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English for Law Enforcement: Criminal Law Coursebook

Міністерство внутрішніх справ України
Луганський державний університет внутрішніх справ імені Е. О. Дідоренка
В. Ю. Калюжна
М. В. Кубракова
Англійська мова
Навчально-методичний посібник
для курсантів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України
РВВ ЛДУВС ім. Е. О. Дідоренка
УДК 343.3.7 (076)
ББК 67.99(4Укр)308я73
Б 79
Автори: В. Ю. КАЛЮЖНА, кандидат педагогичних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов;
М. В. КУБРАКОВА, викладач кафедри іноземних мов (Луганський державний
університет імені Е. О. Дідоренка)
Рецензенти: О. О. ДУДОРОВ, професор кафедри кримінального права Луганського
державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е. О. Дідоренка, доктор юридичних наук,
професор; В. А. МИСЛИВИЙ, проректор з наукової роботи Дніпропетровського
державного університету внутрішніх справ, доктор юридичних наук, професор
Рекомендовано вченою радою Луганського державного університету
внутрішніх справ імені Е. О. Дідоренка (протокол № _____ від ____ 2011 року)
Калюжна В. Ю., Кубракова М. В.
Англійська мова: [навчально-методичний посібник для для курсантів вищих навчальних
закладів системи МВС України] / В. Ю. Калюжна, М. В. Кубракова; МВС України, Луган.
держ. ун-т внутр. справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – Луганськ: РВВ ЛДУВС ім. Е. О. Дідоренка,
2011. – 248 с. – Бібліогр.: С. ___ - ____
ISBN 978-966-2905-84-7
У посібнику розглянуто теоретичні та практичні питання кримінальної відповідальності за
вчинення злочинів проти власності.
Книга розрахована для курсантів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України.
УДК 343.3.7 (076)
ББК 67.99(4Укр)308я73
© В. Ю. Калюжна, М. В. Кубракова
© Луганський державний університет внутрішніх справ імені Е. О. Дідоренка, 2011
Навчальне видання
Вікторія Юріївна КАЛЮЖНА
Марина Віталіївна КУБРАКОВА
Англійська мова
Навчально-методичний посібник
для курсантів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України
Редактор I. Ю. Веремеєнко
Технічні редактори О. В. Буцко, М. О. Михайлюк
Комп’ютерна верстка С. М. Топольськова, I. Ю. Веремеєнко
Художній редактор С. М. Топольськова
Підписано до друку 13.01.2011. Формат 60×841/16.
Ум. друк. арк. 11,5. Тираж 300 прим. Зам. № 12
Редакційно-видавничий відділ Луганського державного
університету внутрішніх справ імені Е. О. Дідоренка
Друкарня РВВ ЛДУВС ім. Е.О. Дідоренка
91493, м. Луганськ, сел. Ювілейне, вул. Генерала Дідоренка, 4
Свідоцтво суб'єкта видавничої справи ДК № 2692 вiд 17.11.2006 р.
Даний посібник призначений для курсантів І-ІІ курсів ВНЗ системи МВС України.
Посібник складено відповідно до вимог Програми з іноземної мови для курсантів вищих
навчальних закладів МВС України.
Мета посібника — розвинути навички читання, перекладу, усного мовлення, аудіювання,
реферування; сформувати навички самостійної роботи з літературою за фахом, які
спрямовані на вилучення необхідної інформації у межах заданої тематики, ведення бесід з
використанням спеціальної юридичної термінології та відповідних грамматичних
структур з тим, щоб по завершенню курсу виховати й підготувати соціально активних й
інтелектуально розвинутих працівників правоохоронних органів.
Посібник розрахований на комплексне оволодіння курсантами англійської мови.
Наприкінці вивчення курсу, курсанти мають знати основи граматики, словниковий запас
загальновживаної лексики, вокабуляр спеціалізованих термінів та словосполучень,
країнознавчу термінологію України, Великої Британіі, США (державний устрій, політичні
партїї, виборчі, поліцейськи та правові системи, системи судочинства). Курсанти мають
вміти читати та розуміти основний зміст іноземного тексту будь-якої складності зі
словником; робити усний, прямий та зворотній переклад тексту; розуміти на слух
іноземну мову і реагувати у формі монологу, діалогу та полілогу; брати участь у наукових
конференціях з іноземної мови в обсязі передбаченого програмою матеріалу; писати
реферати із фахових або країнознавчих питань.
