could predict interaction using laws of motion b. Quantum mechanical – we cannot predict the results, we can only give probabilities that certain outcomes will happen Chapter 16 – Quantum Model Energy level = standing wave Each orbital has the shape of a standing wave 1. Identify the main elements of the quantum model of the atom. a. Electrons found in 3D electron probability waves surrounding the nucleus b. Delectrons do NOT orbit, rather they are trapped in the locations given by standing wave clouds called orbitals 2. Explain how the quantum model of the atom resolves the problems with the Bohr model of the atom. a. Electrons don’t move or accelerate so they don’t have to continuously give off light b. The energy differences between each probability wave can explain atomic absorption and emission spectra 3. Explain the difference between an orbit and an orbital. 4. Recognize the shapes of the lowest-energy orbitals. a. 5. Identify how many orbitals each shape has. a. 1 wave – s orbital, one pattern i. Found in all energy levels ii. Higher energylevels have more nodes and extend farther from the nucleus b. 2 waves – p orbital, 1 patterns, s and p orbitals i. Found in all energy levels higher than 2, come in sets of 3 c. 3 wave – d orbital, 3 patterns, s, p, and d orbitals i. Come in sets of 5 d. patterns = # of rows, set = lines in row e. f. g. Each standing waves can have a different number of nodes when more electrons around the nucleus 6. Explain how orbitals are grouped in shells and which orbitals can be in each shell. a. b. c. 2 electrons per orbital (wave?) 7. Describe the relative energies of each shell and of the orbitals within each shell. 8. State the Pauli Exclusion Principle and apply it to the filling of atomic orbitals. a. No more than 2 electrons can occupy the same orbital (in a given shell), if 2 electrons are in the same orbital them must have different spins b. Fill up beds first before doubling up Chapter 17 – Periodic Table 1. How oxygen combining ratios led Mendeleev to formulate a periodic table 2. How atomic diameters and ionization energies change periodically with the atomic number of elements 3. Identify families of elements that are groups together by common or systemiatic changes in their properties a. Alkali metals (group 1) i. 1 electron in an s orbital ii. Li, Na, K, etc. react energetically with water b. Alkali earths (group 2) c. Transition metals (group 3-12) d. Halogens (group 17) i. F, Cl, Br, etc. ii. Highly reactive iii. Form ionic compounds with ions of alkali metals iv. 2 electrons in s orbital and 5 in p e. Noble gases (group 18) i. He, Ne, Ar, etc. ii. Don’t easily combine with other elements iii. Full s and p orbitals 4. How quantum model of the atom explains the periodic trands in these properties a. Valence electron pattern predicts chemical behavior b. c. d. Atomic diameters – decrease across row and increase as you go down period i. e. Ionization egery – energy required to strip electron from atom i. Noble gases largest ii. Alkali metals lease iii. Increase across row, decrease down a coloum iv. A filled p orbital, each electron sees at least 8 protons pulling on it v.