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Environmental Health: Definition, Hazards, and Concerns

Ryan Craft, Julio Saenz, Justine Ortiz
The essence of environmental health is a mission to guarantee that both regular and
manufactured conditions are sufficient for human safety. All things considered, the wide
umbrella of ecological health might be fragmented into various field, for example, air
contamination, water sanitation, radiation, community noise, occupational risks, agrarian
practices, constructed environments, and climate change (National Environmental Health
Association, 2019). Simply put, the risks to wellbeing covered by environmental health
incorporate those that are both man-made and naturally occurring. Furthermore, since this
definition incorporates manmade environments, any development venture, including cleaning of
floors in a structure, might be considered part of environmental health; and these activities can be
seen going on in any given city, town, or office building.
Furthermore, goals for environmental health ensure that the earth is protected. Major
Environmental Health Hazards of these types include are pollution, deforestation, and climate
change. These also may be man-made or naturally occurring. Currently, it appears as though the
planet’s climate is increasing in temperature, going from 40-50 degrees to 70-80 degrees the next
day. Example of environmental health concerns include: the explosion in China that killed 64
workers and the deer park fire in Houston which occurred on Sunday when a storage tank burst
into flames.
National Environmental Health Association. (2019). Definitions of Environmental Health.
Retrieved from https://www.neha.org/about-neha/definitions-environmental-health