Посібник складається з 4 розділів, які містять 4 модуля, що у свою чергу розподіляються
на підрозділи (Units). Перший розділ присвячений повторенню і закріпленню фонетики,
другий — базовий курс, третій — тексти для самостійного опрацювання, четвертий —
граматичний довідник.
Посібник побудований на поступовому ускладненні фахового матеріалу. Правова лексика
вводиться тематично і закріплюється в різноманітних вправах.
У першому розділі систематизовано фонетичний матеріал, який включає пояснення
мовних явищ і правила вимови.
Усі підрозділи базового курсу ідентичні за структурою. Вони складаються з тексту,
словника до нього, вправ на розуміння тексту та лексико-граматичних вправ. Засвоєння
матеріалу цієї частини сприятиме виробленню твердих навичок і умінь читання та
перекладу літератури за фахом та спілкування за темами, що відповідають програмі з
іноземної мови для вищих навчальних закладів МВС України.
Тексти для самостійної роботи були обрані з оригінальних джерел і містять цікавий та
корисний тематичний матеріал. Належне їх опрацювання сприятиме засвоєнню лексики і
граматичного матеріалу.
Наприкінці посібника подається граматичний довідник та перелік слів, призначених для
обов’язкового запам’ятування. Надається також додаток — "Таблиця неправильних
Матеріали, що подаються у посібнику, є результатом ретельної підбірки, що відповідає
прагненню авторів представити та опрацювати якомога більший спектр юридичної
Англійський алфавіт (the English alphabet or the ABC) складається з 26 літер, в тому
числі 20 приголосних (consonants) і 6 голосних (vowels).
Транскрипція — це система запису звуків мови. Знаки фонетичної транскрипціі
пишуться в квадратних дужках [ ]. Знак двокрапка в транскрипції після голосної позначає
подовження цієї голосної [:].
Ex. 1. Pronounce the following words correctly.
Deed, dark, tired, deep, term, flour, ten, first, sour, mete, turn, our, tin, fur, during, feet, cry, here,
time, deer, herb, my, care, curl, pit, pine, pure, stern, five, mire, farm, bus, type, risk, window,
noisy, yellow, scout, hair, food, feet, tool, icy, court, citizen, six, exam, ceremony, shy, wrest,
bang, faith, lack, these, thin, theme, which, ring, what, whose, coy, look, pool, news, beer, voice,
chill, quiz.
Ex. 2. Read the following complicated words.
De'velopment, in'dustrial, ex'periment, e'conomy, de'mocracy, e'xaminer, sig'nificance,
re'publican, in'different, po'litical, a'cademy, ad'minister, in'vestigate, de'linquency,
es'tablishment, par'ticipant, 'criminal, 'principle, 'family, a'bility, ad'minister, e'conomy,
'graduate, 'evident, 'policy, sig'nificant, tech'nology, psy'chology, phi'losophy, 'capital, 'enemy,
sta'bility, for'mality, crimi'nology, natio'nality, uni'versity, re'sponsibility, regu'larity.
Ex.3. Read the words and explain the rules of reading the vowels and the vowels under
Decrease, order, human, relation, close, crime, prevention, public, combat, petty, influence, try,
turn, matter, concern, seek, scene, obtain, security, compare, join, new, outlook, envoy,
sophomore, department, chair, shoot, gym, shirt, power, lay.
Ex. 4. Read the words and explain the rules of reading the underlined consonants and the
combination of vowels and consonants.
Decrease, overcome, government, close, squads, concern, success, use, teenager, with, cadet,
security, society, law-governed, legality, drug, light, ignorance, right, wonder, whose, language,
where, chalk, mild, find, psychology, icy, small, cold, come, discovery.
Ex. 5.Read the nouns in the plural and put them to the write column.
