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The Importance of Chemistry: Why Study It?

What is the importance of chemistry, and why would you want to learn about it?
Chemistry is the study of matter and its interactions with other matter and
energy. Here's a look at the importance of chemistry and why you should study it.
Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for
the most part, that reputation is undeserved. Fireworks and explosions are based
on chemistry, so it's definitely not a boring science. If you take classes in
chemistry, you'll apply math and logic, which can make studying chemistry a
challenge if you are weak in those areas. However, anyone can understand the
basics of how things work... and that's the study of chemistry. In a nutshell,
the importance of chemistry is that it explains the world around you.
Chemistry Explained
Cooking: Chemistry explains how food changes as you cook it, how it rots,
how to preserve food, how your body uses the food you eat, and how
ingredients interact to make food.
Cleaning: Part of the importance of chemistry is it explains how cleaning
works. You use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes,
laundry, yourself, and your home. You use chemistry when you use
bleaches and disinfectants and even ordinary soap and water. How do they
work? That's chemistry.
Medicine: You need to understand basic chemistry so you can understand
how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Part of the
importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical
treatments and medicines.
Environmental Issues: Chemistry is at the heart of environmental
issues. What makes one chemical a nutrient and another chemical a
pollutant? How can you clean up the environment? What processes can
produce the things you need without harming the environment?
We humans are all chemists. We use chemicals every day and perform chemical
reactions without thinking much about them. Chemistry is important because
everything you do is chemistry! Even your body is made of chemicals. Chemical
reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is
made of chemicals, so the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of
Importance of Taking Chemistry
Everyone can and should understand basic chemistry, but it may be important to
you to take a course in chemistry or even make a career out of it. It's important to
understand chemistry if you are studying any of the sciences because all of the
sciences involve matter and the interactions between types of matter. Students
wanting to become doctors, nurses, physicists, nutritionists, geologists,
pharmacists, and (of course) chemists all study chemistry. You might want to
make a career out of chemistry because chemistry-related jobs are plentiful and
high-paying. The importance of chemistry won't be diminished over time, so it
will remain a promising career path.
Why is chemistry important? If you take chemistry or teach chemistry, you'll be
asked to answer this question pretty often. It's easy to say chemistry is
important because everything is made from chemicals but there are a lot of other
reasons why chemistry is a big part of daily life and why everyone should
understand basic chemistry. If you've ever wondered about the question yourself,
this selection of answers from real chemists, teachers, students, and readers just
like you, will give you an idea of the many reasons why chemistry is so vital to our
We Are Chemical Beings: Many biology and anatomy and physiology courses
begin with chemistry. More than just nutrients, medicines and poisons,
everything we do is chemical. Geology too: why do we wear diamonds and not
calcium carbonate on our fingers?
Importance of Chemistry to Life: (1) Many thing that are our in environment
are made of chemicals. (2) Many things that we observe in the world are made of
chemical effects.
Well, now you have asked something. My first days of chemistry started at the
age of about 9 not long after WWII. Since then, I have received from the study a
vast interest in everything and still I am learning at 70 years old—but in my mind
I know it is chemistry that has made me what I am and what I believe in, to
myself it is the most powerful mind mover of all...making one's mind explore and
discover and understand what it's all about. I am still looking, experimenting,
and wondering. Yes, to [me] chemistry is the all-powerful mover and doer of the
whole mystery of life and the meanings. But sadly I can no longer explore the
underground I so loved to in search for the Philosopher's stone.—David Bradbury
Prevents Poisoning or Worse: Water or sulfuric acid? Propylene glycol or
ethylene glycol? It's good to be able to tell them apart. Chemistry is important
because it helps you identify toxic or dangerous substances. Of course, labeling
your chemicals helps a lot too.
Chemistry [has] great importance in our daily life... In our [bodies,] chemical
reactions are going on. With the help of chemistry, we are able to cure most
deadly or dangerous diseases. By the study of chemistry, we can learn the
biochemical changes going on in our body.
—Sneha Jadhao
Chemistry is a path of creativity, at least to me. It's a subject of logic and it creates
a new way of thinking... Organic is like a puzzle which is very interesting to solve
and bonding is just awesome. Chemistry is a study of life. Life is made of a string
of particulate matter.
—Dr. C. W. Huey
Because chemistry is all over in world & girls are impressed by this subject.
Chemistry Means a Lot of Dollars: If you want a lot of dollars you must learn
Witchcraft: In Africa, we believe chemistry explains witchcraft [and that which
is] responsible for the manufacture of the concoctions used in the art.
—Patrick Chege
Chemistry is important as it is interrelated with many sciences such as physics
biology, etc.
