Analysis of Aspartame and its Hydrolysis Products by ~ h i n k a ~ chromatography er Alfred R. Conklin Wllmington College, Wllmington, OH 45177 Undergraduate lahoratory exercises involving the separation and identification of amino acids have been developed (1-4). Also experiments that demonstrate the hydrolysis of prvreinsund simple polypeptidesand thesubsequent identification of amino arids have been reported ( 4 . 5). These exercises use a variety of thin-layer add colu~nchromatographic procedures and a variety of solvent systems. For some years I have been developing a lahoratory experiment that would allow students to separate and identify amino acids found in food. This exercise is for u s e in a nonmajors or general chemistry laboratory. Because the background of the students in such courses is limited, the experiment must deal with a simple protein or polypeptide that most students would know about. An additional ohjective would be for this experiment to serve as an introduction to chromatographic techniques. Accomplishing these objectives is complicated because of the variety of amino acids found in common proteins. Of course, small polypeptides, such as oxytocin, bradykinin, or encephalins could he used. However, these are expensive, potentially dangerous, and not commonly known by students. Thus, what I am looking for is a polypeptide that is readily available, safe for students to use, and recognized by them. There is a common dipeptide, actually the methyl ester of a dipeptide, that can be used for such an exercise. This is asnartame. better known bv the student as Nutrasweet. Aspartame and its hydrolysis products can easily be separated and identified usinrr s i m ~ l ethin-laver chromatomaphy (6). Other chromato&ap& separation methodsare equally suitable and can be used to separate aspartame from other constituents in food (7). However, thin-layer is preferred for freshman laboratories because i t is simple and fast. Both aspartame and its hydrolysis products, except for methanol, are easily detected by common amino acid visualizing reagents. Aspartame, aspartylmethylphenylalanine, is readily hydrolvzed under acid conditions to its constituent Darts. . . aspar& acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. This reaction occurs r a ~ i d l va t elevated temDeratures and slowlv hut measurabl; with long storage a t room tempera&e. The hydrolysis can be represented Commercial preparations of solid Nutrasweet, that is, not as part of drinks, contains components in addition to aspartame. The common powder contains aspartame, dextrose, silicon dioxide, cellulose, etc. One preparation also contains the amino acid leucine. Although most of the additional components pose no problem in analysis, leucine is difficult to separate from phenylalanine. Fortunately, its occurrence is infrequent enough so as not to pose a serious problem in most cases. Solutions of aspartic acid, leucine, and phenylalanine containing 30 mgl25 mL Hz0 work well as standards. For aspartame a solution containing 30 mgI25 mL H20 of pure aspartame or 90-180 mgI25 mL H20 of commercially available tabs or granular (powder) Nutrasweet is adequate. Using these concentrations, one spot (0.5 r L approximately 1mm in diameter) will contain enough amino acid or aspartame to allow easy detection after chromatography and visualization. Chromatography can be carried out using either cellulose or silica gel thin-layer plates. Separation is faster on the former. Plastic-hacked thin-layer sheets allow students t o cut microscope slide size "plates" for the analysis (see figure). This size plate gives adequate separation while allowing maximum speed and economy. For more complex separations, that is, partially hydrolyzed beverage samples, a longer plate cut to fit into a tall form heaker (58 X 140 mm) works well. Plates can be spotted using either Pasteur pipets pulled out to make a capillary tip, capillary tubes pulled t o a finetip, or a microliter syringe. I t is a good idea to have students practice spotting a previously used or a waste piece of plate before starting to spot a plate for development. Elution is carried out with one of two eluants depending on the type of plate used. A mixture of n-hutanol-acetic acid-water (4:1:5 vlv) is a good eluant system for cellulose. For silica gel a solution of n-butanol-acetic acid-water ( 6 2 2 or 12:2:2 vlv) is a good eluant. Plates are spotted and spots allowed to dry, then the plates are placed in a developing chamber containing an appropriate eluant. Development, which is typically carried out in a slide-staining (Copin) jar, or a beaker as described above, is allowed to continue until the solvent front is within a millimeter of the top of the plate. Plastic wrap makes a suitable cover when a heaker is used as a developing chamber. The dried