Tasks, plans, facts, classes, cases, officers, chiefs, desks, boxes, stamps, crimes, days, judges,
branches, jobs, laws, places, texts, buses, pianos, ladies, courts, lamps, documents, secretaries.
Topic: Forms of Greeting. Biography.
Grammar: Noun (singular, plural).
Personal Pronouns. Demonstrative Pronouns. Possessive Case.
Verbs: to be, to have.
Numbers and Numerals.
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs.
Comrade ……… ( rank) , study group No. …… is ready for the English classes.
Student(s) ……….. is (are) absent for the reason of his (her, their) duty (ilness).
Student…….is on duty today!
At Ease (Rest!)”
Junior sergeant
(молодший сержант)
Senior sergeant
Sergeant major
(старший сержант)
Warrant officer
Senior lieutenant
Junior lieutenant
warrant officer (молодший лейтенант) (лейтенант)
(старший прапорщик)
Senior lieutenant
(старший лейтенант)
Lieutenant colonel
Major general
Lieutenant general
Colonel general
(генерал-лейтенант) (генерал-полковник)
At my command!
Слухай мою команду!
Fall in!
As you were!
At ease\rest!
Fall out!
Вийти з шеренги!
Attention! (Ready front!)
Eyes right (left), front!
Рівняння праворуч
(ліворуч), на середину!
Dress right (left)!
Праворуч (ліворуч)!
Right (left, face)!
Праворуч (ліворуч,
на місці)!
About face!
Навколо! (На місці)
Forward, march!
Кроком — руш!
Double time, march!
Бігом — марш!
Mark time, march!
На місці, кроком-руш!
In place, double time,
На місці, бігом-марш!
Ex. 1. Put the nouns into the plural.
A man, a key, a city, a baby, a book, a woman, a child, a pen, a flat, a tooth, a table, a foot, a bag,
a wolf, a room, a roof, a student, a name, a hobby, a friend, a family, a cousin, a piano, a goose, a
sheep, a mouse, a fish, an ox, a journalist, an army, a box.
Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the proper articles and pronounces where necessary.
This is …. book. ______is new.
That is…..university. ______ is old.
These are….pens. _____pens are black.
Those are…...students. ______are young.
This is ….computer. ______computer is broken.
6. These are…...journalists. _______ are good.
7. This is….teacher. _____teacher is old.
8. That is…..lawyer. ______ is clever.
Ex. 3. Change the underlined nouns into the personal pronouns.
1. My familyis not big.
2. These booksare on the shelf.
3. I know that boyquite well.
4. Open this book.
5. My grandparentsare pensioners.
6. I met that womanin the shop.
7. Her husbandis an investigator.
8. This young ladyis a doctor.
9. I saw the studentsin the library.
10. My elder brotheris a policeman.
Ex. 4. Put the sentences into the plural or single form.
Model: This is a student These are students
That is a student Those are students
1. This is a policeman.
2. That man is an investigator.
3. Those men are lawyers.
4. That lady is a secretary.
5. These women are from Ukraine.
6. This book is interesting.
7. That subject is difficult.
8. Those people are criminals.
9. This policeman is brave.
10. These computers are new.
Ex. 5. Put the sentences into the plural form.
There is a telephone on the table.
There was a detective film on TV last week.
There is a student in the classroom.
There will be an exam next month.
There is a library in our city.
Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with the personal pronouns.
1. Will you give … (I) this document, please. 2. My friend is going to visit … (she) on Sunday.
3. This is a new book. I would like to read … (it). 4. Will you send … (we) a fax, please. 5. They
do this work for … (he). 6. Will you write … (they) a letter. 7. I am going to meet … (she) in the
Ex. 7. Open the brackets and choose the right form of the pronoun in the possessive case.
1. His parents live in (their, theirs) own house.
2. (Your, yours) book is here and where is (my, mine)?
3. (Our, ours) University has correspondence courses.
4. (Her, hers) relatives live in the country.
5. (My, mine) flat is big and (your, yours) is small.
6. (He, his) brother is at home, but where is (her, hers)?
7. (They, their) computer is in (our, ours) flat.
