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AVONS Project Management System SRS v1.0

Project Management System
Software Requirements Specification
Version 1.0
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
Revision History
Software Requirements Specification
Document Initial Release.
Whole Team
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
Table of Contents
Revision History......................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents....................................................................................................................................... iii
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.................................................................................. 1
1.3 Project Scope.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations....................................................................................... 2
1.5 References........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.6 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Overall Description................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Product Features............................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 User Characteristics.......................................................................................................................... 4
3. System Features...................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Usecase diagram............................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Handyman side features.................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Customer side features...................................................................................................................... 6
4. Specific Requirements............................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Functional Requirements................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.1 Service order via app.................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.2 Take Service............................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.3 Remainder of Service................................................................................................................. 6
4.1.4 Payment...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.5 Payment Reciept........................................................................................................................ 6
4.1.6 Customer Review....................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.7 App Management....................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.8 Account Recovery..................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements........................................................................................................ 7
4.2.1 Performance............................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Safety......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.3 Security...................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2.4 Software Quality Attributes....................................................................................................... 7
4.2.5 Reliability................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.6 Testability................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Other Requirements............................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Licencing........................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Legal, Copyright and Other notices.................................................................................................. 8
6. Design Constraints.................................................................................................................................. 8
6.1 Software Language Used.................................................................................................................. 8
6.2 Development Tools........................................................................................................................... 8
7. Interfaces.................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.1 User Interfaces.................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Hardware Interfaces.......................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 Software Interfaces........................................................................................................................... 9
7.4 Communication Interfaces................................................................................................................ 9
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
Software Requirements Specification
1. Introduction
The following section provides an overview of the derived Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) for the subject All in one services (AVONS). To begin with, the purpose of the document
is presented and its intended audience outlined. Subsequently, the scope of the project specified
by the document is given with a particular focus on what the resultant app will do and the
relevant benefits associated with it.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to give a detailed description of the requirements for the
“AVONS” application. It will illustrate the purpose and complete declaration for the
development of system. This application will provide on-demand services such as carpentry,
plumbing, mechanic and electric services to people at doorstep.
1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
Several different audiences are expected to read this document. These include members of
developer and designing team, tester, handeyman, and potential users of this system. Developers
will use this document as resource for system development and it is important for them to
understand the project. Similarly Designers will use this document as resource for system
designing. Testers need to understand system features to set up the test cases for testing the
system. Users, mainly AVONS customers and Handeyman, should go through the external
interface requirements so that they can learn how to use the interface.
1.3 Project Scope
In this digital time, on-demand services has gained the popularity over the world and in this busy
world, what people need is that without going anywhere they get what they want to be done
easily, so our application will provide one stop solution to customers to deal with certain
services at one place. Our application will connect customers and handeyman of Changa,
Valetva, Vadtal and Vidhyanagar. Our aim is to provide services to customers in a comfortable
way and to make sure that they get easy access.
1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
We will also use bold letter to emphasis main topics and for all the major functions of the system.
Abbreviations and definition of some useful terms we will use are given below :
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
Admin is a person who is responsible for managing the whole system
and who has full access to the system.
A person who is using or operating the system but with a limited
Collection of all the information monitored by this system.
A document that completely describes all of the functions of a proposed
system and the constraints under which it must operate.
All in one services
1.5 References
1.6 Overview
The SRS will provide a detailed description of All in one Services app. This document will
provide the outline of the requirements, overview of the characteristics and constraints of the
1.5.1 Section 2: This section of the SRS will provide the general factors that affect the product
and its requirements. It provides the background for those requirements. The items such as
product perspective, product function, user characteristics, constraints, assumptions and
dependencies and requirements subsets are described in this section.
1.5.2 Section 3: This section of SRS contains all the software requirements mentioned in section
2 in detail sufficient enough to enable designers to design the system to satisfy the requirements
and testers to test if the system satisfies those requirements.
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
All in one Services(AVONS) is a mobile application which deals with providing handeyman
services such as carpenter, mechanic, electrician and plumber to the customer at their own
place/location in a convinent and faster way. To get the services from AVONS user need to
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
select the service required and service providers will contact user and user can set an
appointment with them. The UI of the application is hassle free for users.
Admin Team
Overview of the proposed system
2.2 Product features
Product features include functions such as
 User’s Application
1) User registeration and login
2) At what time user will like to take service(Morning , Afternoon or Evening).
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
3) Now Suppose if customer selects evening time , then he will be asked to select one time slot
from the total time slots available for that particular service.
4) User can filter services based on
I. Ratings
II. Nearby Services available
III. Free Service Delivery
5) It has real time ratings and reviews showing system.
Client’s Application
1) Handeyman can see the details of the customer to whom he have to deliver service.
2) Handeyman can control his status i.e. whenever he is available for the service he will make
status show online and whenever not available he will turn status back to offline.
3) Handeyman will get certain remainders before scheduled time of any service.
Admin’s Application
1) Admin can create or update any services or subservices.
2) Admin has rights to include new clients.