plates are sprayed with either a0.2% solution of ninhydrin (1,3,3-triketohydrindenehydrate) in acetone or 0.10% isatin in acetone. Sprayed plates are allowed to dry and are heated t o hasten the reaction. An infrared lamp works as well or better than putting the plates in the oven t o heat. Both visualizing reagents work well. Ninhydrin gives a typical purplish color upon reaction with amino acids and with asDartame. Isatin Droduces different colors with differen1 amkoacids. Wr ha;e,on occasion, been unable toohtnin \,isualization with old solutions of ninhydrin. Thus. if no spots are observed after heating, check the activity of your visualizing reagent. Volume 64 Number 12 December 1987 1065 These s a m e nrocedures c a n be used to look for aspartame or its decomposition ~ r o d u c t s in beverages o r other foods. However, beverages are dilute solutions, s o 12 to 15spots (2+ cL), w i t h d r y i n g b e t w e e n spotting, m u s t b e m a d e in t h e s a m e place. Although drying between spotting i s t i m e consuming, it does n o t t a k e long if t h e spots a r e dried using a hair dryer. Experimental Obtain a cellulose thin-layer sheet and cut out several microscope-sire picrrs ro be used in the analysis. T h r fhin-layer <heel s h d d not be touched with fingers or anything else, as foreign material on the olate mav adv e r 4 y aflrcf the nnnlysis. Make a small mark alcmg the side 1u.r pencil or scrape off a little of the layer) of the plate about 1 cm from the bottom. Use the mark as a guide far spotting. All spots should be placed an equal distance from the bottom of the plate. A 15- X 6.5cm thin-layer plate Obtain or make solutions, as showing the separation of aspartic described above, of aspartic acid, acid (A), phenylalanine (B), leucine phenylalanine, and aspartame (C). aspartame (D), and a minure (El (commercial Nutrasweet can be used as the aspartame standard). of A, B. and D. Also obtain a sample of food containing aspartame. Spot plates with a capillary pipet; allow spots to dry before placing in the eluant. If several spottings are necessary, all spots should be dried thoroughly hetween spotting. Place plates in an appropriate development chamber containing about 5 mm of eluant, and allow elution to continue until the eluant is within 5 mm of the top of the plate. Mark the top of the eluant (the line between the wetted and unwetted thin layer) as soon as the plate is removed. Once the eluant has evaporated, which can happen very rapidly, it may be imoossihle to determine the too of the eluant. Once -~~~~ drv. ~ ~ -the ~-~~ * , nlates *~~~~~~~ are soraved with the aoorooriate ~ . .. visualizine" reagent. Plates should he just wetted when spraying. All solvent is allowed to evaporate before heating the plates. Heating is done, C for about 2-3 min or under an infrared either in an oven at 105 ' ~ ~~~~ ~~ in the Figure Distance moved lcml Eluant front Aspartic acid Phenylalanine Leucine Aspamme 19 7.9 14.3 15 16 0.38 0.75 0.79 0.83 lamp until spots just appear. Spots will darken somewhat with time but should be dark enough at this paint to allow collection of data. Treatment of Results Prepare a table of data including distances moved by spots and Ris. The solvent front is measured from the spotting mark to the top of the solvent front. Also measure the movement of the spots from the starting mark to the middle of the respective spot. The Rt is then calculated as follows: ~~~~~ ~.~ ~~. ~ 1066 ~ Data Obtalned from Thin-Layer Plate Shown ~ Journal of Chemical Education where S1 = distance spot 1moved, Er= distance eluant front moved, and Rn = Rt spot 1. This same procedure would be continued until you obtain atable of R{s for all spots. The table is an example of the type of data obtained for the thin layer plate as shown in the figure. Now obtain a fresh and an old partially hydrolyzed sample (a fresh sample brought to a boil will suffice as an old sample) of an aspartame containing beverage and carry out a thin Layer analysis. Prepare a table of the spots and their Ris. From this table identify the comoonents found. Usine this tvoe .. of olate. . . would vou exuect the ~ ( s ' t obe the same as th&e obtained on the short& plates, or different? What do you find? Acknowledgment I would like to t h a n k R o n F e r g u s o n f o r his h e l p i n developing this exercise. Literature Clted L. Bucsnsn,D. N.: K1einrnsn.R. W.J. Chrm.Educ. 1376.53.255. 2. Himer. E. P. J. Chem Educ. 1972.47.547. 3. Hurlbut. J. A,: Raika,T.J. J.Chem. Educ. 1978.55, 794. 4. Fierer. L.: Fieser, M. Bosie Organic Chumistry: Heath: Bmton, 1959. 5. Deuer.D. F.J. ChemEduc. 1976.52. 338. 6. Sherma. J.;Cupin,S.: Fullweiler,d.Am.Lnb. 1985,March, 131. 7. Deianv. M. F.: Pako. K. M.: Mauro. D. M.: Gsell. S.; Kornioms. P.C. ~&kowrki,L. J.: Warren, F. V.. Jr. J. Chem.Edue. 1985,62.6