8. My friend’s car is better than (your, yours).
9. This flat is more comfortable than (their, theirs).
10. This is (her, hers) bag and that is (my, mine).
Ex. 8. Open the brackets and choose the right form of the following verbs.
They (are, have) many new subjects at the University.
These men (are, have) part-time students.
My colleague (is, has) an investigator.
Police (is, has) a hierarchy of ranks.
My grandparents (are, have) their own house.
Those documents (are, have) on the table.
These crimes (are, have) too serious.
Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the proper verb to be.
1. I … a policeman. 2. They … lawyers. 3. It … his report. 4. You … inspectors. 5. This woman
… a doctor. 6 My friend … a judge. 7. He … a criminal. 8. She … a nice lady. 9. Those students
… young. 10. We … teachers. 11. These men … programmers. 12. I … a freshman.
Ex. 10. Put the right form of the verb to be.
1. My future profession ____ an investigator.
2. Now I ____ a freshman.
3. After graduating from the University we ____ investigators, operatives, inspectors and
4. Now they____ at the faculty of economic security activities.
5. It ____ possible to search the crime scene and to solve the case immediately.
6. One of the main tasks of police ____ to protect people from thieves.
7. I know that man, who _____ a famous scientist.
Ex. 11. Choose the right variant, read and translate the sentences.
The jury (was, were) in the court.
There (is, are) many students in the university.
Extra police (was, were) needed there.
This information (is, are) very usefull.
There (is, are) not enough evidence.
The Law (was, were) taught by Professor Brown.
The foreign languages (is, are) her weak point.
His knowledge of the subject (was, were) very good.
Ex. 12. Write down and pronounce the phone numbers in English.
175-38-72 205-11-70 214-91-67 345-99-18
895-61-09 632-55-76 563-18-39 137-71-82
Ex. 13. Write down and pronounce the dates in English.
1700, 1502, 2000, 1242, 1984, 2011, 1658, 2001, 1957, 1808, 1325, 1999, 1917, 1953, 1974,
2005, 2010, 1756,2009, 1806, 1677, 1707, 2003, 1205, 2012, 1961.
Ex. 14. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.
Short, young, comfortable, expensive, far, old, good, busy, heavy, funny, clean, rich, interesting,
beautiful, weak, warm, bad, many, low, large, big, hot, sad, careful, talented, tall, small, cold,
thick, thin, difficult, cheap, popular, famous, polite, changeable, dirty, serious, slow, narrow,
progressive, fast, much.
Ex. 15. Put the adjective into the right degree of comparison.
1. My brother is five years (young) than me.
2. The sitting-room is (comfortable) room in our flat.
3. Murder and rape are (serious) crimes.
4. In autumn days get (short) and the nights get (long).
5. Summer is (good) season for holidays.
6. This book is one of (interesting) I have ever read.
7. That street is (long) street in our city.
8. This task is (difficult) than that one.
9. Your plan is (bad) than mine.
10. It is (sad) news I’ve ever heard.
11. It is (difficult) question I’ve ever answered.
12. London is (large) city in Great Britain.
Ex. 16. Open the brackets and choose the right form of the adjective or adverb.
He knows English quite (good, well).
Today is а (bad, badly) weather.
The Crown Courts try (serious, seriously) cases.
Thieves steal things (secret, secretly).
Some students took their exams (quick, quickly).
The White House is the (official, officially) residence of the US president.
He is а very (polite, politely) person.
Ex. 17. Use the possessive case instead of the "of-phrases" where it is possible.
The father of this boy works in militia.
The name of that girl is Ann.
The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.
The children of that woman are pupils.
The stories of A. S. Pushkin are known all over the world.
The door of that room is open.
The house of my grandparents is in the country.
Ex. 18. Put the nouns in the possessive case according to the model.
Model: My sister has two children. They go to school. — My sister’s children go to school.
1. My family lives in a flat. The flat is on the second floor.
My friends have their own house. It is in the country.
My father has many relatives. They live all over Ukraine.
That boy has many friends. They are students.
This man has a hobby. He plays volleyball every day.
That poceman has a gun. It is very dangerous.
Her mother has a dog. It likes to go for a walk in the park.
