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COSHH Risk Assessment 2019

COSHH Risk Assessment 2019
What are the
Who might be harmed and What are you already
Do you need anything else
Action by
Action by
to manage this risk?
Slips and trips
Staff, YP and visitors may
Warning cones placed in
To further reduce risk of
All staff,
be injured if they trip over
wet floor areas. Keep off
slips, introduce two-mop
objects or slip on spillages
wet floors. Cleaners use
system for cleaning hard
to monitor
electrical socket nearest
floors wet mopping
to where they are
followed by dry mopping.
working to reduce risk of
tripping over leads.
Contact with
Staff risk getting skin
Staff asked when they
Staff reminded to report any
bleach and other
problems such as
start if they suffer ill
health problems they think
dermatitis, and eye
health, eg skin problems,
may come from cleaning,
to monitor
damage, from direct
when using cleaning
and to check for dry, red or
contact with bleach and
chemicals. Long-handled
itchy skin on their hands.
other cleaning chemicals,
mops and brushes, and
Staff reminded to wash
eg solvents and
strong rubber gloves, are
gloves after use. Investigate
detergents. Chemical
provided and staff
replacing chemicals marked
vapour may cause
trained in their use. All
‘irritant’ with milder
breathing problems.
staff trained in the risks,
use and storage of
cleaning chemicals.
All staff,
COSHH Risk Assessment 2019
Using cleaning
Staff and young people
Waterproof, slip resistant
Staff reminded to report any
All staff,
getting medical problems
footwear should be used
health problems they think
if they don’t use properly
Skin creams are good for
may come from cleaning,
to monitor
chemical substance for
conditioning the skin
and to check for dry, red or
cleaning kitchen,
Chemicals stored away
itchy skin on their hands.
people to be
bathroom or common area
from vulnerable people
Staff reminded to wash
supervise by
and children. A cool, dry
gloves after use. Investigate
staff when
dark place is best, and
replacing chemicals marked
they use
they should be used
‘irritant’ with milder
before the use by date
One should always read
the label for guidance
and put the cap back on
the bottle immediately
Any splashes should be
washed off the skin
Personal protective
equipment (PPE) should
be worn. It may not be
necessary to wear gloves
and goggles. A face mask
may be necessary to
protect from splashes
Splashes with caustic
soda can cause blindness
Bleach should not be
mixed with any other
chemicals, as this can
COSHH Risk Assessment 2019
give off a dangerous
chlorine gas
One should check their
skin for dryness and
soreness, this should not
be ignored, treatment
should be sought
Dispose of any waste
liquid safely
The office work areas
must be well ventilated
when cleaning (open
windows and doors)
Staff risk electric shocks or Staff check for damaged
Manager to
burns from faulty electrical plugs, cables and on/off
regularly check
switches before using the
plugs, cables
cleaning machines.
and switches
If defect is noted, the
of cleaning
machine is taken out of use.
Staff trained not to splash
water near sockets or
electrical appliances.