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Client Appraisal: Top University Admissions Consultants

Nicholas von Klitzing
Jun 30, 2019
Nicholas von Klitzing
Featured Consultants
Recommended Programmes
Nicholas von Klitzing
Featured Consultants
Sample profiles of our mentoring team and their roles:
(Please note that the actual team assigned to Nicholas's program depends on a range of factors such as availability, compatibility and
duration of program)
Premium Strategy Consultant and CEO: Jamie (Harvard AB/MS, Stanford
MBA/MA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford)
Jamie attended King’s College, Auckland and was ranked first in his year group for all five years. He sat 10 A
Levels and received eight A* and two A’s, including a Top In The World in A2 English Literature, Top In The
World of IGCSE English Language and multiple Top in New Zealand awards. Jamie applied for 25 of the top
universities around the world and was the first New Zealander to be accepted to all of them. He was
accepted to elite universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, University of
Pennsylvania’s Huntsman Program and Columbia. Jamie ultimately chose Harvard, and graduated Magna
Cum Laude with a degree in Applied Mathematics-Economics and a Masters in Applied Math, two years
ahead of schedule while also working as the youngest analyst at Tiger Management. At the age of 20,
Jamie became one of the youngest students ever accepted to Stanford Graduate School of Business and
has recently graduated with an MBA and Masters in Education. In 2017, he spoke at the UN about
eradicating poverty and was listed in Forbes Asia 30 Under 30. In 2018, Jamie earned a coveted Rhodes
Scholarship and is pursuing a PhD in Public Policy at the University of Oxford.
Former Admissions Officer: Isamar (Ex-Assistant Director of Admissions at
Stanford University, Harvard University)
Isamar is an ex-assistant director of admissions at Stanford University. During Isamar's undergraduate
studies, she pursued a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and was heavily involved in the Undergraduate
Admissions Council, Harvard-Radcliffe RAZA and the Harvard College European Society. Having assisted
dozens of students previously through work experience at Education USA, Estudar Fora, a Personal Prep
Scholars program in South America, in addition to undertaking a post-graduate fellowship at Harvard
University's Brazil Office. As a Senior Strategy Consultant at Crimson's San Francisco office, Isamar is
passionate about providing students all across the world with admission strategies for top-tier
Former Admissions Officer: John (Director of Admissions UPenn, ExAssistant Director of Admissions at Stanford)
Nicholas von Klitzing
John has more than 20 years of experience in the admissions offices at Stanford, University of
Pennsylvania and New York University. He was the director of admissions at UPenn and the assistant
director of admissions at Stanford University. He is fortunate to love what he does: guiding students
through every stage of the admissions process - from candidacy building to application crafting to
interview prep and beyond. In his free time, you’ll find him cycling from one side of San Francisco to the
Former Admissions Officer: Marisa (Assistant Director of Admissions MIT,
seasonal reader for Yale)
Marisa graduated from MIT with a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. After graduating,
Marisa worked at the MIT Office of Admissions, where she served as Assistant Director of Admissions.
Marisa then left her alma mater to work at Phillips Academy Andover, where she worked in the Admissions
Office, but also served as an academic advisor, house counsellor, and intramural coach. Most recently,
Marisa read applications and participated in committee selection as a Seasonal Reader for the Yale Office
of Admissions. Marisa sees education as the way for individuals to empower themselves. Thus, she believes
it is a calling to work with students and families navigate the college admissions process. By making the
process more transparent, she hopes to alleviate anxieties and dismiss misgivings applicants have. Marisa
truly enjoys working with prospective applicants and helping them apply to schools with confidence.
Strategy Consultant: Megan (Princeton University, Columbia University)
Megan holds her B.A. from Princeton University in History, and later attended Columbia University from
which she earned her M.A. in History of Education, conducting research on the history of the New York
Educational system. Before becoming a college admissions consultant, Megan was a teacher at selective
private schools in New Jersey for 5 years. This allowed her to establish very close rapport with her advisory
clients and she has been advising students of all educational backgrounds on college admissions ever
since. Megan has deep mastery of the admissions landscape and has advised over 100 students who have
successfully gained places at top colleges.
