Arts Appreciation_Activity Sheet [Prelims] NAME: Marie Angeli Lingan DATE ACCOMPLISHED: TIME ACCOMPLISHED: YEAR/SECTION/SCHEDULE: 1A / MWF 10:00-11:00 SCORE: ACTIVITY No.___ For this activity you will need the following materials: 1 long bond paper 1 black permanent marker 1 highlighter (color of your choice) 1 black ballpen Instructions: 1. First draw horizontal lines across the bond paper. Fill the spaces. Choose the landscape layout. 2. After drawing horizontal lines, draw vertical lines across it. 3. After having finished the two lines, draw diagonal lines across over the horizontal and vertical lines. 4. Over the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines, make circular strokes. 5. After having completed the different lines and strokes, try to figure out the image (s) that surfaced on the patterns drawn. 6. Lastly, interpret the image and relate its significance to your life. 7. Why do you think the image came out that way? Note: Work on this activity independently. This activity will merit you 25 points. Attach your artwork to this sheet. And write your explanation on the box provided. Explanation: As I started to draw, at first I can't still imagine what am I doing. Bust as i go on, I can visualize a tree. A tree that came in to my mind is a Cherry blossom. Cherry blossom symbolizes youth. And cherry blossom are like problems, they come and go. In every problem there a way out and once you surpass it, you'll bloom. Like the cherry blossoms, after they fall they bloom.