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Biology Data Presentation: Tables & Graphs Tutorial




Data collected during an investigation should be organized, manipulated, summarized, and presented to reveal trends (patterns, relationships). This can be done by using tables, graphs, pictures, and diagrams). A decision has to be made on the best way of presenting the data.

NOTE: Results are part of the scientific method, so they form part of the investigation.

Therefore the data presentation should be in line with:

What question are you attempting to answer/

What is your hypothesis?

What is your prediction?

Presenting data in a table

The data in table 1 show the results of an experiment in which two strains of maize were each grown in soils with varying amounts of nitrogen.

Table 1: The effect of soil nitrogen on the amount of grain produced by two strains of maize

Nitrogen in the soil



Grain yield (kg/hectare)

Maize strain 1 Maize strain 2

3000 1800

30 3100 2200










▪ The title should be

clear, concise, informative, and appropriate

preceded by a Table number

above the table

▪ The columns and rows should be clearly labeled with

appropriate headings

appropriate units

▪ Does Table 1 reveal the pattern/trend?

Is there another way in which the data could be better presented?

Presenting data in a graph

Present the data in Table 1 in a graph.


▪ What type of graph should you use to present the data?

Line graph for continuous quantitative variables

Histogram for continuous quantitative variables

Bar graph for discrete quantitative or qualitative variables

▪ What is a quantitative variable? Give an example.

▪ What is a qualitative variable? Give an example

▪ What is a continuous variable? Give an example

▪ What is a discrete variable? Give an example

▪ Size and layout

Graph must occupy at least half of an A4 page

Leave enough space for labeling axes

Provide a legend, including a key to any symbols used

▪ Axes

Must be clearly labeled with appropriate units

Which is the independent variable? This should be plotted on the horizontal axis

Which is the dependent variable? This should be plotted on the vertical axis.

▪ In many cases, it is better to draw a best straight line or curve than to connect the dots.

▪ If there are two or more curves in the graph, clearly distinguish between them by using different symbols/notation.

▪ The title should be

clear, concise, informative, and appropriate

preceded by a Figure number

below the graph


▪ After presenting data in a table or graph, draw the reader’s attention to your findings by summarizing the most important trends.

▪ Never present the same data in both a graph and a table.

▪ When average values (arithmetic means) are used

include the amount of variation in the data presented in the table

add a bar extending from each point in a graph to show the amount of variation

(This point will be discussed later in the lab)