My uncle has a village. It is in the country.
Ex. 19. Fill in the gaps with the following words and expressions given below.
necessary, classmates, to detect, criminals,
militia officer, crimes, useful,
freshman, lectures, lawyer,
to master, investigator
I am a future______. Now I am a _______ of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs
named after E. O. Didorenko. My_____and I attend ______, seminars and practical classes. At
our classes teachers give us______and_____knowledge about laws. They teach us to solve
______and______________. I want to be an______of the Criminal Investigation Department.
My friend is a sophomore of Charkiv Law Institute. He will be a ________. Our profession is
difficult but interesting. We are proud of our future job. Our task is _______the profession.
Ex. 20. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
Майор, генерал-лейтенант, капітан, старшина, рядовий, генерал-полковник, прапорщик,
молодший сержант, підполковник, сержант, лейтенант, полковник, старший лейтенант,
старший прапорщик, генерал-майор, молодший лейтенант, старший сержант.
Ex. 21. Put the Militia badges of ranks in the right order according to the grades of
subordination. Translate them into English.
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17
Ex. 22. Questions on the topic "About Myself".
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where were you born?
4. Where are you from?
5. What town are you from?
6. Where do you live now?
7. What are you? What do you do? (What is your occupation)?
8. Have you any relatives in Lugansk?
9. Where do your parents live? What are they?
10. What university do you study at?
11. What is your future profession?
12. What were the reasons of choosing the future profession?
Text: Our University.
Grammar: Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
There is/are.
Present, Past, Future Simple (Indefinite) Tenses.
To be going (to do smth.).
Our University
Our University, the Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E. O. Didorenko,
is one of the youngest higher educational institutions in our region. It was founded in 1993.
The university has three faculties: operational detection, criminal investigation, economic
security activities and also Law Institute. It also has the Correspondent and Distant Training
Institute, where militia officers can raise their educational level in jurisprudence. They are
called part-time students.
The academic year consists of two terms. At the end of each term the students take several
examinations and tests. The course of training at the university provides the students with the
knowledge and skills necessary for their professional activities.
The students take many general and special subjects, such as: philosophy, logics, the Ukrainian
and foreign languages, the Theory of State and Law, Criminalistics, Criminal Law, Civil Law,
Constitutional Law and others.
Some students are engaged in the scientific researches and they take part in the international
conferences which are aimed on law-solving problems.
Great attention is given to the physical and military training.The students go in for athletics,
boxing, wrestling, judo and many other kinds of sport.
During the study at the university, the full-time students get their first experience of work
inlaw-enforcement bodies, such as: law courts, public prosecutor’s offices, different
institutions and organisations.
Upon graduating from the University students get the bachelor’s degree, Bachelor of Law, and
their first special rank — lieutenant of militia.
Those who wants to continue one’s education enters the postgraduate school, where it is offered
the special programs on law subjects. After accomplishing this program successfully the
postgraduates receive the Master of Law and have more opportunities in their future
professional activities.
the University of Internal
— університет внутрішніх
— навчання
educational institution
— навчальний заклад
to detect
— розшукувати
operational detection
— оперативно-розшукова
economic security activity
— економічна безпека
сorrespondent (distant)
— Заочне (дистанційне)
militia officer
— офіцер міліції,
співробітник ОВС
toraise one’s educational
— підвищувати навчальний
— юриспруденція
part-time student
— студент заочного
full-time student
— cтудентстаціонарного
academic year
— навчальний рік
— строк, період, семестр
to provide
— забеспечувати
knowledge and skills
— знання та навички
to be engaged in
— займатися/ бути
залученим до
scientific researches
— наукові дослідження
physical and military
— фізична та військова
to get experience
— отримати досвід
law-enforcement bodies
— правоохоронні органи
— суд
— прокурор
bachelor’s degree
— ступень бакалавра
postgraduate school
— магістратура
to accomplish
— завершувати, виконувати,
Master of Law
— магістр права
Ex. 1. Translate the words and word-combinations given in brackets into English.
1. (Університет внутрішніх справ) was founded in 1993.
2. The University has three faculties: (оперативний розшук, кримінальне розслідування
та економічна безпека).
