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IITR Chemistry Review: Boards, Olympiad, GRE Prep

Target: Chemistry, Engineering, Science, Olympiad, Competition, College, High School, Review, Board
Exam, Professional, BOARDS, Licensure, Board, Chem, ChemEng, CHET, ChemTech, Chem Eng, Chemical
Technician, Chemical, Technician, Technology, TESDA, Exam, Quiz, Test, Quiz Bee, Quiz, Quiz Contest,
Bee, Contest, Competition, Olympiads, International, PNCO, icho
Preparing for the Chemistry BOARDS <Chemist or ChemTECH Licensure>?
Studying for GRE Chemistry as needed for your International Scholarship application?
Need Professional Training for CHEMISTRY Olympiad?
Want Advance Chem Review or backup Chemistry Tutorials?
Sustaining Excellence and Innovation with IITR Chemistry REVIEW Programs:
Pre-review starts January 20, 2018
Review Proper starts June 16, 2018
Why enroll for the Chemistry Pre-Review sessions?
The obvious answer is for you to effectively master the broad array of Chemistry concepts.
…whether you are a High School student, an in-school College student or already a College graduate,
the IITR Pre-review Program for Chemistry can address your needs in covering the wide spectrum of
Chemistry concepts.
As a matter of fact, the Pre-review stratagem ensured the 100% Passing rate in the actual Chemist BOARD
Exams for IITR’s 2016 and 2017 batch of IITR Chemistry Pre-review students. This is solid proof that the
Pre-review program for Chemistry effectively helps students to cope up for the pressing challenge of the
actual Chemist BOARDS. Think of the optimal result of the Pre-review (5 months) + Proper Review
(another 5 months) study packs. This pair is sure to help you just like they did to our IITR Pre-review
students who continued with the IITR Chemistry BOARDS Review (Proper) program.
DON’T MISS your chance of augmenting your preparations for the Chemistry BOARDS.
High School <Junior High (Grades 7-10), Senior High (Grades 11-12)> CLIENTELE:
Because of the ALL-INCLUSIVE STUDY SCHEME we employ for our Chemistry Boards Review, the IITR
Chemistry Program also INCREASINGLY ATTRACTS High School CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD enthusiasts who
want to avail of further training:
-ADVANCED Chemistry Lessons/Tutorials
-Specialized Chemistry Review
-OLYMPIAD-Level Training covering peculiar topics in the Chemical Sciences
…whether you are just interested to ACE your High School Chemistry subject or you are eagerly
preparing to WIN a CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD competition <Local Quiz Bees, National: PNCO, or the
International Chem Olympiad: ICHO> the IITR Chemistry PROGRAM is a significant boost and an
indispensable advantage for your academic GOAL.
#ChemOLYMPIAD #pnco #icho
Based on our experience, the Chemistry OLYMPIAD Questions given in National and International
Chemistry Competitions are similar in level of complexity and difficulty with that of the questions raised
in the Chemistry BOARD Exams. You better believe that we know much about the ongoing Chemistry
Olympiads because many of the IITR Faculty Team are International Champion Quizzers themselves
years ago.
The IITR Chemistry Program Lectures starts from the most basic and gradually covers the MOST
ADVANCED Chemistry topics, hence High School and College students alike can join in among the
regular class of the Chemistry BOARDS Review. More importantly for those of you in College, we know
how challenging College Chemistry subjects can be. Because of that, we’ve designed the IITR Chemistry
Lectures to accommodate College students in need of backup Chemistry Lectures aimed for better
understanding and augmenting test-preparedness of Chemistry students. The current IITR Chemistry
Pre-review Program <starting this January 20> is perfect for those students who want to overcome the
difficulty of their individual Chemistry subjects. Regular attendance in the Chem program can eventually
lead to mastery of the subject matter as we have seen from our students. Special call for graduating/4th
year BSChem students out there as the IITR Chemistry Pre-review Program has been repeatedly proven
to effectively help Chem Board Examinees to pass the actual Licensure Exams. As already said, our IITR
Pre-review Program ensured the 100% BOARDS passing rate of the 2016 and 2017 Class of IITR Chem
Pre-Review Class. Majority of our IITR Chem Pre-review students were graduating BSChem students who
wanted to take advance Chemistry review during their final year in College and, as it turned out, the IITR
Chem Pre-review program worked perfectly for all of them.
…whether you are a High School student, an in-school College student or already a College graduate,
the IITR Chemistry BOARDS Review Program can address your needs in covering the technicalities of
Chemistry concepts.
DON’T MISS this GREAT OPPORTUNITY to BOOST your academic standing in CHEMISTRY.
-Staggered payments are accepted for the Pre-Review sessions.
-ALSO take note of the early bird promo (full payment required).
IITR Pre-review Program for Chemistry starts January 20, 2018 (Saturday)
Regular rate: PhP11,000 EBPromo: P10,000
SAVE P1,000 for Pre-Review enrolment on or before Jan. 19
Remember: The Chemistry Pre-review package is also ideal for High School and in-school College
students who want to avail of Tutorials, Advance Review and/or OLYMPIAD-Level Advance Chemistry
#iitr #iliganinteractive #iitrChem #QGo
After the Pre-review, the Proper BOARDS Review comes next
IITR Chemistry BOARDS Review follows Chemistry starts June 16, 2018
Regular rate: PhP13,500 EBPromo: P11,000
SAVE P2,500 for Review Proper registration on or before May 15
2018 IITR Chemistry Review Program FULL DETAILS brochure
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