Strategy Consultant: Ben (Harvard University)
Ben graduated from Harvard with a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics, for which he received
Highest Honors (summa cum laude), also earning a place in the Phi Beta Kappa honors society. Ben is an
accomplished musician, once-upon-a-time BBC Young Composer of the Year and Principal Composer for
the National Youth Orchestra (UK), and, more recently, touring internationally as a jazz pianist. In his final
year of high school, Ben pursued both UK and US application cycles, gaining admission to Harvard, Yale
(Early Decision) and Oxford (Christchurch, Music). Enrolling at Harvard enabled him to pursue a much
Nicholas von Klitzing
more wide-ranging curriculum and combine elements of Pure Mathematics, Computer Science, Music,
Electrical Engineering, and finally, Applied Math, culminating in an Honors thesis that presented a novel
solution to a problem in music composition and its notation. He has gone on to teach at Harvard at
Undergraduate and Graduate levels, adding to prior experience teaching music to high schoolers, and
chess to younger learners. Growing up, Ben played and studied the game avidly, winning National
Championships for different age groups and captaining England teams internationally.
US Admissions Consultant: Beau (Harvard University)
Beau graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in History and a Secondary Field in Computer Science. Beau
has worked in tech ever since, at both late-stage (pre-IPO) companies and a startup where he was the fifth
hire. Now, he does software and product management consulting in Chicago, where he spend's most of
his time writing and performing comedy. In his free time, he enjoy hiking, long-distance running, and
reading (everything from Twitter to fantasy to thick non-fiction books).
US Admission Consultant: Bar (Princeton University)
Bar Kadosh is currently a senior at Princeton University, majoring in Mechanical and Aerospace
engineering, and minoring in Robotics and Engineering Management. He is extremely passionate about
music, and has been involved in groups on campus ranging from the Wind Ensemble to a co-ed A
Cappella group. This past summer, he worked in a laboratory in Israel, designing the propulsion system for
a 6U CubeSat mission. The previous summer, he worked for a water technology company in Dallas, where
he redesigned one of the company’s pumping package products.
Bar has experience working with many students, preparing them for examinations in Chemistry, Physics,
and Mathematics. He has also worked with students in preparation for the SAT and ACT examinations. Bar
prides himself on his tailored teaching methods, aligning his sessions with the best way each student
Outside of work, Bar is passionate about music, sports, international travel, robotics, clean energy.
US Admission Consultant: Peter (Wharton School of Business, University of
Peter is a junior at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He was born in Shanghai, China, but
also lived in Kristiansand, Norway before moving to Philadelphia to study at Wharton. Graduating from the
IB Diploma Programme with 4 HLs and total score of 43. Peter got into Wharton among other schools,
Nicholas von Klitzing
and is pursuing a degree in Finance and Operations Management, with minors in International Relations,
Mathematics, and Economics.
Peter also has professional experience in social entrepreneurship, finance (private equity), management
consulting, and non-profits. He is passionate about travelling, human rights, startups, Game of Thrones,
and basketball.
Leadership & Extracurricular Mentor: Professor Buisson (MIT)
Professor Buisson has a passion for putting diverse ideas and people together to solve problems and make
a difference through innovation and people development. He spends much of his time mentoring and
undertaking workshops for entrepreneurs, businesses and students to develop their leadership abilities,
talents and creativity.
Formerly CEO of Clovely Estate, he has been Dean (External Relations) at Queensland University of
Technology, with particular responsibility for the Royal Dutch Shell Project Management Academy and the
associated Executive Education programs along with all external relations activities (domestic and
international) for the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering. Professor Buisson’s diverse
background includes a PhD in chemistry from the University of Auckland as well as an SM (Management)
from the Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Originally from New Zealand, he held
positions at the University of Otago including Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Business), Dean (School of Business),
Dean (Faculty of Consumer and Applied Science), Professor and Head of the Department of Marketing and
Professor of Food Science.
He is a Sloan Fellow from MIT; Harkness Fellow (USA), was President of the NZIFST and is a Fellow of both
the NZ Institute of Chemistry and NZ Institute of Food Science and Technology, both awarded for his
contribution to the developments of the industries and for his work in linking academia and business.
