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Interstellar (2014)
Movie Worksheet
01. The surveillance drone needs to learn how to __________, like __________.
03. The principal’s waist size is __________ with a __________ inseam. You need two numbers to measure
his __________ but only one to measure Cooper’s son’s ability.
06. According to the new texts, the __________ missions were fake to bankrupt the __________.
08. The government shut down __________ (government agency) for denying to drop the bomb from the
__________ on the __________.
11. The last people to __________, will be the first to __________.
13. “We are not meant to __________ this world, we are meant to __________”.
15. The space flight sent to study the 12 systems was named __________. Cooper’s space flight is named
17. As Cooper is in outer space, __________ is going to change. It’s going to run more __________.
19. Absolute __________ is not always the most __________ nor the __________ with __________ beings.
23. Do not go __________ into that good __________. Rage, rage against the __________ of the light.
26. The controls did not work when they passed through the wormhole because the space was beyond our
__________ dimensions. All they could do is __________ and __________.
29. __________ is the name of the black hole. Literally, the heart of __________ nothing escapes not even
32. Time is __________. It can __________ and it can __________ but it can’t run __________. The only thing
that can cross dimensions is __________.
37. The astronauts were on Miller’s planet for __________ years, __________ months and __________ days.
40. __________ is the one thing that is perceivable and transcends __________ and __________.
43. If a black hole is an __________ than the singularity is the __________ inside, hidden behind the
46. Newton’s __________ Law. The only way humans have figured how to get somewhere is to __________.
Short Answer (2 points each)
48. Why did the Murphy not like her name? What was she named after?
50. How did Cooper explain to Murphy that her name was not bad?
52. What happened to the textbooks in the schools?
54. Cooper told his daughter “it” wasn’t a ghost. What was it? How did he show her?
56. What was the significance of bringing up the Irish potato crop?
58. What was found by NASA,that appeared 48 years ago? Where was it?
60. What is Plan A? Plan B?
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the Science Curriculum
Users of the movie Interstellar have permission to reproduce this page
Interstellar (2014)
Movie Worksheet
62. Cooper’s wife said “We are just here for memories for our kids.” What does this mean?
64. What was the emergency to launch the group into space?
66. Why couldn’t you hear anything when the rockets thrusted or the ship attached in outer space?
68. Why did they spin the space shuttle? What did the spinning do?
70. What were the tubes the astronauts got into?
72. When on the spaceship, Cooper is told he is “literally wasting his breath”. What’s the significance?
74. Explain why a worm hole looks like a sphere?
76. What two things did Miller’s planet offer that made the astronauts choose it?
78. What were two problems with Miller’s planet?
80. Why did Amelia run toward the giant wave?
82. Why did Cooper’s son stop sending him messages?
84. When did Murphy send a message to Cooper? Why?
86. What were the two things that the professor was afraid of?
88. When the professor was dying, what did he ask Murphy to forgive him for?
90. Why did Dr. Mann fake the data about his planet?
92. Why does Dr. Mann head butt Cooper?
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the Science Curriculum
Users of the movie Interstellar have permission to reproduce this page
Interstellar (2014)
Movie Worksheet
94. Why did Murphy light the corn field on fire?
96. Why did Cooper and Amelia try to dock on the station?
98. What do Cooper and the robot figure out about the black hole?
100. How did Cooper and the robot transmit the information to Murphy?
102. How was Cooper able to see his daughter?
104. What does Murphy tell her dad when they finally meet again?
People (Use their names)
59. ___________ “We had acres of corn … but mostly we had dust.”
60. ___________ "You said science is about admitting what we don’t know."
61. ___________ “I guess that answers the ‘if I asked you to drive off a cliff’ scenario.”
62. ___________ “When I was a kid it felt like we made something new every day.”
63. ___________ “You’re the one who doesn’t belong, 40 years too late or 40 years too early.”
64. ___________ “Driven by the unshakeable faith that the Earth is ours.”
65. ___________ “Find us a new home and by the time you return I will have solved the problem with gravity.”
66. ___________ “You don’t trust the right thing done for the wrong reason.”
67. ___________ “Murph is a bright spark. Maybe I should fan the flames.”
68. ___________ “She’s already making fools of her teachers. Maybe she should make a fool of you.”
69. ___________ “I’m not afraid of death, I’m afraid of time.”
70. ___________ “Love isn’t something we invented. Maybe it’s some artifact of a higher dimension.”
71. ___________ “He left us here to die. To starve. Did you know?”
72. ___________ “I pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another human face.”
73. ___________ “He was ready to destroy his own humanity to save a species.”
74. ___________ “Panic won’t help. We just have to keep working.”
75. ___________ “That emotion to be with other people is what makes us human. Not to be taken lightly.”
76. ___________ “Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration.”
77. ___________ “When I left Earth I thought I was prepared to die.”
78. ___________ “There’s a 50/50 chance you are going to kill yourself.”
79. ___________ “I can’t watch you go through this. I thought I could but I can’t.”
80. ___________ “Do you see your children. It’s okay they are right there with you.”
81. ___________ “No parent should watch their child die.”
Dr. Brand
Copyright Bechtel’s Zoo Division of the Science Curriculum
Users of the movie Interstellar have permission to reproduce this page
Dr. Mann