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Behavioral Strategies in Counseling

trategies Response Behavioral S
Ohio Christian University
Theories and Techniques of Individual Counseling
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“Positive behavior in a general term for any educational practices that will promote a
positive behavior in a student and help aviod any negative behavior shown in a student” ().
Postive behavior will support and strategies ir ideas that teachers and parents are constantly
researching by using their classroom. Do to a student in different of needs with behaviors and
motivations. The resources in state are specific strategies for any students to be encouraged
throught motivated in the classroom throught postively. Two cases studies done by Doug and
Ellie are behavior studies that show us that teacher asks students to work on goals that will help
them to achieve the based obsevation in the class.
In this studie Sue’s has shown a mild and not dangerous reply, intrusive procedures such
as physical restraint will not likely be needed. Therfore, if any other strategy fail, and a harsher
stategy need to be implemented, the emergecy procedure I will use should be a phone call or
email send to Sue’s parents to inform them that she did an outstanding job and expalin that she
lost some point because of her interruptins and that she can do ex-creid work like a reading and
writting assigment given in class for homework. By communication with Sue’s parents it help
provides a source as a reinforcement for postive behavior.
I would say, that before we can write a strategy for Sue depression, we must know the
cause of this depression. Depression also has many related health risks which adds to its severity.
According to one source, “untreated fepression increases the risk for substance abuses, heart
discease, and suicide” (). A health intervention is particulary needed in order o effectiverly
combat depression. Some strategy to help peson with depression are honest, empathy,
communicate, support, and partenerships. The first thing is no matter how good a person may be
feeling always stick to the treatment plan. Next, is to learn more about depression. Paying
attention to waring sign an individual maybe showing.
Always, help them ensure the proper for treatment. Look for any new signs or behaviors.
Exercise for 2 to 3 days for about 20mins. No drink or smoke of any anything. And last but not
less would be to try and get 8 to 10 hours of sleep at nigth. And I will prvide a rferne to a doctor
and see if we can get you a low disoge of medicine. One step on facing the fear of ladybugs
would be to facing your fear. You could started by get a picture of a ladybug. Then you could
beiing by building a hierarchy. By talking or writing about the color or shape or about. How a
life of a ladybugs being, by watching videos, hold a toy ladtbug and etc.
Come up with a time that you are okay with to expresure your therapy each week. Then
tolerate being on the present if a ladybug. Take picture of then at the park or at the zoo or even in
a store. Learn some postive things of a ladybug instead of thinking regaed. Last by not less,
accepted and understand, that ladybugs are natural are a part of this world. If a person was in a
truck acciedent it would be impreactical to stop driving altogether. Putting you keys to the side
will not solve the problems. We must work on overcoming your feeling of anxiety or at less
control it. I would include cognitive behavioral therapy, to talk more about you expreence , and
respnse prevention therapy, that will slowly help the source of your phobia. For instance, cars
and the act of driving an effert to make driving more routine and less formealor areas. And
maybe you should talk to a doctor. How can help you decide whether anti-anxiety medication wll
help. When you are strugge with PTSD after a car crash, it affect nearly every part of you life.