Uploaded by Alyssa Curry

Journal Entry 1

Alyssa Curry
Journal Entry 1
1. Write a paragraph about the one or two areas on the self-assessment in which you had your highest
scores. Explain why you think you scored higher in this area than in others. Also, explore how you feel
about these scores. Your entry might begin, "By doing the self-assessment, I learned that I..."
My highest scores on the self-assessment were believing in myself (64) and Discovering self-Motivation
(55). I think I scored higher in these areas than in the others because these had to do more with my selfworth than the others did. While I am not egotistical, I believe that I am just as worthy as everyone else
to get an education and that I am an equal to everyone. The other areas mostly dealt with learning and
being self-aware while these two areas were more about self-love and self-worth. I feel like these scores
are pretty accurate, I am very confident in myself, but I am really bad at motivating myself to do things.
That is why I believe the Discovering self-Motivation is still under 60.
2. Write a paragraph about the one or two areas on the self-assessment in which you had your lowest
scores. Explain why you think you scored lower in these areas than in others. Also, explore how you
feel about these scores. Remember the saying, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll
always get what you always got." With this thought in mind, write about any specific changes you'd
like to make in yourself during this course. Your entry might begin, "By doing the self-assessment, I
also learned that I..."
My two lowest areas on the self-assessment were Developing Emotional Intelligence (41) and Mastering
Self-Management (45). I feel like I scored lower here because I am a very emotionally charged person
when angry, sad or frustrated. While this is something I should SERIOUSLY work to fix, the fact is it is still
there. I am also really bad at managing my time and resources. If I don’t like doing something, I tend to
push it off until I have to do it. I feel like these scores are also pretty accurate, but I would really like to
get them at least a little higher. I think the best thing for me to do is not let things overwhelm me during
this course and if I need a break, I should take one.