Karunya University End Semester Examination – November/ December - 2012

Reg. No. ________
Karunya University
(Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences)
(Declared as Deemed to be University under Sec.3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
End Semester Examination – November/ December - 2012
Subject Title:
Subject Code:
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Answer ALL questions
PART – A (10 x 1 = 10 MARKS)
Over ________ bones in the human body are located in the Hands and feet.
Each Skeletal ____________ is responsible for moving a particular part of the body.
Ergonomics evaluations will be conducted by the _________________.
The ____________is a long muscle in the side of the neck that extends up from the thorax to
the base of the skull behind the ear
5. The human skeleton is a complex system that is comprised of _______.
6. The human body is made up of approximately six hundred and thirty nine ____________.
7. _______________ is the application of mechanical principles to living organisms.
8. List out the general guidelines for design workstations for aging vision.
9. The mental capacity assessment consists of the _____________ and a related data
interpretation procedure.
10. What are the qualities of a good Team Leader?
PART – B (5 x 3 = 15 MARKS)
Explain in brief the relationship of human factors with respect to Ergonomics.
Write short notes on Anthropology.
What is mental stress? Mention the ways to control mental stress
Give the general guidelines for visual interface in computer workstation
Give the importance of Ergonomic design consideration for various fields.
PART – C (5 x 15 = 75 MARKS)
16. Explain the role of various professional organizations for ergonomics in the world and discuss
their activities in detail.
17. Discuss the evolution of ergonomics in detail.
18. Explain the spinal cord of a human body and also muscular system of human body in detail
with a neat diagram.
19. What are the working zones of convenience? Explain how they are important in designing
computer workstation.
20. Describe the relationship between stress, strain and related procedure of mental workload in
21. Describe the requirements of correct sitting position in computer workstation involving with
keyboard in detail.
Explain the Cooper – Harper rating scale in detail.
Describe the adverse effects of improper illumination and various measures to prevent the
23. Explain the position of pelvis and lumbar spine on a flat and on a declined seat surface.
22. a.
24. Explain the special ergonomics design followed in motion study.
25. Discuss the design consideration for designing a computer work station for disabled persons.