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Dhaka Fest Event Proposal: Inter-College Cultural Festival

We are some student of Daffodil Institute of IT,
running this advertising agency for our skill
development. Some of our friend deiced for buildup our skill and other activities deiced to run this
type of agency. It also helps us to earn some out
source. We have done some big work with some
reputed company like –
1-Taufiquia foods and beverage,
Product- Lovello ice cream
(Contractual agency)
2- Intouchsoft BD,
Product- Bus Bd.Com
( Contractual agency)
3- Khan Bahadur group,
Product- ZTE Mobile
(Fixed agency)
4- Government project,
Ministry of Cultural affairs
7th march Joy Bangla concert (stage designing
& making).
5- Partex star,
Product- Danish
(Event Base)
Now we are want to arrange Dhaka Fest with
Daffodil Family.
Dhaka Fest will be the biggest program for the
student of the Colleges. Mainly it’s a program for
the College student, who are not only expert into
the study but also for any kind of curriculum
activities. We would like to explore some talent by
this event. To getting close all the youth people. We
can get enough talent about by this event who are
not only impressive at education sector, but also on
the other hand best at curriculum activities too. As
we know for develop a country the role of a youth
is very much important. Our program will be for
them to encourage them, motivate them. We also
want to include some varsity at this program by that,
the youth generation can get many essential
information about all university. What type of
environment the providing institutes belong? What
type off course a varsity held? And many more. So
we would like invite the best institute, Universities,
Colleges of Dhaka zone. By joining this event each
institute can explore their education system, their
internal environment, how early they can be
graduate with a government approved degree. It’s a
chance for all the university’s for express their self
in front of many crowed. And it will be the biggest
Inter College’s cultural fest event for first time
in Bangladesh.
For this event our main target is the youth
generation and most of them could be student. So
we will invite the best college from Dhaka zone.
We want to utilize the power of the youth. And
bring out something special for the country and
build a charm full example for the next generation.
Cultural fest
The main part of this program is the cultural fest.
Some of the reputed college will participate there.
From every selected college A band team (song), A
group dance and stage drama, ETC will perform
there. Not only the student there will also be reputed
artist like James, LRB, Tahsan ETC who will also
be invited and entertain the crowed. Bye this kind
of fest we will bring out the hidden talent from the
student. And will try to give them a platform to do
something special at that sector.
Celebrity Engagement
At this program we will engage the student with the
celebrity. Like arranging concert or anchoring with
a high known celebrity. By that the student will get
a idea about their life, their struggle time, their
recover time and many more. How to bounce back
from the bad time and how to keep moving forward
the student can get the proper motive or idea from
Motivational Speech
A motivational speech time also be held for
the motivation of the college students. Some
reputed person like Sabur khan sir (Chairman of
Daffodil group),Aayman
Sadik (10munite school,CEO),
Sulaiman sukhon (Amra,Head of marketing), Sir Fazle
Hossain Abed (Chairman of BRAC) , ACI or any other
person for some inspirational speech to the students.
The students will know about their life their struggle
and about their life system or method. So the student
will get much inspire from them and can copy or
obey the life rules of them.
A specific result that the system aims to achieve
within a time frame and with available resources. In
general, objectives are more specific and easier to
measure than goals. Objectives are basic tools that
underlie all planning and strategic activities. We
serve as the basis for creating policy and evaluating
performance by this objective. The objective of
arranging this program is very fair and clean-
 Give a platform for express their self
 Give proper motivation to the college students
 Remove wrong concept about the country
 Reducing the bad concept about our education
system on students mind.
 Reducing the rumor about the society that the
bear on their mind.
 Give proper guideline for their future.
 Give information about Private varsity’s
curriculum & educational system.
 Give information about UGC enlisted best
institute for course.
 Showing the benefits honesty life.
 Informing about the social awareness.
 Give information about our country.
 Give information about job scope after the
 Valuable communication between teacher and
 Sharing the experience to each other
 Buildup a very strong network between all the
students and colleges and general public.
 Showing the environment about corporate life.
 Reminding the value of certificate than over
rated universities.
