Common Professional Development Sessions Requested During 3-Tier/RTI Scale-Up Vocabulary: • How to provide explicit instruction (modeling, practice opportunities with examples and nonexamples). • How to choose the words that students need to learn (in narrative or expository text). • Implementing strategies that teach students how to use context clues to confirm word meanings. • Engaging students in oral language activities that help them internalize concepts and acquire vocabulary. • Use of graphic organizers as a strategy to help students organize knowledge. Small-group Instruction: • Implementing the features of effective instruction. • Discussing videos that illustrate small-group instruction. • Analyzing data to group students for instruction (Tier I and Tier II). • Differentiating instruction to meet student needs identified by data. • Flexible and dynamic grouping. • Progress monitoring (instruments, teacher observation, curriculum-based assessment, etc.). • Modeling for teachers and among teachers on how to conduct small-group instruction (Tier I and Tier II). Literacy Centers: • Identifying the characteristics of effective literacy centers. • Analyzing centers to gauge their effectiveness. • Modeling activities in whole group before placing in centers. • Teaching students the logistical procedures for moving to centers (i.e., transition procedures, management procedures). • Creating an accountability system for students’ work (rubric, graph). • Using data (beginning of year [BOY], middle of year [MOY], end of year [EOY], and progress monitoring) to group students in centers. • Forming heterogeneous and homogenous groups. Comprehension: • Teaching comprehension strategies (before, during and after reading). • Identifying the structure of the text (narrative/expository) to help students determine types of strategies they will use as they are reading. • Using prior knowledge as a way to encourage students to make connections and enhance comprehension. • Using graphic organizers to teach comprehension strategies as a means to organize thoughts. • Using “think-alouds” to self-monitor comprehension. Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk ©2008 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency Grade-level Data Meetings: • Meeting during grade-level planning times. • Analyzing class- and student-level data to identify specific skills to be addressed. • Identifying grade-level instructional priorities and strengths to collaborate and plan instruction. • Using data to group students for Tier I small-group instruction. • Making decisions for grouping students for Tier II intervention (based on entry/exit criteria and BOY, MOY, EOY assessments). • Revisiting data to monitor students’ academic progress. • Writing individual student goals to monitor progress and help students achieve grade-level benchmarks. • Using data to determine professional development needs. Fluency: • Using strategies to improve fluency (i.e., word fluency, phrase fluency). • Implementing partner reading (corrective feedback, graphing words per minute). • Modeling fluent reading during read-alouds. • Connecting fluency to comprehension. Comprehensive Reading Instruction: • Overview of the five research-based components of reading. • Incorporating the features of effective instruction. • Analyzing the critical elements of a core reading program. • Managing classrooms during small-group instruction. Reading Assessments: • Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)/Indicadores dinámicos del éxito en la lectura (IDEL). • Refresher practice. Overview/Review of 3-Tier Reading Model Facilitating Leadership Team Meetings and Campus Action Plan Development Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk ©2008 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency