Magnetized black holes: ionized Keplerian disks and ultra-high energy cosmic rays Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic in collaboration with M. Kološ, A. Tursunov, R. Pánis Recent Progress in Relativistic Astrophysics 6-8 May 2019, Fudan University (Shanghai, China) Magnetized black holes: ionized Keplerian disks and ultra-high energy cosmic rays Charged particle motion around magnetized BHs Ionized Keplerian disks and their stability Possibility of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays created by magnetic Penrose process Properties of charged particle motion in the field of magnetized BHs imply four possible regimes of behavior of ionized Keplerian disks: survival in regular epicyclic motion, transformation into chaotic toroidal state, destruction due to fall into BH, destruction due to escape to infinity along magnetic field lines (Kerr BH only). Due to extremely efficient magnetic Penrose process particles escaping to infinity could form UHECR. Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 2 / 26 Section 1 Charged particle motion around magnetized BHs Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 3 / 26 Magnetized black holes Kerr–Newman BHs with internal electromagnetic field regular motion of charged test particles - separability of EoM due to hidden symmetry of Kerr–Newman background magnetized BHs in external electromagnetic fields chaotic motion motion of charged particles simplest Wald solution for asymptotically uniform magnetic field induced charge electromagnetic field created by electric flow in accretion disks black hole immersed in a magnetar field Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 4 / 26 Equations of motion - Hamiltonian formalism 1 αβ 1 g (πα − qAα )(πβ − qAβ ) + m2 , 2 2 kinematical four-momentum pµ = muµ , generalized (canonical) π µ = pµ + qAµ equations of motion - Hamilton equations, ζ = τ /m H= ∂H dxµ ≡ pµ = , dζ ∂πµ dπµ ∂H =− µ dζ ∂x Gravity gµν : axially symmetric spacetime (Kerr) ds2 = gtt dt2 + 2gtφ dtdφ + gφφ dφ2 + grr dr2 + gθθ dθ2 Magnetic field Aα : external uniform mag. field B, electromagnetic 4-vector At = B Q Q (gtφ + 2agtt ) − gtt − , 2 2 2 Aφ = B Q (gφφ + 2agtφ ) − gtφ 2 2 non-charged BH Q = 0 vs. BH (Wald) charge black generated by rotation Schwarzschild BH - Aφ component only → no particle acceleration Kerr BH - both Aφ & At are present → causing charged particle acceleration Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 5 / 26 Reduction to the two-dimensional dynamics symmetry => conserved quantities: energy E and angular momentum L −E = πt = gtt pt + gtφ pφ + qAt , L = πφ = gφφ pφ + gφt pt + qAφ two degree of freedom Hamiltonian, 4D phase space (r, θ; pr , pθ ) H= 1 rr 2 1 θθ 2 f g pr + g pθ + HP (r, θ) 2 2 fP = 0) condition E = Veff (r, θ) is energetic boundary for particle motion (H Veff (r, θ) = α = −g tt , −β + p β 2 − 4αγ , 2α β = 2[g tφ (L − q̃Aφ ) − g tt q̃At ], γ = −g φφ (L − q̃Aφ )2 − g tt q̃ 2 A2t + 2g tφ q̃At (L − q̃Aφ ) − 1 B > 0 magnetic repulsion: ISCO strongly shifted inwards -can cross photon sphere B < 0 magnetic attraction: ISCO slightly shifted inwards Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 6 / 26 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 7 / 26 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 8 / 26 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 9 / 26 Section 2 Ionized Keplerian disks and their stability Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 10 / 26 Ionization of particles from neutral accretion disk ionization process: irradiation, decay,... neutral particle (1) → two charged (2) + (3) πα(1) = πα(2) + πα(3) , pα(1) = pα(2) + qAα + pα(3) − qAα m(1) ≥ m(2) + m(3) , 0 = q(2) + q(3) very common situation m(1) ∼ m(2) m(3) , → pα(1) = pα(2) Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 11 / 26 Possible fates of ionized Keplerian disks A) survival in regular epicyclic motion B) transformation into chaotic toroidal state C) destruction due to fall into BH D) destruction due to escape to infinity along magnetic field lines (Kerr BH only) Combined effect of gravitational en electromagnetic interactions governed by the dimensionless ”magnetic intensity” parameter B B= qBGM 2mc4 B = 0.004 electron 10−5 Gs proton 0.02 Gs Fe+ charged dust 1 Gs 109 Gs For stellar mass black hole M ≈ 10M , we can have one electron e- in the magnetic field B = 10−5 Gs or charged dust grain (one electron lost, m = 2 × 10−16 kg) in field B = 109 Gs - the absolute value of magnetic field parameter is the same in both cases B = 0.004. Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 12 / 26 Fate of ionized Keplerian disk as related to mag.field B Disk is orbiting around Schwarzschild BH with inclination angle θ0 = 1.37 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 13 / 26 Fate of ionized Keplerian disk as related to inclination θ0 Disk is orbiting around Schwarzschild BH with magnetic field parameter B = 0.1 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 14 / 26 Determination of chaos in charged particle dynamic Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 15 / 26 Determination of chaos in charged particle dynamic 15 1.6 10 B 1.1 r0 1.5 -15 -15 k ut dis ne tion e r acc -5 0.8 0.7 1.0 ral -10 D2 equatorial plane -10 1 θ 0 -5 1.4 1.3 5 z 2.0 θ0 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 0.5 0.1 6 6.5 7.2 7.8 8.4 9 9.6 10.2 10.8 11.4 12 r x For chaos determination and chaotic behaviour description, following methods have been tested: Box-Counting, Correlation Dimension, Lyapunov Exponent, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) with variants and Machine Learning with various algorithms. • R. Pánis, M. Kološ, and Z. Stuchlı́k, Determination of chaotic behaviour in time series generated by charged particle motion around magnetized Schwarzschild black holes, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 16 / 26 θ Box-counting Correlation dim. Lyapunov exp. RQA - RR 00:00:54 03:59:57 01:42:17 05:16:48 RQA - DET RQA - ENTR RQA - LL ML - Random Forest 05:16:48 05:16:48 05:16:48 00:02:57 ML - Neural Network ML - Linear Regression ML - Nearest Neighbors ML - Gradient Boosted Trees 00:02:08 00:03:24 00:02:11 00:02:13 r Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 17 / 26 Section 3 Possibility of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays created by magnetic Penrose process Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 18 / 26 Chaotic scattering and magnetic Penrose process Ionized neutral particle accelerated by the electric field generated by influence of BH rotation on the magnetic field. Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 19 / 26 Observation of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays In UHECR there are particles with energies E > 1018 eV. Few things we know: UHECR are charged particles, extremely rare, probably proton dominated flux or iron nuclei, extra-Galactic origin Energetic accelerator - mechanism is unknown: extra dimensions, new particles. . . From supermassive black holes? Black hole thermodynamics: 29% of BH’s energy is available for extraction (rotation), for extremely rotating SMBH of 109 solar mass the available energy is 1074 eV Let’s have one particle with rest mass/energy E0 it can take energy from BH with efficiency η and got energy E = E0 + ηE0 Penrose (1969) - astro. problematic η ≤ 0.2 Wagh et al. (1985) – astro. relevant η ∼ 1 electromagnetic version of Penrose process Blandford & Znajek (1977) – BH energy extracted by force-free plasma currents η ∼ 3 Many other versions with different efficiencies But for UHECR energies one needs η > 108 ! Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 20 / 26 Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 21 / 26 Particle ionization and magnetic Penrose process rotating Kerr black hole - metrics with mixed component gtφ 6= 0 → both electric field At and magnetic component Aφ for uniform magnetic field → BH can electromagnetically accelerated charged particles particle with mass m and charge q, has kinematic four-momentum pµ = muµ , generalized four-momentum πµ = pµ + qAµ Let neutral particle (1) decay into two charged particles (2) and (3) πα(1) = πα(2) + πα(3) , m(1) ≥ m(2) + m(3) , 0 = q(2) + q(3) pα(1) = pα(2) + qAα + pα(3) − qAα The term qAt can be arbitrary large → particle energy E can be changed dramatically E = −πt = −gtα pα − qAt (1) → 2nd particle with charge sign identical to the BH charge will be repelled → 3th particle with charge different to the BH will be captured by BH. BH will be discharged and loses some energy. • Z.Stuchlı́k, M.Kološ: Acceleration. . . , EPJc 76 (1), 1-21 (2016), [arXiv:1511.02936]. • A.Tursunov et al. Supermassive BH as a source of UHECR just submitted Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 22 / 26 Particle ionization in vicinity of magnetized BH 1st neutral particle (black, neutron) has been located on accretion disk inner edge, and starts to fall into BH. It will decay into two ionized particles 2nd (blue, proton) and 3rd (red, electron). While the 3rd particle (red) fall inside BH with negative energy the second (blue) got more energy and escape along magnetic field line. Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 23 / 26 Particle ionization in vicinity of magnetized BH 1st neutral particle (black, neutron) has been located on accretion disk inner edge, and starts to fall into BH. It will decay into two ionized particles 2nd (blue, proton) and 3rd (red, electron). While the 3rd particle (red) fall inside BH with negative energy the second (blue) got more energy and escape along magnetic field line. Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 23 / 26 Efficiency of magnetic Penrose process Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 24 / 26 Energy of accelerated protons Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 25 / 26 Summary Ionization of Keplerian disks can lead to epicyclic oscillations (QPOs) transmutations to toroidal structures destruction of part of the disk Around Kerr BH ionized particles can be accelerated with efficiency of the process greater than 1010 so that protons can be accelerated to energy 1021 eV around supermassive BH with M = 109 M and B = 104 Gauss 1016 eV around supermassive BH SgrA* with M = 4 · 106 M and B = 10 Gauss Thank you for your attention Zdeněk Stuchlı́k Magnetized black holes 6-8 May 2019, Shanghai 26 / 26