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R.A Kartini E-Booklet Thesis

Aprilia, Lisa. 2019. The Development of Teaching Material of E-Booklet about R.A Kartini’s
Idea on History Learning for Students in SMK Negeri 3 Malang. Thesis, Department of
History, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang. Advisor: (I) Dr. Ari
Sapto, M.Hum.
Keywords: Teaching Material, R.A. Kartini’s Idea, Character Building, E-Booklet.
Historical learning in school aimed to teach or inform historical event to students, this
aimed in order to the young generation had a pride on their nation history. During the made of
teaching material, it was packaged in various format that could make student receiving historical
information that taught by teacher easily. By the development of technology, historical learning
could be packaged with more innovative appearance and adjusted with the new development of
technology such as electronic-based book that known by e-booklet that attached with historical
material. This was the background of researcher to make a research and development of teaching
material based on e-booklet with material of R.A Kartini’s idea, besides that, this teaching
material helped the students in understanding the life journey of Kartini especially related with
character building. Other than that, according to the statement one of students in class of XFashion Design in SMKN 3 Malang, the teacher seldom uses teaching material during learning
process. This was the background of researcher to conduct research and development of teaching
material of E-Booklet about R.A Kartini’s idea.
The aim of this research and development was to produce teaching material of E-Booklet
about R.A Kartini’s idea with material presentation of life journey of Kartini and character
building in the Kartini’s fight, thus it inspired the students. This research and development of
teaching material of E-Booklet about R.A Kartini’s idea was created in order to make students in
class of X in SMK to be more interested in learning history. The product of research and
development that had been developed was expected to be used as teaching material of history
especially for Basic Competency of 3.1 Analyzing the role of national and local figure in fighting
for Indonesia’s independence.
The method used in the research and development of teaching material of E-Booklet
about RA Kartini’s ideas used the method of Borg and Gall and in its use is modified according
to the needs of researcher, the steps of this method were: Potential and problems, data collection,
product design, design validation, product trials, revision, trial, design revision, product revision,
dissemination. After completing all of these steps this teaching material could be declared
worthy of use in learning.
The development of this developed media after passing the validity test conducted by the
material validation lecturer obtained percentage value of 77.5% and from the media validation
lecturer obtained percentage value of 90%, according to both of these values the media was
included in valid and very valid categories. Field trials conducted at SMKN 3 Malang obtained
percentage value of 81.6% from small class trial and obtained percentage value of 84.28% of
large class trials. Based on the results obtained from both the validity test and the field test of EBooklet teaching materials about R.A Kartini’s idea was appropriate to be used as learning
media in the classroom.