David’s powerful mix of expertise and experience across the disciplines of science, business,
manufacturing and marketing has seen him work with diverse industries from confectionery to fishing to
manufacturing, often on secondment. He has consulted widely and advised many leading public and
private organisations in innovation, international marketing and new product development. He was Team
Leader for the Queensland Government Ulysses Project to aid in the development of SMEs to assist them
to be being more innovative, design led and market orientated. He also undertakes leadership
development programs of CEO, senior and rising staff and has an active ongoing mentoring program with
a number of these leaders, developing leaders and students. Currently one of his interesting challenges is
working as a Senior Consultant for Crimson Education, an innovative education startup.
Nicholas von Klitzing
David is a strong advocate for the key role of ‘design’ as a powerhouse for innovation and people
development across all businesses and cites examples from around the world of design taking the lead in
the business world. He is passionate about thinking outside the box, or indeed inventing a brand new box.
US Interview Coach: Jessica (Harvard University)
Jessica is a sophomore at Harvard University where she is concentrating in economics with secondaries in
computer science and psychology. She has been a student partner with Microsoft, campus editor with
LinkedIn, and marketing representative with The New York Times.
On campus, she is a partner of Harvard’s oldest investment fund, a manager with Harvard Student
Agencies, chief marketing officer of Harvard’s only all-female finance group, and a founding member of
the Fiscal Challenge team that won the national championship and was featured on Fox Business. Jessica
interned most recently within asset management, mergers and acquisitions.
US Interview Coach: Dylan (Princeton University)
Dylan is currently finishing his studies in Math/Physics at Princeton University. In high school, he studied
the IB program where he also took AP courses concurrently. Dylan was accepted to Princeton SingleChoice Early action and then got several local scholarships. Apart from help with the application process in
general, Dylan is most qualified for and most comfortable with preparing students for the interview
process, standardized testing, IB Theory of Knowledge, and math and physics based courses/exams (IB, AP,
SAT II, or otherwise). His extracurricular interests include playing chess and Quiz Bowl competitively, with
playing piano and violin for fun.
SAT Tutor: Olivia (Harvard University, University of Oxford)
Olivia was born and raised in Queens, New York City, where she had the fortune of developing her interest
in Math & Science at the Bronx High School of Science, and the love of the arts through the city's
incredible theatre scene, and at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance. She attended
Harvard University from 2012-2016, where she studied English with a secondary in Mind/Brain/Behavior, a
combination that allowed Olivia to pursue her love of both the sciences and the humanities.
At Harvard, Olivia wrote extensively for a number of publications, including the Harvard Arts Blog, The
Crimson, and Harvard Magazine. She served as Editor at Large for the Crimson's Fifteen Minutes magazine;
in this role, she pitched out stories weekly, matched them to writers and editors, edited and wrote stories
herself, and kept track of all submissions prior to the weekly production and publication. Olivia also
Nicholas von Klitzing
directed six theatrical productions, and assistant directed the Freshman Arts Program, an orientation
program for incoming students. During her summers, she was an apprentice at the Williamstown Theatre
Festival, completed a documentary film program in Berlin, interned on the Broadway musical Waitress,
and served as a research assistant to MacArthur Grant recipient Lewis Hyde.
After graduating, Olivia pursued her Master's degree in English (1900-present) at the University of Oxford,
where her dissertation focused on the relationship between T.S. Eliot's plays and contemporary dramatic
writing. While at Oxford, she taught English Literature and Public Speaking/Debate to students at Oxford
Royale Academy, a summer school based in Oxford's beautiful colleges. She taught students from around
the world aged 13-18 about texts ranging from romantic poetry, to modernist and post-modernist
literature, to The Tempest and Macbeth. Following the conclusion of her classes, she directed a new
musical from Oxford at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Currently, Olivia is living in London, where she is supported by a Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa from
the University of Oxford to pursue theatrical entrepreneurship. She looks forward to working with students
on their communication skills by learning how to discuss and write about texts, and to express themselves
through creative writing. She is also interested in working with students on U.S. university applications,
college choice, application preparation and SAT/ACT/AP preparation.
Nicholas von Klitzing
Recommended Programmes
Programme 1 - Comprehensive US University Admissions Support
Comprehensive admissions support from Strategy Consultants and Application Consultants to
complete applications to 12 US Colleges.
Customised Roadmap: Extensive planning of Nicholas's admissions journey over the next year in
order to develop a differentiated and clear image of his candidacy in preparation for applications to
US universities.