Motive of the program
Mainly the motive of this program will be motive
the college students. Clearing the negative concept
about the society that they bear on their mind.
Giving a proper guideline, showing the right path of
their life. Or concerning them about their social
responsibility. Ensuring them about their life,
realizing them what they are, and what a student can
do. We want to realize them that all the youth are
creative and they are can also do something
different if they want. They are also creative and
punctual. So in one word the motivation of this
program will be for the awareness of the young
generation about their life. About the seriousness of
them self. Implies the college student about the
power of the daffodil by giving them this kind of
internal college fest that never happen in
Bangladesh before.
What will be our target? For whom we will do this?
Who will be our targeted person? Many question
will arise surely in your mind. Now come to the
point what and who will be our target –
 Colleges & Student – Those colleges who are
running the higher secondary are the main
target of us. We will invite them firstly. That
time is the basement time of a young person.
The college student will be our will 1st target.
And also about the college that they concern
them about all the activities of different
institute. The environment, curriculum
activities, benefits and many more.
 University & Students – That is the driving
time of a student life. If they drive into the right
path they will achieve success. Our target will
be gather them in that event and motive them
for the right destination.
 Guardians – After the colleges our target will
be the guardians of the youth people. Most of
the time, the guardians are worried about their
child future. After watching this program most
guardians will also be motivate and they could
encourage their child.
Benefit of the event
What are the benefit and who will be benefited for
the program? Whole Country, Youth generation,
guardians, Colleges, the private or public Institution
who are running the courses all of them will be
benefited. So could say that each and every one who
will participate in that historical event that first time
held into the Bangladesh will benefited. How that’s
are described below-
 Benefit of organizer- If daffodil will be
the organizer then form that they will get
many more benefit. Some important benefits
are given below –
1- Marketing- Though Daffodil is a very big
group they don’t need so much marketing
but this kind of activities will create a hype
on to the educational market
2- Quality student- After doing this kind of
activation Daffodil will so much focused so
that they will get much quality student than
3- Hype on Education sector- After doing
this kind of fest Daffodil will be a role
model for any other university. Not only to
the education market, Daffodil also put an
impact on to the cultural activities.
4- Example- After arranging this program
daffodil will be the first choice for the
college student. For the first time in
Bangladesh any university is going to
something special for the college student.
They will re mark it that the daffodil
university gave them a platform and after
this it will be anyone’s dream to get
attached with Daffodil family. And other
university will be able to see that what
Daffodil bring new for the college student.
Daffodil will be a role model or an example
for all the private university.
The benefit of the organizer could not be express by
written. The name of organizer will be written at the
front side of the banner. It will be a huge marketing
for anyone. The program is doing for the students or
the youth and they are the future power of our
country. Providing them this kind of opportunity is
a memorable impact for them. Not only that many
reputed university and heavy person will be invited
there. Hosting this kind of program in front of those
always be remarkable. Any college student or youth
will also attend the program they will concern about
the organizer. Not only that government also be
concern about this program. So it will be an easy
chance or platform to show the country or
government about the ability of the organizer. By
this program it will be easy to create a hype into the
educational market. And there are many more
benefit for organizer.
 Benefit of Students - They also benefited
after attending there. They could gather lots
of experience from there. Could enjoy the
program. Not only that they will get an idea
about their future and what to do and what
will be best for them after their HSC
examination or after the varsity graduation.
Other facilities they get
 Transport Facility. (from institute to
venue, venue to institute)
 Chance to perform in front of a large
number of crowed.
 Food
 A wrist band
 A souvenir
 A free student bank account.
 Concert
 Cultural program,
 Motivational speeches for the youth
 Knowledge about Society.
 Idea about the job market
 Gaming contest
 Promo video about the successful
sector of Bangladesh.
 Raffle drawn system
 Chance to watch the celebrity live.
 Gathering Experience.
 Talking knowledge about education
 Idea about the future study.
 Benefit of the Institution - Probably that
most benefited fact goes to them. Those
institution who will contribute and participate
in that program they will reach the student or
to the youth public. And it will help them to
make them large by counseling the student.
