Uploaded by Emad Ibrahem Hussein

Food Microbiology: Bacteria & Food Spoilage


Food microbiology

Dr. Emad Hussein

Bacteria mainly reproduce by a process referred to as binary fission.

Generation time ( Gt)= doubling time (Td).

• Is the time taken usually expressed in minutes

(sometimes hours or even days) for one bacterium to double or for a bacterial population to double.

• The shorter the generation time the faster the reproduction, vice versa.

1  2  4  8  16  32  64  128  256


What is Food Microbiology

The study of microbial ecology related to foods

 the effect of the environment on food spoilage and manufacture

 the chemical, physical and biological destruction of microorganisms (M.O) in foods

 the microbiological examination of food stuff

 public health and sanitation microbiology.


The study of the interactions between the chemical, physical, and structural aspects of a niche and the composition of its specific microbial population.

Gt = 0.3 t log

10 z – log

10 x

0.3 = constant t = the duration of study (min) log

10 z = final cell numbers per ml or CFU log

10 x = initial cell numbers per ml or CFU



If, under a a given growth conditions, the initial population of 10 to 10 time


4 cells/ml of bacteria species increased cells/ml in 120 min, what was the generation

• t = 120 min

• log10 z = 10 6

• log10 x = 10 4 cells/ml cells/ml

• Gt = 0.3 (120) = 18 min


1. Lag phase

Reproduction = Death.

Cells adjust to new environment (acclimation) induction or repression of enzymes

 initiate chromosome and plasmid reproduction

• Length of lag phase depends on various conditions:

 temperature

 inoculum size physiological history of the microorganism.

Equation to predict final population

Y= X 2 n

Y = the final number of bacteria

X = the initial number of bacteria n = number of generations ( doublings)

Example :

• Suppose you have Escherichia coli with a generation time of 20 minutes. If the initial concentration of E. coli in ground beef was 1 colony forming unit (cfu)/g how many E . coli would you expect after 2 h?

• Y = X 2n

Y = 1 x 2 6

= 1x (2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2)

= 64 cfu/g

• Suppose the initial number of E. coli was 100,000 (10 5 after 4 hours?

). How many cell would you expect

Y= X 2n

Y=100,000 x 2 12

2. Logarithmic or exponential

• Reproduction > Death.

• Vigorous growth via binary fission.

• First order kinetics .

• Number of microorganisms at any time is directly proportional to the initial number of microorganisms.

Bacterial Growth Curve

3. Stationary phase

• Reproduction = Death.

• Substrate limitation or adverse environment such as acid production or oxygen limitation.



4. Death phase

• Death > Reproduction.

• Severe substrate limitation or accumulation of waste products or antimicrobials.

• By the action of autolytic enzymes, may lyse and release the cellular enzymes in food, which then act on food component

1- Lactic acid bacteria

Produce Lactic acid from fermentation of sugars

The production of lactic acid could be desirable or undesirable.

Desirable : sauerkraut and cheese

Undesirable : wine and distilled beverages

The major genera belong to the families

Lactobacillaceae and Streptococcaceae

Leuconostoc Lactobacillus

Streptococcus Pediococcus



Bacteria can grow in food and make different changes

The changes include hydrolysis of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (spoilage).

Some bacteria are useful in the industrial


Some other bacteria are pathogenic to human beings


2- Acetic acid bacteria

Acetic acid bacteria belong to the genera

Acetobacter and Gluconobacter

Oxidize ethyl alcohol to acetic acid.

Can further oxidize acetic acid to carbon dioxide

Acetobacter aceti causes sliminess in vinegar generators.

Groups of Bacteria Important in Food


Bacteria important in foods often are grouped on the basis of the common characteristics regardless for their classification.

Some bacteria might be included in two or more groups

3- Butyric acid bacteria

• Produce butyric acid in relatively large amounts.

• Most bacteria of this group are spore-forming anaerobes of the genus Clostridium butyricum


4- Propionic acid bacteria

Most bacteria of this group are in the genus


It is important in the production of Swiss cheese

Responsible for changing lactic acid to propionic acid acetic acid and carbon dioxide

(forming holes)


 Degradation of proteins by extra-cellular protease or proteinases bacterial enzymes and produce foulsmelling compounds such as

 hydrogen sulfide

 mercaptans

 amines

 indole

 Putrefactive by Clostridium (sporeformers)

 Putrefactive by Pseudomonas and Proteus



5- Proteolytic bacteria

 Produce extra-cellular protease or proteinases enzymes.

 These enzymes hydrolyze a variety of proteins causing spoilage

 Many species of the genera Bacillus, Clostridium,

Pseudomonas and Proteus are proteolytic

6-Lipolytic bacteria


 M. O that produce extra-cellular lipases triglycerides  glycerol + FFA milk, cream, butter, cheese, sausages

 FFA especially the short chained (C3 to C6) are very volatile.