Life is Made up of Chemistry: For me, chemistry is very interesting because I
feel by learning it we can understand the other sciences too. My specialization is
in analytical [chemistry.] This tells us about nutritional values, specimen
analysis, toxicity, sampling, and so many valuable things. So chem is around us
and inside us. Moreover, with today's instrumentation and with the help of a
large variety of chemical measurements available, we can get the results of
clinical, environmental, occupational health, safety applications, and industrial
—Irfana Aamir
It is very important. Chemistry applies in every field of life. Education in
chemistry is not only the source of getting a good job but also a fun and practical
way to make life interesting.
It's in Everything: ELECTRONS RULE!! Chemistry pervades all processes from
air particulate to cellular specialized functions to the engineering materials for
space exploration. We are Chemistry!
Paint Pigments: If it weren't for chemists, we wouldn't have all the modern
pigments for paints we have today (including my long-time favorite Prussian
blue, although the color maker was trying to make a red)!
—Marion BE
Chemistry is important because everything around us is made of chemicals.
Everything is chemistry so nothing can exist without chemistry.
—Guest superchem
Answer: Everything in the world is basically now made up of chemistry.
Interactions Are Fun to Learn: Studying chemistry is not all about observing
any reactions and recording the result. It's about knowing why they are able to
react like that. It is really fascinating and an exercise for our brain.
—Kate Williams
Why is Chemistry Important? As the earth originated, chemistry also began to
play an important role... Life... began because of chemicals. Chemistry is
everywhere. It is important to know it and to sustain life on Earth peacefully.
Because of all these reasons humans [have become] more interested and given
more importance to it. The mystery of chemistry is always taunting man to reveal
its mystery.
Why is Chemistry Important in Our Society? Chemistry is important because
it helps to build our body system. It helps us in our daily activities... and is also
important because it helps us to know how to take good care of our health.
—Ani Samuel
Chemistry plays a central role in science and is often entwined with other
branches of science like physics, biology, geology etc.
—Radhi R.
Chemistry = Daily Life: Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the
study of everything in our daily life. Chemistry is nonstop because it is spread in
our daily life.
Chem is Life: Chemistry deals with the composition of things, from the food we
eat, the rocks and the minerals, the mattresses we sleep on, etc.
—Saha Aboo
Chemistry is Life Science: Chemistry is a science that is very close to human,
non-human life and nonliving matters. It is essential to learn chemistry because
of man's desire to improve medical solutions to the challenges of newly
discovered ailments.
—Peter Chiti
[When you add one chemical to another chemical, can have a violent reaction.
For example, take water and add it to acid and see what a violent reaction you get
as the two mix, resulting in the release of thermal energy and vapor. For this
reason, it is important to know chemical properties and compounds.]
[Chemistry helps our industry produce more materials—such as paints, plastics,
iron or steel, cement, kerosene, and also motor oil. Chemistry also helps farmers
to enrich the soil with chemicals ... to grow fresh vegetables.]
Chemistry is important, especially in household things like condoms, cleaning,
and cooking.
Chemistry is Essential! In just one line we can say that the importance of
chemistry is unparalleled and the scope of chemistry is unlimited. The
importance of chemistry can't be pinned down with [a few] examples! We can
lead a better life with chemistry.
—Swathi P.S.
No Life Without Chemistry: Without chemistry no life for human beings...
Chemistry is the God for all other subjects.
Chemistry is important because everything around us is made up of chemicals
and we use it in our day-to-day activities—in our house, industry, companies, etc.
—Immanuel Abiola
Chemistry is the Universe: It is said that chemistry is the knowledge of
observing this universe. And in our holy Quran, Allah Almighty said that
"intelligent is that person who observes this universe." That's all about chemistry.
About Chemistry: [Chemistry is important as it makes us aware of the small
secrets of our environment around us. By studying chemistry, we are able to
know the basic mechanisms in our body in our daily life.]
—Mrinal Mukesh
Learning of chemistry is important so as to get [good grades] in the examination.
Fish in Water: [Talking of chemistry in human life is like "a fish, deep inside the
River Ganga, speaking of what Water is." Since the beginning of a body, until it
vanishes in fire or soil, it's chemistry and chemistry. Think about it and
—Bira Madhab
What we use in our everyday life that is made by different chemicals, so
chemistry is very important for us.
Importance of Chemistry: Environmental chemistry describes various chemical
elements present in the environment their reactions and effects on the
environment. It illustrates the major environmental segments and their
interrelationship and significances.
