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SMART Goals Template for Education & Time Management

SMART Goals template
What are SMART Goals? Based on the article (linked below) you’ll now be able to list your own SMART goals using this SMART Goals template. Try to answer the different
sample questions within the SMART components. Feel free to add more questions of your own to this SMART Goals Template. The text fields in this template are editable.
You can also clear the fields and print this template to create hand-outs.
For more information about the Balanced Scorecard, visit: https://www.toolshero.com/time-management/smart-goals/
Possible questions to answer
What do we wish to accomplish and why?
Who are involved?
What resources are involved?
When is it going to happen?
What parts of the goal are essential?
Increase in LEP speaking scores.
Only a small percentage of my students said they had read a novel cover to
What was the turnover of the past year?
How do you know whether the goal has been achieved?
What efforts are required?
How can it be measured?
How can the goal be accomplished?
Does the goal require the right amount of effort?
How does the environment impact goal achievement?
Acceptable (Ambitious)
Is the goal realistic?
Is it worth the time and effort?
Is it applicable in the current business climate?
Realistic (Relevant)
Your answers
An increase of student STAAR scores by 10% or more from last year.
What is the deadline?
Is the deadline realistic?
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Socratic Seminar participation
speaking/presentation assignments in ELA