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Aboriginal Societies in Canada: Assignment Questions

Zhang 1
Aaron Zhang
Ms. Harris
September 18 2019
Aboriginal Societies Questions
_____ /30 = _____ %
Read pages 4-13 in your textbook and answer the following questions. Make sure your
answers are thorough, not in point form, and answer the question fully.
1) What is culture? What does it include? Provide a specific example of something which
is part of ​your​ culture.
Culture is your identity and a way of life that is spread around everybody in your culture.
Culture includes beliefs, food, history, clothes we were and pieces of jewelry that may be
religious. Even activities and sports could be cultural. Languages are one of the most
crucial parts of culture because even though a lot of countries speak the same language,
it’s because the original place was colonized by European countries in the 16th to 17th
I have a Chinese/Korean background but I only celebrate Chinese events not Korean
events like Chinese new year.
2) What is a pluralistic society? What does ​pluralism​ mean? Can you think of a country
besides Canada that is pluralistic?
In other ways of saying pluralistic society is Multiculturism. Canada is a multiculturalism
country because many cultures live here and share their history and style of living,
together this makes a pluralistic country. Another country that is pluralistic is Australia
although it is not as pluralistic as Canada, it still contains many different cultures living in
one area.
3) What are some places that First Nations people have lived in Canada? Think of a way
that a First Nation’s culture may have adapted to the environment they lived in. Provide an
Before the European landing to North America, entire Canada was their land. But after the
Europeans landed, people got well with each other until the negotiation about the land.
Before that, I would say that when the Europeans started trading, the aboriginals would
start to adapt to live life more in the steal age rather than living in steel and stone age
combined. The Indigenous people got profits and so did the Europeans because the
Indigenous needed tools and Europeans needed natural products (mostly beaver fur).
After the first negotiation about land, the indigenous lost all land but Ruperts Land.
Zhang 2
(Now its 1880s)Treaties after treaties, the Indigenous lost more land but Indigenous
just isn’t one culture, so ​(​I'm pretty sure​)​ ​the Inuits were the ones who signed the treaties.
The first one they signed was treaty one, which covers Winnipeg Manitoba but the Louis
Reil (leader of Mètis) wasn’t so happy about it. Soon when Louis Reil open his eyes again,
Treaty 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 took almost all his land so when the Canadians wanted it, The mètis
did not let it go which happened to make a war between the metis and the Canadians.
4) What is the ​natural world?
“Natural world means land, water, mountain, forest, plant and wildlife,” Says the textbook
5) What are the ​core values​? How are they connected to ​worldview​?
Core values are ideas and how people think about how people should live.
There are several core values that add up to a world view. /2
6) What are the four main ​core values​ that many First Nations people shared? /4
They say people and nature are the same things and also the same as the non-living world
‘Everything on earth is connected to everything else.”
They also say that the wisdom and the experience of the elders are very important. Elders
should deserve the most respect out of the members of the community.
Apparently, from what they say, a spiritual world exists and plays an important role on
Lastly, they said that people must live in harmony with each other and in balance with
7) What does ​indigenous m
​ ean?
It basically means originally from or living in a place natively. So as an example, I'm am
indigenous if I lived in China.
Zhang 3
8) What are ​traditional teachings?
​ What do they help explain?
/2​It is
something passed down by generations. Traditional teaching helps explain relationships
around everything such as plants, animals or the spirit world.
9) Who are elders in First Nations communities? What is its importance?
Elders are the most respected people in aboriginal communities as they have experienced
lots of things over time and have lots of wisdom. They help the community by bringing up
laws or ceremony. Elders have a very important job to teach a child.
10) What is oral culture? What is its connection to how First Nations people taught and
passed information from generation to generation?
Oral Culture is basically something that is passed down generations orally, but after one
says that, the one who heard the oral speech will have to memorize it and when they get
older, they will pass it down again. If First nations keep passing oral culture down, history,
laws or culture will never end.
11) What does being ​ethnocentric ​mean? Provide an example.
It is judging other cultures based on how your own culture says it is.
12) Define the following:
a. Aboriginal peoples -​This is another word for Indigenous people but the Canadian
government recognizes 3 main groups of aboriginals First nation, Inuit and the
b. First Nations - ​First Nations s are the original owners of the specific land so
technically I can be a First nation too but ONLY in China.
c. Inuit - ​Inuit people live in the coastal north in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland.
d. Metis - ​Mix breed of European traders and First Nation women.
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Time Taken in Class and library: 2 hours
Total Time: 3 hours
Time Taken at Home: 1 hour