College Selection: Guiding Nicholas through the US college selection process by making
recommendations based on college characteristics, resource offerings, acceptance rate statistics
and personal preferences such as weather, location and cohort size.
Candidacy Positioning: Further evaluation of Nicholas's candidacy and subsequent application
strategy based on his relative strengths or unique characteristics compared to other
US/German/Swiss candidates, as well as the general trend within the US admissions sphere.
Standardised Test Strategy: Choosing the standardised tests most suitable for Nicholas's
situation (SAT/ACT/Subject Tests), optimising a target standardised test score range with respect
to his school selection portfolio and available time.
Essay Topic Analysis and Brainstorming: Guidance on topic selection and interpretation for all
Common Application essay prompts, supplementary essay prompts as well as brainstorming
creative approaches tailored to both Nicholas's personality/experiences, and the institutions
applied to.
Application Essay Development: Continued revising of Nicholas's drafts in order to deliver core
ideas in a concise, targeted, and vivid manner in order to best supplement other aspects
of his application and leave a lasting impression on the admission officers.
Letters of Recommendation: Strategic advice on how to approach and inform potential
recommenders. Our Strategy Consultant will also review draft letters and provide detailed
feedback if applicable.
Post Application Mentoring: Submission of post-application supplementary materials, guidance
for post-application correspondence with colleges, drafting of deferral letters (if necessary), and
further school choice consulting if Nicholas is admitted to multiple programs/colleges/universities.
15 hours of SAT Support
Nicholas von Klitzing
Personalised Informational Interviews with current students attending Nicholas' target
institutions in the US.
10 Hours of Extracurricular & Leadership Mentoring: Prioritisation of current extracurricular
involvements and creation of new projects premised on a thematic narrative complementary of
Nicholas' interests and passions to present a clear, focused, and differentiated profile.
Access to the Crimson App - an online learning management program
Ongoing support from a dedicated Education Coordinator - to help manage communications and
ensure targets and deadlines are met
Total Fees
Referral Scheme: 5% reduction in total cost of programme when a friend also joins Crimson
Nicholas von Klitzing
Programme 2 - Premium US University Admissions Support
Quarterly review with a Premium Strategist
Formal strategy planning and review
Mock College Admissions Process (full application material review)
College Interview Simulation
Comprehensive admissions support from Ex-Admissions Officer and Senior Application
Consultants to complete applications to 12 US Colleges.
Customised Roadmap: Extensive planning of Nicholas's admissions journey over the next year in
order to develop a differentiated and clear image of his candidacy in preparation for applications to
US universities.
College Selection: Guiding Nicholas through the US college selection process by making
recommendations based on college characteristics, resource offerings, acceptance rate statistics
and personal preferences such as weather, location and cohort size.
Candidacy Positioning: Further evaluation of Nicholas's candidacy and subsequent application
strategy based on his relative strengths or unique characteristics compared to other
US/German/Swiss candidates, as well as the general trend within the US admissions sphere.
Standardised Test Strategy: Choosing the standardised tests most suitable for Nicholas's
situation (SAT/ACT/Subject Tests), optimising a target standardised test score range with respect
to his school selection portfolio and available time.
Essay Topic Analysis and Brainstorming: Guidance on topic selection and interpretation for all
Common Application essay prompts, supplementary essay prompts as well as brainstorming
creative approaches tailored to both Nicholas's personality/experiences, and the institutions
applied to.
Application Essay Development: Continued revising of Nicholas's drafts in order to deliver core
ideas in a concise, targeted, and vivid manner in order to best supplement other aspects
of his application and leave a lasting impression on the admission officers.
Letters of Recommendation: Strategic advice on how to approach and inform potential
recommenders. Our Strategy Consultant will also review draft letters and provide detailed
feedback if applicable.
Post Application Mentoring: Submission of post-application supplementary materials, guidance
for post-application correspondence with colleges, drafting of deferral letters (if necessary), and
further school choice consulting if Nicholas is admitted to multiple programs/colleges/universities.
Nicholas von Klitzing
15 hours of SAT Support
Personalised Informational Interviews with current students attending Nicholas' target
institutions in the US.