They will get a booth or a stall where they
could describe and express their self in front
of the student or to the visitors. It helps to
promote their self by advertising there. And
other thing by that they will be benefited
 1 nos Booth for their promotion.(7x7)
 10
institute.(Best 15 institute suggest by
 10 for giving speech about their institute.
(Best 15 institute suggest by UCG)
 4 nos 4x8 Banner
 Get thanks letter from UCG.
 Get Crest from UCG.
 Get transport facility.(from institute to
venue, venue to institute)
 Get a full page in Souvenir.
 Free marketing or promoting of college.
 Large number of student to talk
 Counseling facilities
 Present their self in to the education
 Informing the student about the
environment of their campus.
 Express them self in front of huge
number of people.
 Chance to explore their student in front
of large number of people.
University’s – Some reputed universities according
to the google , that could be invited are-
Daffodil International University (DIU)
North South University (NSU)
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Brac University (BRACU)
American International University Bangladesh
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
East West University (EWU)
The University of Asia Pacific (UAP)
United International University (UIU)
Ahsanullah University of Science and
Technology (AUST)
Eastern University (EU)
State University Of Bangladesh (SUB)
Northern University Bangladesh (NUB)
University of Development Alternative
Stamford University, Bangladesh
Prime Asia University
International University of Business
Agriculture & Technology (IUBAT)
ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB)
Southeast University (SEU)
Bangladesh University of Business &
Technology (BUBT)
Colleges – The most reputed and best colleges
according to the Education board are 1. Notre Dame College
2. Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka
3. Dhaka College, Dhaka
4. Dhaka City College, Dhaka
5. Rajuk Uttara Model College
6. Adamjee Cantonment Public School & College
7. Dhaka Residential Model College
8. Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf
Bangladesh Rifles School & College, Dhaka
9. Viqarunnisa Noon School & College
10. Holy Cross College
11. Gov't Science College
12. Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College
13. Ideal School and College
14. B.A.F Shahin College
15. Ideal College, Central Road Dhaka
16. Milestone College
17. BN College, Dhaka
18. Cambrian School and College
19. Scholastic
21. BCIC College
22. Ideal Commerce College
24. Milestone College
25. Saint Joseph Higher Secondary School
26. Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
27. Uttara Model College
28. Willes Little Flower School & College
30. Mohammadpur Model School & College
Pre Activity
It means the activities that will be done before the
mega program. It could also say like a preparation.
At first of this, the step will be informing the youth
of Dhaka city. Knowing them about the program.
What will be there for them and type of program it
will be? Mainly the program is held for them so
giving the proper information about the program to
them is very important. After that informing UGC
& NU about the plan of the program, about the
benefit of the program. How, when, where will be
the program held. What type of program it will be
and what kind of step should be taken by the UGC
& NU and Organizer before the program will be
indicated there. Reason for informing the
university’s because the large number of youth
person are there. Some important pre activity of this
program are given below –
 Awareness – Creating awareness about the
program to all the Youth people. Mainly our
main target will be Intermediate student of
college and universities. Concerning them
about the program that will be held for them.
Organizer will send a proposal letter to them
for attending the program. The letter must be
written into the authorized pad.
 Program promotion – After sending the
proposal letter to the all colleges & University
our next step will promoting of the program.
We will promote this program in various way.
• We will do Media (TV, Newspaper
and Radio) coverage before 10 day.
• We will do camping at invited
college & University before 3day.
• We will do Facebook boosting from
the official page before 3days
 College assurance- We will ensure that
how much colleges will come and participate
to that program. Those both secondary & NU
& private varsity will confirm their attendance
into the program by doing a registration under
a authorized from.
• Communicate to all the Institute
before 20day for their registration with
the invitation letter from authorized
 Institution
contribution is only for those institution who
are running the degrees and courses. Those
institution who want to participate into the
cultural program or want to give any stall for
express about their self or want to contribute
in to the program. We will collect those list
before 10 days of the main event.
 Fund Collection- For run such a mega
event like this off course we need to collect
fund at very first. We have selected some
sector for funding.
