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The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method
Scientific Method
Scientific MethodA series of steps that scientists and 9th
graders use to answer questions and
solve problems
The scientific method is a logical,
problem solving technique
Steps of the Scientific Method
1. Make an Observation/Ask a question
2. Write a Hypothesis/ Make Predictions
3. Perform Experiments
4. Data Collection
5. Conclusion Statement
1st Step in the Scientific Method
• 1. An observation is something you can
see or prove
• 2. An inference is an opinion, or
conclusion, based on observed facts
Write a Hypothesis
2nd Step in the Scientific Method
• Hypothesis-
Possible explanation or answer to a question
“What do you think is the answer to your
question or the reason for your observation”
2nd Step in the Scientific Method
Process Continued
Make Predictions
• Prediction
– Statement of what may happen in the future
“What are some if / then statements that
explain your hypothesis”
Perform Tests or Experiments
3rd Step in the Scientific Method
“What will you do to test your predictions?”
-1. Do an experiment
-2. Find out if your hypothesis is or is not
Record Data and Analyze
4th Step in the Scientific Method
• 1. Write all of your data down, do enough
experiments to have a complete picture.
• 2. Analyze
Evaluate if your data proves your hypothesis
• 3. “What does this data show you about
your hypothesis?”
State Your Conclusions
5th Step in the Scientific Method
• 1. “What did your experiment show?”
• 2. “Did your experiment confirm (prove
right) your hypothesis?”
• 3. Application
“How does this apply to everyday life?”