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Parenting Functional Assessment Questionnaire

Any evaluation of parenting ability should address questions about how the parent functions in
his or her day-to-day routines with the child(ren) and how the parent copes with basic life tasks
such as securing employment and housing; selecting a romantic partner; managing money; and
maintaining a stable home environment. The following questions are examples of the questions
that could be addressed in a functional assessment. These questions may be answered in a formal
parenting capacity assessment, they may be addressed by the case manager, the in-home support
worker, or the information could be obtained from a combination of observers/reports.
Can this parent manage basic household chores? (Example: kitchen, bathrooms are reasonably
clean; the number of pets are rmanageable and pets are cared for, age appropriate safety
measures taken).
Most of the Time
With Help
Rarely or Never
Can this parent hold a job for more than 6 months? (Does the parent consider the impact on
children of employment decisions?)
Most of the Time
In Supported Settings
Rarely or Never
Can this parent manage a budget? (Examples: pay rent on time, has money for food).
Most of the Time
With Occasional Help
Frequently Needs Help
Can this parent keep a basic, predictable routine? (Example: consistent bedtime, meal times;
school age children arrive at school clean, fed & on time most days; infants on a predictable
routine that the parent can describe).
Most of the Time
With Support
Rarely or Never
Does this parent show reasonably good judgment with childcare? (Example: caregivers are
known, reliable, and exercise appropriate discipline).
Most of the Time
Striking Lapses in Judgment
Rarely or Never
Has this parent moved more than three times in the last five years? If yes, what are the reasons
for the moves? (Examples: employment, eviction, new partner, more affordable housing). Has
this required the children to move schools? How many schools have the children attended and
for long a period of time?
Number of moves: ________________
Does this parent show good judgment with romantic partners? What does the parent know about
the partner prior to becoming involved? How soon into the relationship does the parent
introduce the children to the partner? Does the parent focus the majority of his/her attention on
the partner or the children? (Example of good judgment: usually has relationships that last
more than six months with individuals who are safe to be around children).
Does this parent show empathy to the children? Are there examples of striking insensitivity?
(Example of empathy: comforts children when they are distressed, accurately reads the
children’s cues in most situations. Example of striking insensitivity: taunts or teases child or
laughs at child’s distress).
Usually comforting
Mostly Comforting
Strikingly Insensitive
Does this parent manage the children’s behavior appropriately? (Example: parent has clear,
developmentally appropriate expectations; child gets prompts, reminders and
encouragement/approval; consistent rewards/consequences). (Example of inappropriate behavior
management: inconsistent expectations, yelling, spanking, excessive time-outs, failure to notice
positive compliance).
Mostly Appropriate
Some Lapses
Area of Concern
Does the parent have realistic developmental expectations? Are they open to changing
developmental needs?
Mostly Appropriate
Some Lapses
Area of Concern
Are they identifying and addressing basic health care needs?
Mostly Appropriate
Some Lapses
Area of Concern