3) Even admin can block and unblock the client and user whom admin finds inappropriate
based on ratings or fake reviews.
2.3 User Characteristics
1) User can login into the application and if new then user first needs to register himself before
logging into the application.
2) User can pick up any services from the available services of his choice.
3) User can also filter services based on ratings, nearby services available or free service
4) User can also give ratings and reviews to service of Handeyman.
5) User can also mark favourite to services which he requires frequently.
6) User can also view his past reviews which he had given to any service.
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
3. System Features
In this section, all the system features will be discussed in detail.
3.1 Usecase diagram
Usecase diagram
3.2 Handeyman side features
The system should allow handeyman to view details of customer where he has to deliver service.
Also Handeyman should be able to monitor ratings and reviews given to his service by the
customer. In additon to this, he should be able to see total number of visits he has taken in a
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
3.3 Customer side features
Customer should be allowed to login/register for the app so that he can use all the features such
as rating and reviewing the app. The system should allow the customer to select the service of
their desire. The customer should be allowed to sort services based on ratings and nearby
services available , thus making a user friendly app.
4. Specific Requirements
In this section, functional and non-functional requirements will be discussed.
4.1 Functional Requirements
4.1.1 Service order via app
Customer can select and order service with the app but it needs specific internet connection.
4.1.2 Take Service
Handyman will take the service and if it is possible for him to deliver it then he will confirm the
service and will go to deliver the service.
4.1.3 Remainder of service
Handyman will receive remainder prior of the exact time for delivering service.
4.1.4 Payment
After delivering service , Handyman will receive money in cash from the customer(user).
4.1.5 Payment reciept
Payment reciept will be generated and then Handyman will forward it to admin.
4.1.6 Customer Review
Customer can give overall review about the delivered service.
4.1.7 App management
Admin will manage whole app i.e. admin’s section , customer’s section as well as handyman’s
4.1.8 Account Recovery
This will allow to recover one’s account who has forgotten their account information.
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements
4.2.1 Performance Requirements
The system must be efficient to handle traffic , as there can be possibility of many users
accessing application at same time. To make it more detailed, we set two goals as below:
 Serve 10 users at the same time
 All the operations can respond within 5 seconds
Since it is an online application, the capacity for viewers should not be really small . We expect
our system can hold 10 or more users at the same time without occurring any errors.
4.2.2 Safety Requirements
There are two major types of software failure which may cause possible loss or damage to
system: Software logic errors and Software support errors.
Software logic errors are often a result of the programmer making errors in the coding, whether it
is simply a mistake on their part, or an incorrect set of requirements they are following. In
addition, it may have been a mistake made in the design phase which follows through into the
implementation of the system.
Software support errors are linked to the software being used to create the program. Perhaps
these errors are from the compiler, an external library being used, or even the programming
We have made some safety requirements trying to solve the problems above. They are:
1) Analyze before coding
2) Be careful when coding
3) Do large amount of tests after coding
4.2.3 Security Requirements
Users are required to enter the correct username and password to log in. After three times of
wrong entering, system will automatically lock the account for security. Users need to click
“forget password” button to unlock account.
4.2.4 Software Quality Attributes
The app for the end user should be easily available and preferably should be able to run on any
mobile device, considering the specification of mobiles it should be available to most of the
devices and easy to access. Even considering handyman account should only be available to
verified users. The system should be scalable considering the future success.
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
4.2.5 Reliability
As mentioned in 4.2.1, the system should be reliable. It is assumed to serve 10 users at the same
time and nothing goes wrong.
4.2.6 Testability
Each function should be separately designed, and after each function finished, tester is going to
take test once and once again. All the function should be easy to test. For testing, tester can add
different error code to distinguish different exceptions.
5 Other Requirements
5.1 Licensing Requirements
Not Applicable
5.2 Legal, Copyright, and Other Notices
All right reserved by our team.
6 Design Constraints
6.1 Software Languages Used
The languages that shall be used for coding AVONS application is ReactJS.
6.2 Development Tools
We have used firebase database for backend development and for frontend development we
have used MS Visual Studio Code.
7 Interfaces
7.1 User Interfaces
Whenever user opens the application, it should authenticate the user whether user is already
logged in or not. If user is not logged in then he/she should see registration or login screen.
There will be two options for registeration i.e. as a customer or as a handyman. After the
completion of authentication process user see main (home) screen where user should get list of
services and search button to search a particular service.
List item (Different services in this case) should be clickable. On clicking one of the services,
user should see a page listing various sub services of that main service.
All In One Services
Software Requirements Specification
Version: 1.0
28th July 2019
Main screen should have functionalities like sorting, filtering etc. Sorting should be done by
nearby available services, rating wise etc. There should be filtering option by which user can
filter the services by price.
7.2 Hardware Interfaces
Since this system runs on Android, it doesn’t require any additional hardware.
7.3 Software Interfaces
Software component
Operating System
React Native
7.4 Communication Interfaces
This application will use a simple OTP transfer protocol for communication when a user requires
to recover their account information.