ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th Bellringer: Quick & Daily CC ELA Grade 7 Personal Narrative Brainstorming 5 minutes 10 minutes When was a time when you felt like an outsider or an insider? Describe the situation and how it made you feel. Learning Targets: 1 minute Underline or circle the key word(s) in each target below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will will support ideas with textual evidence (R.1) Students will objectively summarize a text by determining key details (R.2) Students will make self-to-world connections with The Outsiders (R.10) Students will closely read by using signpost annotations (R.10) ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th Homework: 1 minute Sizing Up People Task: 5 minutes ● ● ● ● Summer Project(s) due by Friday, 9/20 40 Book Challenge Reading Response Sheet due Friday, 9/13 1st Period ONLY-- AOW #1 & Reflection due Friday, 9/13 1st Period ONLY-- Unit 1 Lesson 1 Assessment due Friday, 9/06 Want Would NOT Want Candid Camera Video Clip: 5 minutes As you watch the video clip, respond to the following questions. 1. Define peer pressure. 2. Why is peer pressure an especially strong force in the life of a teenager? 3. What is something that people often get pressured into doing? “Herd Behavior” & Nonfiction Signposts 20 minutes Refer to the copy of the article (do NOT mark on the copy). You will complete at least 3 signposts. You will also answer the 2 multiple-choice questions and ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th choose 1 written response question to thoughtfully answer. Signpost Note #1: Signpost Note #2: Signpost Note #3: Additional Notes/Thoughts: Choose 1 to answer. 1. Think of some examples you have seen of herd behavior and describe them. ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th 2. Why do people follow the crowd? Use evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer. Cultural Context Bubble Map: The Outsiders: Write 6 things you learned about the novel’s cultural setting. 10 minutes Exit Ticket: Refer back to “Goodbye Earth”. Answer the following two questions. 10 minutes ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th ELA Name: Wednesday, September 4th Today’s 1 Sentence Reflection: _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________