 The FFA may be further oxidized to aldehydes and ketones giving rise to further flavor / odor compounds

 Pseudomonas spp is highly proteolytic and is capable of degrading milk protein (casein) resulting in coagulation and spoilage

Acid proteolytic:

 Some bacteria called acid proteolytic (carry on acid fermentation and proteolysis) such as

Streptococcus faecalis and Micrococcus caseolyticus

 Many of the aerobic proteolytic bacteria are also lipolytic

 Pseudomonas fluorescens is strongly lipolytic and proteolytic

 Example of the lipolytic bacteria belongs to the genera

 Pseudomonas

 Alcaligenes

 Serratia

 Micrococcus



Saccharolytic bacteria

 These bacteria hydrolyze disaccharides or polysaccharides to simpler sugar

 Amylolytic bacteria: produce amylase which hydrolyze starch outside the cell

 Example:

Bacillus subtilis

- Clostridium butyricum

9- Thermophilic bacteria

The optimal temperature of these bacteria is about 55 ºC or above

These bacteria are important in food held at high temperatures


- Bacillus : responsible for flat sour spoilage of canned foods

- C. thermosaccharolyticum : gaseous spoilage

- Lactobacillus thermophilus : obligatory thermophilic lactic acid bacterium


 Species of Clostridium are classified into

1-Proteolytic: attack protein and may or may not attack sugar

( C. lentoputrescens )

2- Saccharolytic: attack sugar but not proteins ( C. butyricum


10- Psychotrophic bacteria

These bacteria grow at temperature below 15°C

These bacteria are important in refrigerated foods


The genera:

• Pseudomonas

• Flavobacterium

• Alcaligenes

• Some species of the genera:

» Micrococcus

» Lactobacillus

» Enterobacter

» Arthrobacter

8- Pectolytic bacteria

 These bacteria produce pectinase which can degrade pectin ( complex carbohydrates ) and cause softening of plant tissues

 Example of pectolytic bacteria:

– Erwinia

– Bacillus

– Clostridium

11- Halophilic bacteria

Slightly halophilic bacteria grow at 2 to 5% sodium chloride

Moderately halophilic bacteria grow at 5 to 20% sodium chloride

Extremly halophilic bacteria grow at 20 to30% sodium chloride

Salt tolerant bacteria can grow with or without salt


Halophilic bacteria are important in salted food


The genera:

– Halobacterium

– Sarcina

– Micrococcus

– Pseudomonas

– Vibrio

– Pediococcus

– Alcaligenes

14- Slime or rope-forming bacteria


Alcaligenes viscolactis and Enterobacter aerogenes : causing ropiness of milk

Leuconostoc spp.

: producing slime in sucrose solutions

Some species of Streptococcus and Lactobacillus cause milk slimy or ropy

Lactobacillus plantarum : causes ropiness of fruit and vegetables products (sauerkraut and beer)


12- Osmophilic or Saccharophilic bacteria

These bacteria grow at high concentrations of sugar

Example: Leuconostoc

15- Gas forming bacteria

Many kinds of bacteria produce small amounts of gas

(heterofermentative lactis)

Examples of genera produce carbon dioxide:

Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc (Heterofermentative) and Propionibacterium

Examples of genera produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen:

Escherichia, Enterobacter, Proteus, Bacillus and clostridium

13- Pigmented bacteria

These bacteria produce color in foods






(yellow to orange)



(different colors)

16- Coliform group

Considered as a good indicator M.O for sanitary quality of foods and water

Indicator M.O: are those M.O or their metabolic products whose presence in a given food at a certain level may be used to assess the microbiological quality or to predict the shelf life or suggest the possibility of microbial hazard.


Criteria of indicator M.O

1- easily and rapidly debatable

2- could be distinguished from the other food flora

3- their growth and numbers have a direct negative correlation with product quality.

4- their growth should not be affect adversely by other food microflora


 group of bacteria belonging to the family


 gram negative, asporogenous, motile

 facultative-anaerobic

 capable of growth in the presence of bile salts or similar surface active agents

 produce acid and gas from lactose within 48 hours at 44 ± 0.5ºC.

 sensitive for heating and freezing

5-have a growth and survival rate in food as that the enteric pathogen

6- non pathogenic

7- should not suffer sub lethal injury more than the pathogen

8- their presence has a correlation with the presence of pathogen

Two main types:

1. Fecal coliforms originate primarily from feces of man and warm blooded animal.

Example is Escherichia coli .

2. Non-fecal coliform normally originates from soil or water.

Example is Enterobacter aerogenes.



• Escherichia

• Enterobacter

• Klebsiella

• Citrobacter and probably Aeromonas and Serratia

• Non-fecal coliforms are eliminated by using a high incubation temp. (44.5 ± 0.2 or 45.0 ± 0. ºC) for 24 h in selective broths containing lactose

• In heat-processed foods, their presence (even in small numbers) is viewed with caution

• Their presence is considered as post heattreatment contamination from improper sanitation after heat treatment

