What Makes us Human? HSP3U (could also be used for HSP3C) Overall expectations: B1. Theories, Perspectives, and Methodologies: demonstrate an understanding of major theories, perspectives, and research methods in anthropology; C1. Theories, Perspectives, and Methodologies: demonstrate an understanding of major theories, perspectives, and research methods in psychology; D1. Theories, Perspectives, and Methodologies: demonstrate an understanding of major theories, perspectives, and research methods in sociology; Student Activity: Media Study Humans are unique. While we have many things in common with other animals, we are also very different even from our closest relatives, the primates. What exactly is it that makes us human? Your challenge: Compile a list of movies, books, songs, music videos, etc. that illustrate or exemplify what it means to be human. It may help to think of human traits and find examples of that trait (see resources below). In your list include the title of the work, the human trait it shows and whether that would be a human trait from the perspective of a psychologist, anthropologist or sociologist. Try to include at least two traits from each discipline. By the end of the class you will post your list on our class google doc and read what others have posted. Resources to get you started: https://www.ted.com/read/ted-studies/evolution/introductory-essay http://humanorigins.si.edu/human-characteristics http://www.metaprimate.com/unique-to-human/ www.dpcdsb.org/NR/rdonlyres/.../02Whatmakesushumannew.pptx Student Assessment: Task/Product Tool Type of Assessment Category of (diagnostic, formative or Achievement Chart summative) Formative K, I Observe and circulate during Observation and activity Questioning Google doc Checklist to ensure Summative everyone participates and has categorized traits K, A, C