Ergonomics Worksheet: Design & Human Factors

What is Ergonomics
Ergonomics from the Greek - means 'work
Chairs can be the cause of back pain. How
have the designers considered Ergonomics
within the design of this new chair?
Ergonomics undoubtedly increases staff productivity, where happy,
comfortable employees can perform better.
Ergonomic equipment is designed for tasks
and environments in such a way as to
improve individual products in such a way
that it can improve :- Comfort, Performance,
How has this guitar manufacturer considered the Ergonomics of this Semi
Acoustic Guitar?
Satisfaction, Health and Safety
( 2 Marks )
(5 Marks)
What Anthropometric Data do you think the Guitar design requires?
How has Ergonomics improved the design of
this trowel?
(2 Marks)
(5 Marks)
Can you explain the term Ergonomics?
_________________________(1 Mark)
How does the designer of this pen consider
_____________________________(1 Mark)
4 Marks)
PPE 2 Design Technology : Therapy
Can you give an example of a product,
where ergonomics can be applied?
(2 Marks)