Chemistry in Use 24 X 7: When we wake up we brush our teeth with toothpaste
which is chemistry, then we bathe with soap (alkaline), we eat our food (vitamins,
minerals, water, folic acid), we go to work by vehicles which feed on petrol... We
ward off mosquitoes with repellents which is chemistry!
—Prandeep Borthakur
Chemistry: It is important because it helps us to be more productive and develop
our country.
It's a Blessing: [I think chemistry is very important for our lives and for our
existence. If there were no chemical reactions, then there would be no air—no air
means no life, no life means no existence, and no existence means nothing
Question: What is a chemical element? Answer: A chemical element, or an
element, is a material which cannot be broken down or changed into another
substance using chemical means. Elements may be thought of as the basic
chemical building blocks of matter. Depending on how much evidence you
require to prove a new element has been created, there are 117 or 118 known
The importance of chemistry won't be diminished over time, so it will remain a
promising career path.
[I think chemistry is important to our life. Look around us—the drugs,
weedkiller, and food come from chemistry.]
—Osei Stephen
Why is Chemistry Important in Life? I think without chemistry, one can not
imagine his life. Chemistry is as important as food.
—Dimple Sharma
Health: [If not for chemistry, by now, the world will not exist. Chemists all
around the world through rigorous research have saved us, in term of health.]
Importance of Chemistry: Besides considering ‘what chemistry is and what one
has in mind when he/she thinks of chemistry,’ the essence of importance of
chemistry is hidden in the quintessence that it is not only the central science but
also the mother of sciences and it is the mother that matters the most in every
aspect and all respects.
—Dr. Badruddin Khan
Why is Chemistry Important? The food we eat, air we breathe, water we drink—
everything is made up of chemicals. Life can't exist without chemistry.
What is Chemistry? [According to me, we can define chemistry as follows: Ccreates H-hell or heaven on E-earth M-mysteriously I-investingly and Ssurprisingly T-through R-reactions and its Y-yields.]
Though chemistry is difficult to learn, it is very important to learn it. The major
advantage is in the medicinal field.
It's Important: It doesn't take a chemistry major to know that some chemicals are
dangerous. Having a basic knowledge chemistry can help you avoid materials
that you would rather not come in contact with. That's why they put a list of
ingredients on everything at the supermarket.
From morning to evening anything and everything we use is the product of
—Chandini Anand
Importance of Chemistry: Chemistry aids in the improvement of healthcare,
the conservation of natural resources, and the protection of the environment.
Chemistry is the central science, central to the understanding of other sciences
and technology.
[Learning chemistry is important if you want to pass your chemistry exams.]
Definition of Chemistry: [In Hindi the word for chemistry is rasayan so
chemistry gives us the ras of a subject. When we wake up, when we look at
anything, that thing is made by chemicals and when we go to sleep, the bedsheet
also is made by use of chemistry. Around us everywhere is chemistry so
chemistry is an important subject. It carries us to success. I like chemistry very
—Aditya Dwivedi
Chemistry is so important because it has to do with everything in our daily lives.
Chemistry just makes us understand how everything works a little better. For
example, why a certain pain reliever works more than the other, or why you need
oil to fry chicken. All this—believe it or not—is possible because of the study of
Chemistry in Our Life: Chemistry is the most important thing in our lives.
Everything that we use—from the toothbrush in the morning to the food we eat to
the road we travel by and the books we read—are all there due to chemistry and
that is why it is very important in our day-to-day life.
Science Student: [Chemistry is important to study because, in our day-to-day
activities, chemistry shows us how we can manage things. For example, take the
food we eat—chemistry explains how we can eat to a time table in such a way that
it will suit our bodies. If not for the knowledge of chemistry, there would be no
medicines. Chemistry also provides knowledge about how to produce many
things for commercial purposes as well.]
—Wuese Daniel
Why is Chemistry Important? Because everything is made of the chemicals
which are needed in our daily life. We can not live without chemistry.
Kitchen Chemistry: Everything in the kitchen is chemistry. Mixing of
substances is chemistry.
—Abby Sams
Importance of Chemistry: Chemistry creates an atmosphere of understanding
how and what our most precious world is made of. Everything is made up of
multiples of infinitesimal atoms closely packed together to give us one whole
product. Moreover, it elaborates on how different chemicals react with each
other. Therefore, it is clear that chemistry is everywhere at any time!
—Manqoba Mthabela
Uses of Chemistry: Chemistry is useful in all areas of life. You need chemistry to
know how your cooking gas is been produced and even the name. You still need it
to know the chemical process that is occurring in your cooking and even in your
environment. Chemistry is essential to life.
Chemistry is important because it is the source of human activities.