3. There are (курси заочного та дистанційного навчання) at the University.
4. (Навчальний рік) consists of two terms.
5. The students take many (екзаменів та заліків).
6. Great attention is given to the (фізичній та війсковій підготовці).
7. Full-time students are engaged in the (науковими дослідженнями).
8. Upon graduating from the university students get the (ступень бакалавра).
9. If you want to continue one’s education you should enter the (магістратуру).
10. The postgraduates receive the (ступень магістра).
Ex. 2. Complete the sentences.
I study at the University of … .
The University trains specialists in … .
The militia officers can raise their educational level in ... .
Those students who study at the Correspondent and Distant Training Institute are called
5. At the end of each term the students take … .
6. The students take many subjects, such as: ... .
7. The international conferences are aimed on … .
8. The full-time students can get the first experience of work in such law-enforcement
bodies, as: … .
9. After graduating from the university the students get their first special rank ... .
10. At the postgraduate school it is offered … .
Ex. 3. Give the proper definition for:
prosecutor ►a) the process of teaching and learning in college, or the knowledge that you get
from this
jurisdiction ►b) a higher university qualification
education ►c) the process of learning the skills you need to do a
particular job or activity
Master’s degree ►d) the legal power to make decisions and judgement
training ►e) a lawyer who prosecutes people
Ex. 4. Answer the questions.
1. When was the University of Internal Affairs founded?
2. How many faculties are there in the University?
3. What Institutes does the University contain?
4. Who studies at the Correspondent and Distant Training Institute? How are they called?
5. How many terms does the academic year consist of?
6. What do students take at the end of each term?
7. What subjects do they attend at the University?
8. What are the students engaged in during their educational process?
9. Where do the full-time students have their practice?
10. What kind of degrees can one have upon graduating from the University?
Ex. 5. Choose th right word. What do you call:
lecture, graduates, degree, undergraduates,
research, lecturers, postgraduates, grant
the money some students receive if they pass exams and get a place at university?
students when they have got their first degree?
the talks the students go in for while they are at university?
the qualification you get while graduating from university?
the name we give students during their educational period at university?
teachers at university?
students studying for a second degree?
the study of one subject in great detail in order to get a new information?
Ex. 6. Open the brackets and put the right form of the verb.
1. Where (to be) the senior officer? He (to interview) the witnesses in the next room. He
usually (to collect) all the facts himself.
2. Yesterday the police squads (to check) the driving licences in the highways from morning
till evening. They (to look for) the serious band of criminals.
3. This court usually (to hear) appeals and (to try) the most serious cases from the courts of
appeals and district courts.
4. I (to work) in the library while you (to have dinner) tomorrow. I often (to prepare) for
exams there.
5. The police (to search) the crime scene now. The detectives always (to study) every detail
of the crime.
Ex. 7. Translate into English.
1. Цього року я вступив до Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ
імені Е. О. Дідоренка.
2. Я навчаюся на факультеті економічної безпеки, а мій брат в iнституті права.
3. Ми вивчяємо багато спеціальних та загальних дисциплін.
4. Після закінчення університету ми отримаємо ступень бакалавра, але я хочу
продовжити навчання та піти в магістратуру.
5. Моя подруга планує працювати в державному суді.
Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps. Use much or many.
How … computers do you have at home? 2. Do you have … friends? 3. Do you like to ask
people … questions? 4. How … time does it take you to get to the university? 5. Do these people
have … money? 6. Not … children stay alone at home. 7. We usually don’t have … classes a
day. 8. She doesn’t buy … coffee.
Ex. 9. Put few, a few or little, a little instead of much and many. Translate the sentences.
Model:I don’t have many English book. — I have few English book. OR I have a few English
1. Police always asks many questions. 2. We don’t have many inspectors in our department. 3.
Our chief is busy. He doesn’t have much time today. 4. Many people don’t like to hear bad news.
5. Militia officers usually have much work to do. 6. The lawyer has many clients in his office
today. 7. I don’t buy many newspapers every day. 8. When this girl has much money, she always
buys some new historical books.
Ex. 10. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. Translate them.
