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How to Be a Successful Leader: Strategies & Characteristics

How To Be A Successful
Laura L. Koppes, Ph.D.
U.S. Fulbright Scholar
Eastern Kentucky University
Individuals able to learn and keep
learning; determined to listen,
watch, and recognize what’s
happening; committed to change
wherever and whenever needed,
opportunity seekers who know how
to identify the best people and get
the most out of them.(Management
Notes, 1998)
Successful Leadership: Why
Who is a successful leader?
Management and Leadership
The Leadership Challenge
Leadership Definition
How to Be a Successful Leader
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
21st Century: a period of unprecedented
and transformative change
Global Economy and Workforce
Turbulence in world
“The old organizational pyramids of the
nineteenth century are crumbling, being
replaced by upside-down pyramids and
circles and connections.” (Greenleaf
Center, 1997)
Without leadership, organization’s falter in
times of change and turmoil.
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
Companies rated in the 20 percent of leadership
skills and development outperform their
industry’s average return to shareholders by 22
percentage points. (Lombardo & Eichinger, The
Leadership Machine)
Companies with above-average leadership-team
strength enjoyed above-average revenue growth,
relative to their industries (Holden, 2003.
Corporate Leadership Council)
Dr. John Kotter, Harvard leadership expert,
maintains that successful organizational
transformations are 70 to 90 percent attributable
to leadership ability. (Holden, 2003)
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
Lack of confidence in leaders
Conference Board Report 2002 (Holden,
In 1997, only about half of all employees
in a survey rated their organization’s
leadership as excellent or good.
By 2001, one out of three employees
rated organization’s leadership as
excellent or good.
Fall of companies (e.g., America’s Enron,
Italy’s Parlamat, Switzerland’s The Erb
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
Leaders in the News
“Nepal: Thousands protest again
King.” (New York Times, April 2)
“An Indian Champion: Vajpayee is
stunningly popular and appears
ready to lead his party to another
election victory. But can one man’s
charisma carry the weight of a
nation?” (Newsweek, April 12)
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
“President Jacques Chirac and his party
just got creamed in elections. Now the
real fun begins.” (Newsweek, April 12)
“Argentine President Nestor Kirchner has
seen his approval ratings rocket to more
than 70 percent…Kirchner’s tough stance
on human rights, though, is generating
increasing opposition.” (Newsweek, April
Successful Leadership:
Why important?
“Arab leaders Thursday condemned
President George W. Bush’s Middle East
policy shift as a dangerous move that
could stir violence…(International Herald
Tribune, April 16).
“President Václav Klaus’ April 9 veto of the
country’s proposed new value-added tax
(VAT) act could plunge the economy into
chaos in the markets and spell trouble for
European Union relations.” (The Prague
Post, April 14-20)
Who is a Successful Leader?
Alexander the
Who is a Successful Leader?
Napoleon I
“A leader is a
dealer in hope.”
Who is a Successful Leader?
John F. Kennedy
“Leadership and
learning are
indispensable to
each other.”
Who is a Successful Leader?
M. Ghandi: “…we must be the
change we wish to see in the world.”
W. Churchill: “The price of greatness
is responsibility.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.: “A genuine
leader is not a searcher for
consensus, but a molder of
Who is a Successful Leader?
Are you?
Do I get results?
Do I provide direction and a sense of
meaning to others by reminding
them of what’s important?
Do I create authentic human
Do I generate and sustain trust?
(Management Notes, 1998)
Who is a Successful Leader?
Are you?
Do I give people a sense that they
are investing in the future?
Do I convey a feeling of hope?
Do I motivate others?
(Management Notes, 1998)
Management and Leadership
The manager has his/her eyes on the
bottom line.
The leader has his/her eyes on the
The manager imitates.
The leader originates.
(Management Notes, 1998)
Management and Leadership
The manager is the classic good soldier.
The leader is his/her own person.
The manager does things right.
The leader does the right thing.
The manager asks how and when.
The leader asks what and why. (W.