10 Hours of Extracurricular & Leadership Mentoring: Prioritisation of current extracurricular
involvements and creation of new projects premised on a thematic narrative complementary of
Nicholas' interests and passions to present a clear, focused, and differentiated profile.
Access to the Crimson App - an online learning management program
Ongoing support from a dedicated Education Coordinator - to help manage communications and
ensure targets and deadlines are met
Total Fees
£23,780 payable in 2 instalments of £11,890
If Nicholas scores a 1500+ in his second SAT test and 780+ in 3 SAT II tests, Crimson will apply a 5% discount to the
total cost of programme 2.
Referral Scheme: 5% reduction in total cost of programme when a friend also joins Crimson.
Nicholas von Klitzing
Ryan C, Columbia University - Class of 2022
In my opinion, Crimson’s greatest asset is its vast network of highachieving college students and alumni. Gaining membership into
the hallowed halls of Ivy League colleges is as exciting as it is daunting;
the Crimson network opened the doors to invaluable access to seniors
who had walked down this similar path before, who were always on hand
to allay my various fears and insecurities, as well as lend much-needed
emotional support throughout my journey.
Seyoon R, Princeton University - Class of 2021
engineering programs. To have that feeling and opportunity, it's
definitely been worth putting in the hard work and if I had to, I'd do it all
again. Crimson's extensive network is incredible. Wherever you want to
apply, someone has successfully applied there or been an alumnus, so
they can share their story and take your through the complex application
Soumil S, Harvard University - Class of 2020
Growing up where very few students apply, I never thought Harvard or
Stanford would be an option for me. But with determination, aspiration,
and self-belief, it has become a reality. I could not be more excited.
Crimson was more than just an educational service, I found determined
mentors who I grew close with and who I can maintain strong bonds
with into the future, and am now inspired to try spreading awareness
and to help as many students as I can optimize their opportunities to
study in some of the most impressive global institutions.
Brendan F, Harvard University - Class of 2020
Nicholas von Klitzing
The Crimson team was a sounding board for all my ideas within the 10+
specific supplements that I had to fill out. I made sure that while working
with Crimson, my application was still MY application. Crimson helped
find the best in me by identifying more about my history and then gave
me the scope to go out and follow my own path to refine my
submissions. I cannot thank them enough for all their guidance and was
ecstatic to hear that I was offered admission into Harvard University for
the class of 2020.
Nicholas von Klitzing
Nicholas von Klitzing
What do students and parents LOVE about
These are some of the direct quotes from the "optional" comments section of our most recent NPS survey, where clients were asked
"What do you love about Crimson?"
The efficiency of my team and their encouragement to work towards successes and achievements that in all
honesty seemed a bit far fetched beforehand. Their swiftness and regular communication is another very
pleasing factor of this journey, where they apply a sort of 'mundane calmness' to the frenzied operation that
is trying to get me to a university on the other side of the world to study along my dream career.
The fact that all people in your “team” are really committed to do their best by helping you to get what you
expect, and available to answer your doubts.
I simply love my mentors! Eliza Mantz and Carolina Lyrio have helped me immensely in my application
process, and I feel they genuinely care about me (which is something super unique about Crimson's
mentors). I also love the fact that people who don't know me (the Crimson team) can take a look at my
essays, just like an admission officer would. In a nutshell, my Crimson experience has been amazing and I'm
truly grateful for the educational support I'm receiving.
The service feels very personal and the advisors and tutors seem really invested in my journey and future.
A dedicated group of people focused in guiding my son on his journey towards his dream university.
Prompt response, highly professional approach.
The professionalism of my assigned academic and sporting tutors and their in-depth understanding of how
the process works.
The direction that Crimson guides me to has been very helpful. At first, I did not know whether I was doing
the right things to get into college, but having Crimson to reassure me that I should keep doing what I am
doing has been very encouraging.
The consultants really listened to what my child and I need.
The professionalism, the organisational ability, everything is planned well and laid out clearly ahead of you.
Tutors have been motivating, supportive and very helpful for my son.
The reliability, quality of work ethic and the organisation of the group.
It's a well tailored experience, flexible in its application to learning.
Crimson keeps us informed every step of the way.
The teachers and my Crimson coordinator are so supportive, knowledgeable and honest. They have helped
me through my year and I am so thankful to them for all the help they have given me.