Model: There is a computer in our English lab.
Is there a computer in our English lab?
There is no computer in our English lab.
There is a square in front of our university.
There are some students in the library.
There are many historical books in the reading room.
There is a cup of coffee on the table.
There is Law faculty in the university.
There was the course of legal correspondence last year.
There were some special subjects for part-time students two years ago.
Ex. 11. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets:
Every day we (to attend) our classes at the University.
We (to support) your decision.
Next week he (to have) four seminars a day.
Tomorrow they (to pass) the Criminal law.
The President (to appoint) federal judges.
The academic year (to consist) of two terms.
Yesterday I (to go) to court.
The day before yesterday I (to take) the test in English.
Ex. 12. Put the questions using the words in the brackets.
The lecture will begin at 9 a. m. tomorrow. (when)
Yesterday I prepared for exams. (what)
We study at the Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs. (where)
They will have a lot of work next week. (what)
Our friends went to the seaside last year. (when)
All the students missed classes the day before yesterday. (who)
7. The students usually have three or four classes a day. (how many)
8. The part-time students raise their educational level in jurisprudence. (what)
9. He usually has dinner at home. (where)
Ex. 13. Translate the following verbs into Russian. Give 3 forms of these verbs. Make up
the sentences.
To work, to live, to take, to write, to finish, to read, to give, to go, to have, to do, to make, to
include, to speak, to see, to meet, to decide, to enter, to miss, to know, to understand, to tell, to
pass, to situate, to form, to steal, to find, to come.
Ex. 14. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the right form. Pay attention to the usage
of the Indefinite Tenses.
1. He often (to go) to his work by bus.
2. I (to finish) school 5 years ago.
3. The students usually (to take) exams and tests at the end of each term.
4. There (to be) a lot of students at the lecture tomorrow.
5. We (to see) an interesting detective film yesterday.
6. I (to look through) the fresh newspapers every day.
7. He (to write) the project in History last week.
8. Sometimes I (to meet) my friends.
9. This young man (to come back) next month.
10. The teacher (to check) our tests the day before yesterday.
Ex. 15. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the usage of the construction to be going
I am going to be a lawyer in five years.
She is going to make a law report tonight.
They are going to become good specialists.
My sister is going to become a prosecutor.
We are going to visit him tomorrow.
He is going to solve this problem.
Ex. 16. Translate into English. Use the Future Simple or the construction to be going to.
1. Я збираюся готуватися до конференції сьогодні ввечері. 2. Ми не будемо розмовляти з її
адвокатами завтра, ми будемо опитувати свідків. 3. Я збираюся стати хорошим
спеціалістом. 4. Що ви будете робити завтра? 5. Коли ви збираєтеся працювати над
доповіддю з цивільного права?
Ex. 17. Fill in the gaps with the correct Prepositions.
from, on, in, into, out of, at
1. The book is … the table. Will you take the book … the table! 2. The newspaper is … the box.
Will you put the newspaper … the box! Will you take the newspaper … …the box! 3. The
computers are … the room. Will you put the computers … the room! Will you take the
computers … … the room! 4. The fax is under the box. Will you put the fax … the box! 5. Will
you take the fax … … the box! 6. The lamp is … the table. 7. The map is … the computer. 8.
The lawyer is … the table. 9. Will you sit down … the table! 10. These students are … the
Ex. 18. Translate into English.
В університеті, на курсах, біля офісу, за столом, на землі, у театрі, у бібліотеці, на занятті,
у прокуратурі, до суду, у кіно, у неділю, навесні, улітку, через два дні, по вулиці, на
стадіоні, на вулиці, за годину.
Ex. 19. Work in pairs. Dramatize the dialogue answering the following questions. Pay
attention to the usage of Indefinite Tenses.
1. What university do you study at?
2. How much time does it take you to get to the university?
3. How many classes did you have the day before yesterday?
4. What is your future profession?
5. Do you like to go in for sport? What kind of sport do you prefer?
6. How do you usually prepare for your practical classes?
7. Do you like to be a caddet? Why?
8. Where did you meet your friends last time?
9. When will you get the degree?
10. When did you go to the library last time?