(Management Notes, 1998)
The Leadership Challenge
“Each of us contains the capacity to
be a leader.” (Warren Bennis)
The challenge: to realize this
Leadership is a global issue: crosses
all boundaries, cultures, religions,
Leadership Definition
Leadership: an elusive concept.
Numerous research studies.
Many theories and explanations.
Traits: The GREAT Man theory
Leadership Definition
Leadership: A process of influence
among leaders and followers who
intend real changes that reflect their
mutual purposes. (Appleton, 1999)
How to Be a Successful Leader:
Essential Elements
Successful leaders must have the
ability to develop a vision of the
Leaders guide the skills of others by
the sheer weight of their visions.
(Appleton, 1999)
How to Be a Successful Leader:
Essential Elements
Successful leaders have a clear
understanding of:
the expectations, experiences, needs, and
interaction patterns of others in the group
or organization;
and, appreciate the specifics of the
environment and the tasks to be
(Appleton, 1999)
How to Be a Successful Leader:
Essential Elements
Successful leaders depend as much
on personal influence and
competency power as on the
elements of legitimate power.
The successful leader will be a
transformational leader.
(Appleton, 1999)
Transformational Leader
Develop a vision that is both clear and
highly appealing to followers.
Articulate a strategy for bringing that
vision to life.
State your vision clearly and promote it to
Show confidence and optimism about your
Express confidence in followers’ capacity
to carry out the strategy.
Transformational Leader
Build confidence by recognizing small
accomplishments toward the goal.
Celebrate accomplishments and
Take dramatic action to symbolize
key organizational values.
Set an example.
Coach and mentor.
How to Be a Successful Leader:
Essential Elements
A successful leader will not only ask
questions and wrestle with their
individual and organizational
interests, but will also ask the
“Leadership for what purpose and
what public good?”
(Appleton, 1999)
How to Be a Successful Leader:
(Technical Management Services, Inc., 2004)
 Reward cooperation
Make your
and hard work.
expectations clearly
 Maintain good
relations with boss.
Share your goals,
 Accept diversity.
visions, motivations,
 Admit your mistakes.
and reasons.
 When you promiseGive feedback about
 Periodically, disengage
from daily pressures.
Build team players.
 Don’t take yourself
too seriously.
How to Be a Successful Leader:
Honesty and integrity
Leadership motivation
Cognitive ability/intelligence
Knowledge of the business
Emotional intelligence
Culture Contingent Leadership?
GLOBE Research Project
60 countries
12 years
Universally accepted leadership
Culture –specific characteristics
Universally Accepted
Leadership Attributes (GLOBE)
Integrity-trustworthy, just, honest
Charismatic, visionary, inspirationalencouraging, positive, motivational,
confidence builder, dynamic
Team oriented-team building,
communicating, coordinating
Excellence-oriented, decisive,
intelligent, win-win problem solver
(Landy & Conte, 2004)
Culture-Specific Characteristics
Czech Republic
The following characteristics were found to
facilitate outstanding leadership:
Team integrator
As citizens of this turbulent dynamic
world, we each have a responsibility
to be a successful leader.
Citizen Leader: influencing others to
create a better and peaceful world.
Citizen Leader
To create an environment where
people can thrive, grow, and live in
peace with one another.
To promote harmony with nature and
thereby provide sustainability for
future generations.
To create communities of reciprocal
care and shared responsibility.
(Allen, et. al, 1998)
“Leadership is not the private
reserve of a few charismatic men
and women. It is a process ordinary
people use when they are bringing
forth the best from themselves and
others.” (author unknown)
Děkuji !!
Allen, K.E., et al (1998). Leadership in the
21st century. Rethinking Leadership
Working Papers, Academy of Leadership
Appleton, J. (1999). Successful
leadership: An elusive concept at best.
Holden, B. (2003). A 3-D View of
Leadership. Dynamic Women in Business
Conference, Harvard University.
Landy, F. & Conte, J. (2004). Work in the
21st Century. McGraw Hill.
Lombardo & Eichinger, The
Leadership Machine
Management Notes (1998).
Technical Management Services, Inc.
(2004). 19 strategies for successful
leadership. www.spectra-soft.com