 ORGANIZER – In this case we
need the support of the organizer as
like they help us for the author
support. Funding from the organizer
will help to arrange a colorful event.
And we could ensure organizer that
this will not be waste of money but
it will be helpful for them to create a
huge image to the peoples mind.
 UCG- In this case we need the
support of the UCG as like they help
us for the author support. Funding
from the UCG will help the
organizer to arrange a colorful event.
And we could ensure UCG that this
will not be waste of money but it will
be helpful for them to create a huge
image to the peoples mind.
 Participator Institute – Those
institute who are participating into
the program have to do a registration
with a certain amount. We will take
this money as a funding of that
program. By the registration they
will be able to attend into the
program, can give a stall, and
participate into
 Sponsor – As we all know this type
of event could be make huge colorful
and interesting by the sponsor. There
have some huge cost at many site for
that a sponsor is required.
 Date and venue confirmation - We chose
Kalabagan field for arranging the program.
Its huge place for arranging that type of mega
event. Lots of students, guardians, teachers
any many public will come to watch the
program so that the place could be perfect for
this program.
Transportation- We also want to provide
the transportation facilities for the colleges
and institution. So that it will be easy for the
each institution and colleges for attend there.
What will we do or what type of program we want
to arrange we hope already you could guess. At first
we want to gather all the selected College students
on the other hand we want arrange all the
University’s and their student. As we mention we
want to make this program at Army stadium or
Kalabagan field. There will be a big stage where
all the performance and all the speeches will be
given. We mention the transportation system to
bring those youth near to the venue. We want to
arrange some cultural program or any concert for
the youth refreshment at the very end. Not only that,
there will be a chance for College students for
performing on to the stage. Any type of solo song,
Band, single dance or group dance, the youth can
also participate. There will be charm full prize for
the winners of those contest. The winner band will
be able to place make 3albums and the runner-up
will get a chance to work with 1album. The winner
dance group will get 1lakh taka as a prize money
and runner-up will get 50000/= taka. But before
that we want to arrange some different activities for
the Youth generation. A promo video or
Documentary about the right path of life. Then
some speech about the life goal or destination,
about its success about its achievement about its
process and value on to the education and job
market. Some motivational speech from the
successful corporate person could be effective for
the youth people. From where the youth could find
some motive. Not only the corporate person but also
success full man or woman who achieve by his/her
own. Sharing their experience to the youth. About
their struggle, their overcome moment of their life
and their work place. Those person could be
Aayman Sadik (10munite school,CEO), Sulaiman
sukhon (Amra,Head of marketing), Sabur khan (Chairman
of Daffodil group)
or any others. Not only that the
Institution who will participate into the program
will also get a place for giving stall where they
could described their self. Where they could
counseling for the student and provide all kind of
information to the student & the youth. They could
show the environment of their institution by that
stall if they want. What type of program they run in
their institution, what are the credit fee, who are the
teacher, what is their teaching method? Everything
could be provide there. And that’s will be not all.
We are going to invite some private company there
with their job offer. You could said it as job fair
also. Where the private company come with their
requirement and collect CV from the current
graduate student or recently passed student.
So the fresher of any varsity will also get an
opportunity to contact with them and understood the
job method or job process. And we also planned
to bring some successful corporate person who
has been graduated from the any reputed NU,
public or private varsity. If together both this
things step by step then it will be like attending
the student of colleges and Institution. Informing
about the background or the history about
selected varsity, about the benefit of study there,
about the career or the future from there for the
college student. Then some motivational speech
for the student and attending person from the
success full corporate person or from any
motivational speaker. And arranging some
cultural program or concert for the youth for their
refreshment. Beside those the place will be
surrounded with stall of many institution and
every representative will represent there
institution from their stall to student with their
own method. And there will be some private
companies stall also where a youth fresher who
can go and take some ideas about the job market
and provide their CV to them for their concerning.
And that’s how we want held the program.
So that will be our plan and that’s how we executive
this. The main motive of this program is giving
motivation & showing the right path to the youth
about their life, their destination.